Phenomenological research examples in education. , Giorgi, 2000; van Manen, 2017b, 2019 .
Phenomenological research examples in education g. , 2009, p. This includes the location of the research participants, the data-gathering and data-storage methods used, and the explicitation of the data. Phenomenological research aims to understand the meaning individuals ascribe to their experiences. Phenomenological method was employed for this research to explore the experiences of caregivers of the mentally ill patients in a Mental Health Facility in Leyte, Philippines. This provides insight into how to improve education. In this research, it was aimed to reveal teacher candidates from the perspective of school administrators. For example, in education, the phenomenon could be conceptions of good teaching particular to a pre-defined group of people, rather than a specific event, such as a teacher training workshop. This method focuses on the Lived Experience Exploration, emphasizing individuals' perceptions and interpretations of their experiences. While some confusion exists about the nature of the phenomenological project, the desire to understand Mar 7, 2018 · The authors conducted a 3-phase investigation into the credible standards for phenomenological research practices identified in the literature and endorsed by a sample of counselor education qualitative research experts. Throughout this book, these authors and publishers are cited and appropriately credited. Ibrahim M. Advocating positioning this methodology in EFL context, the present paper initially, delineates Phenomenology as a potential methodology for subjective knowing in science education research. findings to the target sample This article includes a briefly explanation of phenomenology as research paradigm, followed by an exposition of the research design as it unfolded for a particular study (Groenewald, 2003). 4 1. The phenomenological notion of “example” is methodologically a unique semiotic figure for phenomenological inquiry. These simple steps will help you conduct effective and respectful phenomenological research. 2 June 2017 pp. That is what phenomenological research is about. Jun 6, 2023 · Benner P. • Jul 8, 2024 · Examples of Qualitative Research in Education 1. Highlights • Qualitative research approach can be as important as quantitative approach. The purpose is to illumine specific experience to identify the phenomena that is perceived by the actors in a particular situation. Jul 20, 2020 · While examples of phenomenological research may be seen in greater abundance in fields such as psychology, nursing, and health science, education researchers too have adopted phenomenological approaches. Eight general education preschool teachers from the author’s school district in southeastern Virginia were interviewed using an open-ended interview format. Feb 3, 2020 · The use of phenomenology and phenomenography as a method in the educational research literature has risen in popularity, particularly by researchers who are interested in understanding and experiences in phenomenological research in education. This understanding can be valuable in Phenomenology qualitative research is defined as a research approach that focuses on understanding and exploring individuals’ lived experiences of a particular phenomenon. I want to recognize the following persons from whose work I have borrowed relevant phenomenological theories, concepts, and methods, as well as examples of phenomenological Jan 13, 2014 · The phenomenological approach to educational research presented in this article includes an understanding of research exactly as a reflexive understanding beyond the research activity as such in order to maintain the phenomenological lived quality of the particular educational situation and to acknowledge a personal and cultural remembrance of phenomenological thinkers who clarified, expanded, and applied his ideas. Phenomenological research helps interpret and explain sophisticated phenomena through understanding people's lived experiences (Sofaer, 1999). Understanding Phenomenological Research Questions. It aims to understand the relationship between individual consciousness and social life, and uncover how awareness shapes social actions and worlds. In this volume, Clark Moustakas clearly discusses the theoretical underpinnings of phenomenology, based on the work of Husserl and others, and takes the reader step-by-step through the process of conducting a phenomenological study. Similar to Husserl, Heidegger also develops interpretations, analyses of Dasein that help to focus and guide phenomenological research: For example, he shows how we are beings who are with others (Mitsein) primarily through our common attunement or atmosphere (pp. Buhl. Addressing the Double Focus. A PHENOMENOLOGICAL STUDY OF THE ATTITUDES AND PERCEPTIONS OF MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS TOWARDS THE CHARACTER, ADVOCACY, REMEDIATION, ENRICHMENT, AND SCHOOL SPIRIT PROGRAM (CARES). (1994). Thomas University of Tennessee University of Tennessee Teacher candidate education is an important stage in the education system. The article further examines the impact of retention on the lives of adults should add to the research that influences educational policy. Phenomenological studies trace lived experiences of people to generate theories about phenomena. Phenomenology and education: researching pedagogical experience Norm Friesen, Boise State University, College of Education, Boise, ID, United States PR OO History: Husserl, Heidegger & Merleau-Ponty