Frozen sperm iui timing. [7] IUI #2 with midwife using frozen donor sperm.
Frozen sperm iui timing Jul 12, 2024 · IUI Success Rate Comparing Fresh vs. Sperm freezing may help with couples who have trouble collecting on the day of IVF or IUI. I'm glad you're using Ovidrel - one thing that I've learned is that precise timing is very important when using frozen sperm. We did this last cycle with frozen sperm (BFN) and are about to do it again this weekend (trigger Saturday afternoon, IUI Sunday morning). Similar to previously published studies, our results do not suggest a significant difference in IUI outcomes between frozen and fresh sperm. 2%). IUI VIAL (Washed for intrauterine or home insemination) This vial type is commonly chosen by patients planning on utilizing intrauterine insemination fertility treatments also known as IUI or at home inseminations. • The IUI takes approximately 10 minutes and is relatively painless. Where is the sperm collected? How long before the IUI? Cost-wise, IVF was quite a bit cheaper than the 7 IUIs with sperm bank sperm. In a test tube, the sperm is washed and spun to remove the semen, which eliminates any risk of allergic reaction. THEN, after a few attempts the donor backed out, and we decided to go through the frozen-sperm-IUI-at-a-clinic route. I guess my main concern is the life span of frozen sperm in the uterus. Medication was clomid and trigger shot night before IUI (debatable if needed for me since I surged naturally every time prior to IUI). But I don't know anything about how to do it. The study analyzed a range of outcomes following IUI treatments with either fresh It’s typical for it to be around 24 hours later but depending on whether you are using fresh or frozen sperm, the timing can be more important. The clinic, which is only open til 2pm on weekends (probably when we'll need to do the trigger shot to match natural ovulation) is recommending that we come in at 10am for weekend procedures, and then doing the iui 48 hours later. I'm starting a medicated IUI cycle with frozen donor sperm. Hello! It’s been asked a million times - should I schedule IUI 24 or 36hrs post trigger shot with frozen sperm? insert eye roll here. Jan 7, 2023 · == Short answer how long is a sperm sample good for iui: == A sperm sample for IUI (intrauterine insemination) is typically considered usable for up to one hour after collection, given certain conditions such as proper storage and temperature maintenance. I know someone who did ICI with frozen sperm at home and got pregnant in first try. Insemination method: I had an unmedicated IUI with my OB/GYN using frozen donor sperm. IUI with frozen sperm should happen AFTER ovulation. In part, because there is an expected loss of sperm in the thawing process, but also because timing is even more critical with washed thawed sperm. frozen-thawed sperm for IVF-intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) has been debated for nearly two decades. e. 2 uterine lining, and 36 LH (starting to surge), Together since 12/7/02, Married since 10/7/06, TTC #1 since 6/2010 July 2010 IUI #1 with Follistim - C/P September 2011 IUI #2 Natural - C/P April 2012 IUI #3 Natural - BFN June 2012 IUI #4 Natural - BFN July 2012 IUI #5 Clomid - BFN August 2012 IUI #6 Gonal F - BFN August 2012 - forced break due to cyst Dec 4, 2024 · I just had my 2nd IUI this morning and I am feeling a lot better about this one than the previous. But I have not had a successful IUI yet and I’ve been wondering about timing as well. Because the lifespan of frozen semen once thawed is limited, timing of insemination is critical. I’d be a little skeptical if your clinic primarily works with fresh sperm because there are extra considerations that go into it with frozen sperm. The sperm counts were low and the sperm preparation techniques may have been more of a deciding factor than was the timing of the IUI and may have accounted for the difference in pregnancy rates (Pryor et al. That is because sperm that has been frozen is estimated to live in a woman's body for at most 24 hours. 2nd IUI stats(12/3):Yesterday’s appt showed 1-2 mature follicles (they seemed to be overlapping each other), 11. We are on cycle 5 of TTC using frozen sperm + at home insemination. The swim test. My understanding is that IUI with frozen sperm has similar outcomes to at home insemination with fresh. . CD14 - 2-3am (I think this is when I actually ovulated) The reason I'm posting is because after the insemination, the doctor said 'I just want to look at that big follicle' and he scanned me and saw that it was still there, still big and I hadn't ovulated yet. I did a natural cycle IUI yesterday and this is far from my first go round (#5) it is my first after a loss and I’m looking for reassurance that I didn’t fuck up the timing. I have been studiously reading Kali's Queer Conception, and though I stuck to the clinic's process of 'if you surge 7 am → IUI that afternoon, if you surge 7 pm → IUI the following morning' for my first IUI, I took note of how it compares to my fertile signs. Question is, do I do the IUI this afternoon about 19 hours after the positive or Friday morning about 37 hours after the positive. It's hard to distinguish timing from all the other noise. However, there is limited data on the possible impact of the freezing process on sperm quality and the outcome of these cycles. Procedures such as intrauterine insemination and in vitro fertilization require the male partner to provide a semen sample on a specific day. My fertility doctor said that doing an IUI isn't much more impactful than an ICI meaning if at home isn't working then IVF is truly the next best bet. I’ve heard so many varying reports of how long the frozen sperm is viable. WHAT IS IUI IUI is deliberate introduction of sperms in the female uterus in order to achieve pregnancy One of the simplest techniques of ARTs Minimally invasive and uncomplicated procedure First therapeutic step in treatment of infertility Cost-effective, simple, can be learned easily Husband or Donor sperm (frozen and quarantined) can be used. Many patients prefer a single IUI, whether due to expense of If the ovulation timing was off and the insemination was performed to early, there might be some theoretical advantage to fresh sperm. The use of IUI and DUI both appear to hold Oct 8, 2013 · I've had four cycles of IUI (natural cycle, with donor sperm), two each at different clinics due to moving within the last two years. If you do not already, definitely start tracking ovulation using OPKs and get to know the signs of ovulation. Chances of success using frozen IUI sperm for at home insemination is lowered but it’s not impossible. I know with fresh sperm it can live for up to 5 days, but frozen sperm (supposedly) has a much shorter life span. Today is CD1, and I have a monitoring ultrasound on CD11 (which could theoretically show mature follicles ready to trigger that night), but I'm worried about having vials arrive a few days before the monitoring ultrasound, just to show that the follicles are not ready to trigger. I told the nurse and my RE booked my IUI for 24 hours later. If you had the first positive OPK the night before and did the insem the next day, I think the timing is perfect. The sustained presence of glycerol would ultimately be toxic to the sperm and shorten their lifespan. I spent a lot of time doing at home insemination with fresh sperm and when I was younger it worked but when I was older and tried again it did not work and I had to move to the The exact timing of insemination is not critical to the exact time of ovulation because both the sperm and the egg remain viable in the assigned female genital tract for many hours. She was in her early twenties and she kinda messed up with the timing and her ovulation - worked anyway. If the procedure is using frozen sperm (say, from a donor), it is especially important to time the introduction of sperm as close as possible to ovulation. Others said less time, or that because it's washed for iui the sperm dies quickly (12 hours). We had 100% coverage for the drug costs but paid for the entire cost of the procedure and sperm. I am currently 10wks pregnant with fraternal twins (two good sized follicles day before IUI so we knew it could happen). It is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional regarding specific guidelines and best […] IUI increases the chances of conception when using frozen sperm. How many unsuccessful IUI have you had? Did you ask them how familiar they are with frozen sperm? It's a completely different process. I'm probably letting my nerves get the best of me, but the . Though there's nothing I can do about it now, I am The chances of lining up timing with frozen sperm are so tricky and you can do everything to calculate and guess and if you are off by even a few hours you could be out. In contrast, in nonobstructive Timing IUI with frozen sperm is really stressful because the information out there is so scant. A single IUI is usually performed when a patient is using fresh sperm. 