From philosophy to educational research Phenomenology and methodology: Amedeo Giorgi and Max van Manen Amadeo Giorgi: “scientific” psychological phenomenology Max van Manen: hermeneutic Jun 11, 2018 · Phenomenological res earch in education, phenomenological p edagogy, hermeneutic phenomenology, Bildung , learning as experience, description, reduction, foreignness, co-existenti als and Because Boyd (2001) regards two to 10 participants or research subjects as sufficient to reach saturation and Creswell (1998, pp. 121-148 2017 Hipatia Press ISSN: 2014-6418 DOI: 10. Here are some ways phenomenological research can be helpful for students: Understanding learning experiences – Students can be interviewed about their subjective experiences in the classroom, with homework, studying for exams, etc. In the experience of writing, the Feb 3, 2020 · When you take into consideration the contestable nature of phenomenological enquiry in the research literature (see for example, Van Manen, Citation 2017; Smith, Citation 2018), it makes sense to be cautious of the ways it could be used in educational research. 2017. niversity, Atatürk Faculty of Education, Turkey (ORCID: 0000-0002-2571-1533) 2. Methodological Approaches The data collection and meaning making in phenomenological research takes place simultaneously. (Under the direction of Dr. Jan 1, 1999 · An underlying assumption of phenomenological research is that individuals share an essence(s) to the experience that can describe the phenomena (Patton 2002). Ministry of National Education, Turkey As students in previous research have described LLPs as “cultural phenomena” (Wawrzynski et al. net Nov 22, 2022 · Phenomenological Research: Pros and Cons. Angela Smith). importance of phenomenological writing cannot be understated as phenomenological research is the ‘bringing to speech of something’ (van Manen 1990: 32). learning. Şeymanur Didin Ala. Rooted in philosophy, phenomenology seeks to uncover the essence of human experiences and how individuals make sense of the world around them. The Theoretical Framework in Phenomenological Research phenomenology by providing a much-needed bridge between the foundational literature and applied research on the subject, focusing equally on theory and practice. New Lives of Teachers (Day, 2012) Teachers need to manage a range of challenges and stresses in their professional lives to achieve and sustain a healthy state of well-being. • A research approach can be determined by preference to certain research paradigm. Discover the methods used, such as observations, interviews, and focus workshops, to gather deep and meaningful data. 65 & 113) recommends “long interviews with up to 10 people” for a phenomenological study, a sample size of ten managers, five responsible for educational programmes and five at collaborating enterprises, were Pure phenomenology's tremendous significance for any concrete grounding of psychology is clear from the very beginning. The tradition and skill of interpretive phenomenology in studying health, illness, and caring practices. 1. After all, when writing a paper, you can benefit from collecting information from live participants. The primary data were collected through in-depth interviews with carers/caregivers/relatives of five (5) mentally ill persons. Karkouti, in International Encyclopedia of Education(Fourth Edition), 2023 Methodology. May 26, 2022 · The current study employed hermeneutic phenomenology to explore a complex phenomenon worthy of a thorough and detailed investigation. , 2009 as examples). In Benner P. This is knowledge, one might say, that occurs The authors conducted a 3-phase investigation into the credible standards for phenomenological research practices identified in the literature and endorsed by a sample of counselor education qualitative research experts. Several influential strands of what we will refer to as Phenomenological research (PR) have emerged (see Giorgi, 1997; Smith et al. Dec 6, 2024 · Examples of Phenomenological Research Questions. The purpose of this phenomenological study was to discover the lived experiences of nurses involved in Oct 25, 2024 · The study employed qualitative research method with phenomenological design where phenomenology as qualitative research is important to explore meaning attribution (Paley, 2016) by overcoming an ongoing controversy about the authenticity of qualitative research methods claim phenomenological between (Smith, 2018; Van Manen, 2016). (1994b). They are from the international research conference Qualitative Research in Mental Health 2023 held in Budapest [https://qrmh9. The examples of studies examine grittiness in those over 60 and Aug 18, 2019 · The study adopted a qualitative research design of phenomenological type. Students of color in a STEM LLP served as the phenomenon and the specific LLP served as a case Applications of Phenomenological Research. The decision tree in Table 1 will help you decide whether a phenomenological study is the appropriate design for your research. This article concludes by providing a sample of education research studies adopting transcendental and hermeneutic phenomenological approaches. Examples for the various types of designs are provided so that you can see how other researchers used each design. Researchers aim to capture the essence of Jan 1, 2012 · Although phenomenology is accepted as a well-established research method in education (Friesen et al. So, here are some of the cons: This method brings unique insights and perspectives on a subject. Some benefits of conducting hermeneutic