2%) utilizing either frozen autologous sperm donor sperm (3. Your egg tends to release 8-20 hours after your peak LH. Things you can fix that are controllable. I have regular cycles and there is no concern about my ovulation in the sense that we know I’m going to ovulate. On the other hand, if the timing was late it really doesn’t matter whether you use fresh or frozen sperm. IUI Success Based on Does anyone know why that is? Is there a difference between washed and unwashed sperm in terms of lifespan? This cycle we did ivi with unwashed (frozen) sperm and I was wondering if the 24 hour stat would still be the case or if that is based on washed sperm used for iui. FWIW my clinic also has you come in the day after a positive OPK, and they annoyingly act like +OPKs only happen in the morning/afternoon. I did a quick Google search and saw there is some evidence that a shorter time (24 hours) between trigger and IUI is good but that looked like it was based more on fresh rather than frozen sperm. It’s really important to get timing right with frozen sperm because they tend to only live 12-24 hours post-thaw. We have had 4 failed IUI attempts in our doctor's office (no know fertility issues, all the tests a fertility clinic runs, have been ran) and are wanting to try at home insemination, since IVF/adoption is SO expensive. I'm concerned if I go too early the sperm won't last that long since it's frozen and if I'm too late it's after ovulation. This is a sample timeline for transcervical insemination using frozen semen. There’s such a short window. I think it's better to do it on earlier side! Good luck IUI tends to be twice as successful as vaginal self-insemination. My wife and I (35F) are going in for our 3rd IUI tomorrow using frozen donor sperm. I am so anxious about the timing of everything. If a patient is using a frozen sperm sample, likely one or two IUIs can be performed. I'm thinking of trying again, but I was anxious because each clinic gave me conflicting advice, and though I followed each set of instructions meticulously, it did make me question the precision of timing, with Frozen sperm just isn't as good and our KD's sperm did not thaw well (note: get a sperm analysis INCLUDING a freeze-thaw test before committing to getting a bunch of vials frozen with this donor). is a well-established fertility treatment. I was starting to want to play with trigger timing, but that ended up not being an issue Aug 8, 2014 · 2. 7 when the limit for ttc is 2. I’ve been frustrated about the care at my local fertility center so I appreciate any support or advice you have to share. IUI with fresh sperm should happen BEFORE ovulation. Aug 31, 2022 · Anonymous donor sperm, such as sperm purchased from a sperm bank, is typically frozen, while sperm from a known donor may be fresh or frozen. When fresh is an option, it is preferred. Doctors typically use one of two methods: Trigger when follicle size hits a certain point and LH surge is not detected, IUI 36 hours afterwards Trigger when LH surge is detected, IUI 24 hours afterwards From what I see online it sounds like the latter is less common, but there is research behind using both methods with frozen sperm. When frozen sperm is available; When using donor sperm; The IUI Process Semen Preparation. • After the IUI you will remain lying down for about 10 minutes. In hindsight, I wish we’d switched sooner both because we would have gotten our baby and because of the cost because we used frozen sperm from a sperm bank. It is especially helpful for male factor infertility issues, including low semen volume, low sperm concentration, or decreased sperm motility. I had my 2nd unmedicated IUI a week ago and after reading many reputable fertility websites I'm really questioning the protocol of my clinic ( The London womens Clinic) in terms of IUI timing. Oct 6, 2021 · This will give your body the greatest chance to have sperm meet egg. Here’s what you need to know: Fresh Sperm: Success rates range from 10% to 25% per cycle. Cherouveim. Go for IUI in a clinic with good cycle tracking / follicles measurements. There are so many puzzle pieces that need to line up perfectly. Dec 4, 2024 · I just had my 2nd IUI this morning and I am feeling a lot better about this one than the previous. The process using fresh or fresh-chilled semen is similar, and this timeline reflects the most regimented version of the artificial insemination process. The timing of these semen samples is very important for the success of the procedure. It doesn’t really feel like anything IMO. Timing is one of the biggest factors for success with IUI: your chance of conceiving depends on doing the IUI within 24 hours of when ovulation occurs. Thawed frozen sperm will live up to 24 hours (compared with fresh sperm that can live for up to My clinic does IUI the day after trigger. My wife and I have done multiple IUIs (8 total, a lot I know. Statistics: Parametric and non-parametric tests were used as appropriate. My spouse (transmasculine nonbinary) and I (cis lesbian) are doing our first unmedicated IUI (unmedicated aside from trigger shot). This procedure involves inserting washed sperm directly into the uterus to increase the chances of fertilization. Most IUIs are done a day or two after tests show signs of ovulation. I think the preseed and fresh sperm feels different than frozen donor sperm, most likely due to the condensed volume. Trigger shots will help you nail the timing. After some initial skepticism, it has become evident that pregnancy outcomes achieved with ICSI using fresh or frozen-thawed spermatozoa retrieved from men with obstructive azoospermia (OA) are comparable (1). A follicle size of 14mm is extremely, extremely unlikely to produce a mature oocyte. I used frozen donor sperm both times. Abstract. Apr 23, 2020 · “Washing” is a process that removes the seminal fluid and isolates the sperm cells. Apr 12, 2017 · 3. Howdy! I just wanted to wish you the best of luck. To determine whether artificial insemination with frozen donor sperm yielded a higher pregnancy rate per cycle by intracervical (ICI) or intrauterine (IUI) techniques. In some cases, IUI may also be a great option when using fresh sperm (from a known donor or a partner). The lifespan of washed sperm […] Jul 4, 2022 · "Patients undergoing IUI should be counseled about the non-inferiority of frozen sperm," said Dr. Home insemination can also work if you are using ICI-ready frozen sperm from a bank. The fact that frozen sperm is just as effective for IUI as fresh should alleviate some anxiety for those who may want to use anonymous donor sperm, or freeze known donor sperm in advance to make the And depending on your medical history and preferences, IUI (and maybe ICI?) can still involve invasive tests, medications, and monitoring. The semen sample is generated by the male partner or provided by a donor. What was never clear to me, as different research seems to say different things, was how long frozen sperm lasts once defrosted. Can you inseminate me? Yes. infertile women (68. It is Posted by u/soulrider86 - 13 votes and 8 comments Frozen sperm has to thaw prior to insemination. May 29, 2024 · People will opt for IUI for a variety of reasons: single parents or same-sex couples using donor sperm, women who don’t ovulate (they will be given medication to induce ovulation 1 during IUI), men with low sperm motility, and anyone with unexplained infertility (which is up to a third of all people who struggle with infertility). I think I would temper your expectations and set an upper limit on how many times you want to try. Jul 4, 2022 · The study analyzed a range of outcomes following IUI treatments with either fresh or frozen sperm, which included a positive pregnancy test (hCG), clinical pregnancy, and miscarriage rate. 8%) or frozen donor sperm (96. Most appointments are in the morning at this clinic, but it bothered me that it wasn't more tailored to the appointment time (which is 9am for me). The best timing for an intrauterine insemination using frozen sperm is within 24-48 hours after a positive LH surge as detected by an Ovulation Predictor kit. The timing of IUI in relation to ovulation trigger or spontaneous luteinizing hormone (LH) surge, as well as the number of IUI attempts that should be made remains a subject of debate. Our study compared IUI outcomes between frozen and fresh sperm. I want to use my partner's sperm or sperm from my known donor. Usually we have 24 hours between trigger shot and IUI, so 18 hours makes me nervous. On-Call For You. When timing