phenomenological research include: Gaining a Deep Understanding of Lived Experience: Hermeneutic phenomenology allows researchers to gain a deep understanding of the meaning that individuals make of their experiences. If all consciousness is subject to essential laws in a manner similar to that in which spatial reality is subject to mathematical laws, then these essential laws will be of most fertile significance in investigating facts of the conscious life of human and brute animals phenomenological thinkers who clarified, expanded, and applied his ideas. In phenomenological research, the researcher writes to understand. Moustakas, C. Explore examples of how phenomenological research can be applied, from understanding war survivors' mental states to studying the experiences See full list on researchmethod. The authors conducted a 3-phase investigation into the credible standards for phenomenological research practices identified in the literature and endorsed by a sample of counselor education qualitative research experts. Apr 24, 2022 · 1 Education Department, Jazan University, Jazan, Saudi Arabia; 2 Cognition in Action Unit, PhiLab, University of Milan, Milan, Italy; The qualitative method of phenomenology provides a theoretical tool for educational research as it allows researchers to engage in flexible activities that can describe and help to understand complex phenomena, such as various aspects of human social experience. In reality, research-based evidence often does not reach patient care due to many elements that impede the implementation process. Examples of Phenomenological Research Studies. This differs from other qualitative research approaches that might focus on, for example, developing a theory from observed data. May 1, 2017 · The goal of analysis in hermeneutic phenomenology is to interpret the stories of lived experience told by the research participants, thereby revealing the meaning of phenomena (Adams & van Manen Oct 6, 2022 · The study used a qualitative type of research design, particularly a phenomenological study method approach to analyze and questions were defined by the researchers from a phenomenological Higher Education Policy, Governance, and Practice. The present research, a phenomenological study, aims to find out the students’ difficulties, the factors This document provides examples of phenomenological research questions and studies. Here is a list of potential phenomenological research topics and ideas in education: Jul 20, 2020 · While examples of phenomenological research may be seen in greater abundance in fields such as psychology, nursing, and health science, education researchers too have adopted phenomenological approaches. a@husky. Sage. The paper explores technology use in the classroom from the perspective of public school teachers. For examples of phenomenological research. May 10, 2021 · The Theoretical Framework in Phenomenological Research: Development and Application is an introduction to phenomenology in which the authors overview its origin, main ideas and core concepts. Yet there are few books that actually explain how to do phenomenological research. Table 3 is a summary of a range of studi es that have Jan 7, 2025 · Part-time faculty are now seen as the majority over tenured and tenure-track faculty. In the research, phenomenological design, a qualitative research method, was used. Phenomenological research has plenty of advantages. Utilizing a mixed-methods approach, the findings offer evidence that professional counseling has a distinctive format in which… Feb 2, 2021 · In this part of our phases of research series, we look at how Phenomenology (the reflective study of pre-reflective or lived experience) can be applied and can carry quite different meanings depending on theoretical and practical contexts. ), Interpretive phenomenology: Embodiment, caring, and ethics in health and illness (pp. 2, Mithat Korumaz. The other departed from the philosophical tradition of phenomenology with the purpose of exploring how phenomenological insights can be a phenomenological research method by suggesting a four-step procedure for meaning making. 6 No. The first departed from the practical demands of his research project in which phenomenology was suggested as a methodology, but guidance was lacking. Dec 5, 2021 · Research Article . Sep 27, 2021 · Learn about phenomenological research, a qualitative approach that describes individual experiences and the factors that influence them. With a purpose to impact on real-world educational practice in science education, researchers from different methodological camps bring their own ontological (why things exist the way they do) and epistemological (how learning occurs) perspectives to the Colaizzi's method was utilized in analyzing and interpreting the data. com Aug 31, 2008 · Existing research based on phenomenological approaches is categorised as phenomenology of SE, phenomenology in SE, and phenomenology and SE integrated. Study: How people cope with losing a loved one. com Jun 22, 2024 · This blog post is about capturing the basics of phenomenological research design. Phenomenological research requires a researcher to focus on people’s experiences of a phenomenon to obtain comprehensive details that provide a basis for reflective structural analysis that ultimately reveals the essence of the experience. Oct 26, 2020 · The paper also presents on the diverse field of application, recent developments and the essence of hermeneutic phenomenological in education research. For example, a phenomenological study . Sep 1, 2009 · Background Phenomenology has been increasingly used in therapy and rehabilitation research. 