is based on an hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) injection, the IUI’s are usually done between 24 and 48 hours later. People are only fertile for a brief period every cycle, with peak fertility occurring right before ovulation. It takes approximately 20 minutes after taking it out of the tank. My first one was around 19 hours (I felt like that was too soon, to be honest) and the second one was more like 28 hours. [7] IUI #2 with midwife using frozen donor sperm. We’ve had 5 failed IUIs and decided to try at home this month for a relaxed experience since we are only doing IUI due to needing frozen Sperm. This is necessary for IUI because seminal fluid cannot be placed in the uterus. Frozen Sperm: Success rates range from 5% to 20% per cycle. An ICI vial is simply a fresh semen sample that has had a buffer solution added to it so that it can be frozen without damaging the sperm cells. Mar 6, 2022 · CD13 -11. At more than $1500 a vial of sperm, plus the cost of the IUI procedure, the 7 attempts were not cheap. 3 with 36 hours between trigger and IUI (1 of those had a substandard sperm count on the vial). The likelihood of success is only like 5% per try. Frozen known donor sperm. If two IUI’s are scheduled, they are usually spaced at least 24 hours apart. 2 uterine lining, and 36 LH (starting to surge), 3 days ago · Hi! My wife and I are planning for baby #2 and I was curious if anyone has success stories or advice about TTC through at home IUI with frozen donor sperm. Read to Know: Correct Sleeping Position after IUI. Another where my wife had an LH surge on her own so we gave the trigger immediately and had the IUI 24 hours later. Looking at the tests, ovulation will happen sometime today if it hasn’t already. Intrauterine insemination (IUI) following ovulation induction (OI) or in a natural cycle is a first line treatment for many etiologies of infertility. Feb 6, 2018 · Ideally, an IUI should be performed around the time of ovulation. Jun 2, 2014 · Hello Ladies, I'm a 38 single and using frozen sperm. 5k each when you count the cost of sperm. BACKGROUND: The success of intrauterine insemination with donor semen (IUI–DI) is likely to be influenced by a number of variables, including age and ovarian stimulation (OS) regime. Intrauterine insemination (IUI) with either fresh or frozen sperm (autologous or donor). Some of the sites say it lasts 5 days like fresh sperm in which case doing it early like you did would be fine. Logistic regression was used to calculate odds ratios, controlling for age, BMI, and ovarian reserve. And it takes the sperm several hours to reach egg. We’ve had three successful IUIs unfortunately 2 were miscarriages and one was a chemical pregnancy. When trying to conceive, timing is essential. For women over the age of 35 using frozen sperm, pregnancy rates are significantly higher when IUI is the method versus vaginal insemination (TSBC research). Objective: To evaluate the effect of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) trigger ovulation on pregnancy outcomes in natural IUI cycles with donor sperm. 98 strip if freaking me out and making me think we may have done the iui too early. Nor would it matter how many sperm were used. I think after a couple of unsuccessful tries it’s normal to question everything and want to put fault on things outside your control/body/sperm. During the initial testing for that, my bloodwork came back with a crazy-high TSH (10. I tried at-home ICI with frozen sperm 5 times before moving to a clinic. We have had 4 failed IUI's. Timing the procedure right. Fresh. Jul 1, 2006 · First detection of an LH surge is most likely to occur in the morning, and our recommendation is to do one test/day, in the morning (5). You can do ICI with IUI vials, you just can’t do IUI with ICI vials (although that seems null and void to me because more fertility clinics could wash ICI vials before doing an IUI). If the timing is correct, it would not make any difference. If frozen sperm is better used around the 36 hr point, I don't see these office hours working with the necessary The 5th try was a successful medicated IUI with a different donor (frozen). Got pregnant on my second medicated in-clinic IUI. But IVF is medically not an option for me). Preparing the semen sample. In a process that is so out of my hands, something about the very controlled timing felt comforting so this