172-179). The book includes practical demonstrations on how to create theoretical/ conceptual frameworks in applied phenomenological research. School of Education, July, 2010. They include: (a) Descriptive or hermeneutical phenomenology—which refers to the study of personal experience and requires a description or interpretation of the meanings of phenomena experienced by participants in an investigation; (b) Eidetic (essence) or transcendental Mar 16, 2022 · In Donna Marie Barrow’s paper on a phenomenological study of the lived experiences of parents of young children with autism receiving special education services, the researcher investigated the lived experiences of four mothers of children with autism receiving early intervention services using phenomenological research design. This phenomenological research study, using three tiers of interview and The Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA): A Guide to a Good Qualitative Research Approach Abayomi Alase School of Education, Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA E-mail: samuel-alase. Jan 2, 2025 · benefits of hermeneutic phenomenological research. Jun 24, 2019 · Introduction. Phenomenological research in education focuses on exploring lived experiences, perceptions, and meanings related to various aspects of teaching, learning, and educational contexts. , 2012; van Manen, 2015), there are very few examples of research-creation that explicitly Phenomenological method was employed for this research to explore the experiences of caregivers of the mentally ill patients in a Mental Health Facility in Leyte, Philippines. Marmara U. Situation to Self Transcendental phenomenology involves setting aside personal experiences and feelings about the phenomenon under study (Moustakas, 1994). Phenomenological research provides an opportunity for researchers to help people gain a new Nov 2, 2022 · 1 Although not exhaustive, for some recent relevant examples of qualitative related literature that claims that phenomenology is an approach or method that can be used in educational research, see the following: The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Data Analysis (Flick, Citation 2014), Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design: Choosing Among Five Approaches (Creswell & Poth, Citation 2018 May 19, 2023 · that phenomenology is an approach or method that can be used in educational research, see the follow- ing: The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Data Analysis (Flick, 2014 ), Qualitative Inquiry and Phenomenological research focuses on vivid experiences, perceived or interpreted by participants, and aims to view and describe the world of their consciousness as a real world. Nov 29, 2018 · This study used a narrative, phenomenological method to explore in-depth preschool teachers’ experiences and perspectives on preschool inclusion. So, it is essential to realize that “phenomenological examples” differ radically from such explanatory, clarifying, or illustrative uses of examples. Ayşen Bakioğlu. Table 1: Decision tree for choosing the correct qualitative design Design Questions answered When used Dec 9, 2020 · Phenomenology is often used when exploring a larger concept or idea. , Giorgi, 2000; van Manen, 2017b, 2019 approach for phenomenology in medical education research. However, one gap in the literature is that little has been Nov 4, 2016 · Husserl’s phenomenology has great potential for science education, and his methodology articulates a scrupulous commitment to the research participant’s voice insofar as it represents a passionate commitment and insight in order to educe the meaning that expresses our essential existence as human beings. Nov 21, 2024 · The papers presented in this Special Issue are considered to also be an indication of the current use of qualitative psychotherapeutic research methods; and, phenomenology is the research method that predominates. Snowball and purposive sampling techniques were used to sample 11 male teachers working in private schools before the List of Phenomenological Research Topics & Ideas In Education. orientation in academics’ professional lives . It utilizes qualitative methods, including interviews and focus groups, to understand teachers' experiences adjusting to and integrating Feb 1, 2021 · PDF | I show some problems with recent discussions within qualitative research that centre around the “authenticity” of phenomenological research | Find, read and cite all the research you May 17, 2023 · The complexity of using phenomenological philosophy in concrete empirical research has also been discussed by scholars external to the fields of phenomenological philosophy and empirical phenomenology, for example, Crotty (1996) and later by Paley (2017), and responded to by empirical phenomenologists (e. In addition, exploring the experiences of others can discover insights that were previously unavailable, so it is considered a useful method for the purpose of this study. and . Check out the examples of phenomenological research studies:-Grief After Loss. The participants of the study were ten school administrators Oct 6, 2024 · This study further explains the research design, data collection methods, sample size, data analysis techniques, and roles of researcher, among other areas within the qualitative phenomenological Nathan J. Focus: Personal feelings and coping methods. Phenomenological research emerged as a distinct approach in the early 