feels a little scary. I’m assuming I’d be fine if it was fresh sperm but since we used frozen sperm I’m very much freaking out and thinking we messed up the timing. Tracking methods and apps used: I have been using Fertility Friend + Wondfo OPKs to track my cycle since October to get the timing down. That study was for infertile, heterosexual couples who inseminated 36 hours after trigger shot. Frozen sperm has a much shorter life and so timing is essential and so to pay Trenton to any ovulation pains, etc. Jul 14, 2015 · For example, one study demonstrated that intrauterine AI using two billion frozen–thawed sperm established a 66% pregnancy rate with an average of 13 embryos, while DUI with only 1 billion frozen–thawed sperm established a 33% pregnancy rate with nearly seven embryos (Buranaamnuay et al. (IUI is not done on Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Day) • MALE/FEMALE – Instructions for semen production and specimen pick up see SPERM WASHING - REPRODUCTIVE ENDOCRINOLOGY LAB next page. For an IUI procedure, a “washed” sperm sample is placed directly into the uterus, increasing the number of sperm in the reproductive tract and fallopian tubes where fertilization usually occurs. Feb 23, 2012 · For iui if the timing is off, this could be an issue because fresh sperm lives 72 hours and frozen less. Your partner provides a semen sample at the doctor's office. Googling doesn’t help with asking the best way to thaw sperm, there are too many right and wrong ways and they all contradict each other. 30am - IUI using frozen donor sperm. Both fresh and frozen sperm can be used successfully with IUI. 5!). Monday morning 9am on 7/6 my digital OPK showed a solid smiley face after flashing smiley for three days. Sep 1, 2002 · Abstract. I get what my RE's office is doing--they're slotting the IUI at the exact midpoint between trigger and ovulation, assuming 36 hours from trigger to ovulation. The recommended follicle size for IUI is >17mm. Methods: This retrospective cohort study included 5,610 first-natural IUI cycles with donor sperm in infertile couples during the period from January 2012 to December 2017. If you are using frozen, tracking other symptoms to confirm ovulation can make sure you get the timing correct. What is IUI IUI is deliberate introduction of sperms in the female uterus in order to achieve pregnancy One of the simplest techniques of ARTs Minimally invasive and uncomplicated procedure First therapeutic step in treatment of infertility Cost –effective, simple, can be learned easily Husband or Donor sperm (frozen and quarantined) can be used. We are using frozen donor sperm and have heard the life of it once insemination is shorter than the life of fresh sperm. Got my first positive yesterday (CD13 at 10:55), and insemination with frozen donor sperm at 12:30 today (CD14). Sep 17, 2008 · Static, unwashed sperm, outside the body (i. That being said the clinic can really narrow down the timing. Your doctor will likely have a plan spelled out for the timing of your procedure and what to expect. With fresh, your timing can be more general because fresh sperm survives so much longer. I will be the GP and have no known fertility issues. One other thing: given the cost of frozen sperm it can be useful to get some testing done before trying to ensure you don’t have any obvious fertility issues. Some My (34F) wife (37F) just had our second failed IUI using frozen sperm and we are frustrated because we feel that our clinic isn’t doing enough to ensure ovulation timing is right. Frozen Sperm: The choice between fresh and frozen sperm can also affect IUI success rates. Outcome measures: clinical pregnancy rates (CPR)/cycle. Then the most viable, healthy sperm are concentrated. It just doesn't work and I don't recommend wasting your time and money on it. Frozen Sperm. I always triggered around 36 hours before IUI with frozen sperm. Should've started there first. I just had my OPK turn positive last night around 9 pm. Timing needs to be nearly perfect because frozen sperm only lives 12-24 hours inside the body. I would not waste money on home delivery of ICI straws with a lower success rate. Frozen sperm live 12-24 hours max. Nov 27, 2013 · The controversy over the use of fresh vs. Same with the egg. 2001). Also if you ovulate naturally and also get a trigger shot that can mess with the timing too. Jul 12, 2024 · IUI Success Rate Comparing Fresh vs. IVF was about $11k including the sperm and subsequent transfers for a sibling will be less than $2k. , sitting in a vial) would be shorter for ICI sperm in seminal plasm than pre-washed IUI sperm. Donor sperm used for IUI (washed and has been frozen) only lives for ~12 hours in the body. Apr 14, 2023 · What is how long does washed sperm live after iui? How long does washed sperm live after iui is the amount of time that the sperm can remain viable after intrauterine insemination or IUI. 36 hours is pretty standard. Found one in your area here with a quick Google search. A person’s egg lives for only 6 to 24 hours after ovulation. Our clinic doesn’t use trigger shots or do blood test for LH. Nov 20, 2017 · I’ve seen some differences in what time people choose to do the IUI after trigger but since donor sperm doesn’t live as long because it’s been frozen they gave me the time of 36 hours post trigger shot. Fresh sperm can live for multiple days, frozen sperm that has thawed survives for 12-24 hours at most. YMMV, IUIs we’re about $2-$2. To get it as close to the actual ovulation after your surgery as possible. We are using frozen donor sperm. IUI is not something you can do at home or without medical assistance of a professional. Both cycles prescribed letrozole. Since it costs us >$1000 just to try ONCE, and frozen sperm has such a short viability window, I felt a lot of pressure to Nov 1, 2013 · So if I continue to do the test first thing will I miss the proper timing for IUI with frozen sperm? Should I be testing after 10 incase the hormone hasn't had time to collect in my urine earlier than that? I'm doing my first IUI next month all being well (probably with ovulation induction) but I'm worried about getting the timings right. 2011b). For at-home IUI, look specifically for home birth midwives if you haven't already. The timing with frozen sperm is critical. Or a vial of frozen donor sperm can be thawed and prepared. We have two kids from frozen at home insem, both times it worked about 12-16 hours after first opk. Your ejaculate is purified, concentrated and cryopreserved using a washing technique involving centrifuga Feb 13, 2020 · When To Do IUI After Positive Ovulation Test. Home Insemination (ICI) If you have a known donor or a partner who has sperm, home insemination (ICI) can be another effective option for your baby-making journey. Also the males in the Pryor study were all with spinal cord injury and had sperm recovered via vibratory stimulation. However, there is some evidence suggesting potential differences, favoring fresh sperm, in cycles stimulated with either clomiphene or letrozole. What I saw didnt seem to address whether reasons for infertility make a difference when deciding between frozen vs. Frozen has a lower success rate you can compensate a bit by doing IUI and good timing. You want the egg there first before the sperm which is the exact opposite of natural I’m anxious because for the last two (which obviously didn’t work), the timing all felt controlled and perfect and I’m so worried that since I’m using frozen sperm, the timing may be off this time. From what i understand, the sperm will last more than 24 hours, but with 12 hours post trigger, you're not going to have an egg there yet, the sperm are going to spend some time waiting for the egg. We went for our ultrasound today, and I have a 20 mm and 22 mm follicle, so we were told to go home today and do the trigger shot, and then do an IUI tomorrow morning. Jul 13, 2023 · IUI Success Rate: Fresh vs. Have you guys considered tweaking your timing though? This is a somewhat tangential question, but the egg sticks around for ~ 24 hours post ovulation and frozen sperm also lives for about ~ 24 hours, right? And the trigger shot causes ovulation in ~ 24 hours? Jun 3, 2021 · Frozen sperm IUI method As mentioned, IUI involves piping sperm directly into the uterus through the cervix and should be done by a medical professional like a midwife or physician. Since the egg is only viable for ~12-24 hours, it's very important to get the IUI timing correct, and Ovidrel helps with that. Some things to consider: If you’re using frozen sperm, keep in mind that it might only live in your body for 6-12 hours (the lower bound in studies), so nailing the timing is key. zdzyg koep iyb subc noka brbd iofmz pwtka wrpye htua
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