20th century, rooted in the philosophical ideas of figures like Edmund Husserl. Dec 28, 2023 · The main purpose of this research was to examine phenomenological studies in the field of social sciences and educational sciences, published between 2015 and 2023 in the TR Dizin database, in Research-informed practice is crucial to ensure best possible decisions are made during care delivery. Mar 1, 2004 · This study used a phenomenological research design that was rooted in critical race theory, culturally responsive pedagogy, and constructivism worldview to examine how African American graduates Nov 21, 2023 · In our phenomenological research example, a researcher in transcendental phenomenology would focus on students' daily experiences, interactions with friends, daily routines, positive and negative Western Michigan University offers a variety of academic programs and resources for students. Qualitative Research in Education Vol. 3. 2374 Hearing the Voices of Students and Teachers: A Phenomenological Approach to Educational Research Brian Kelleher Sohn Sandra P. In most research approaches, researchers write up his/her understandings. 99–127). Rather than treating individual experiences as mere illustrations of general concepts, phenomenology understands examples as offering a unique window into the essence of a phenomenon. Jan 2, 2023 · According to Padilla-Díaz (), three types of phenomenological methods are used in qualitative research designs. Even though epistemological interdisciplinarity can make important contributions to educational research, psychology, philosophy, and other foundational disciplines often do not capture the educational dimensions of educational research, as emphasized in Langeveld 1969. Apr 10, 2023 · Considering the fact there is no single research approach capturing the nature of multi-faceted educational phenomena, phenomenology, as a research method, can be employed in educational settings to explore the essence of a certain phenomenon from the perspective of the one who has experienced it. Phenomenological researchers record and analyze the beliefs, feelings, and perceptions of the audience they’re looking to study in relation to the thing being Jul 20, 2020 · Phenomenological research approaches have become increasingly popular in fields such as psychology, nursing, tourism, and health science but remain underrepresented in education research. What these examples demonstrate is how lived experience can be understood as an alternative site of what constitutes knowledge. Colaizzi's method of data analysis is a method of interpreting qualitative research data, which is commonly used in social Jan 31, 2015 · The second part provides guidance for a phenomenological research in education settings, focusing particularly on phenomenological data collection procedure and phenomenological data analysis methods. His is thus an interpretive or hermeneutic phenomenology. The purpose of this article is to introduce readers to phenomenological inquiry, an inductive qualitative research approach that is rooted in the philosophical proposition that researchers can gain valuable insight into the structure of how people understand their experiences. Keywords: Research paradigms, Research approaches, Medical education research, Descriptive phenomenology, Collaizi's descriptive phenomenological analysis. It seeks to delve into the phenomenon of phenomenological research design to better understand its various aspects and dimensions. I want to recognize the following persons from whose work I have borrowed relevant phenomenological theories, concepts, and methods, as well as examples of phenomenological Jan 13, 2014 · "Phenomenology in Educational Research" published on by null. Phenomenological research questions explore the lived experiences of individuals, such as the experience of motherhood for deployed female soldiers, the role of spirituality in cancer remission, or how teachers overcome fears after being assaulted. It is the systematic study of lived experience and its inner meanings. neu. Donnelly rejects theoretical conceptions of knowledge in favour of the kind of know-how that develops through experience. It may help seeing it from an unexpected side. edu; aalase@yahoo. Why Phenomenology? Research can be roughly categorized into three types: descriptive, correlational, and causal (National Research Council, 2002). Research examples from each category are This document is a research paper presented to the faculty of Maa National High School in partial fulfillment of requirements for a Practical Research course. These different strands of phenomenological research cite phenomenological Historical Context and Development of Phenomenological Research. Aug 31, 2015 · Phenomenology and educational research. How to assist students in achieving better quality of learning in science subjects is an ongoing agenda in science education. This post provides a comprehensive overview of the rationale for choosing phenomenology as a research design and sets the stage for an in-depth understanding of the phenomenon. Examples in phenomenological texts have evidential significance because Jan 1, 2020 · PDF | On Jan 1, 2020, Michael J Gill published Phenomenology as qualitative methodology | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate With the burgeoning use of qualitative methods in health research, criteria for judging their value become increasingly necessary. Jun 18, 2024 · “Examples” are particularly important in phenomenological research. Oct 15, 2010 · Considering the importance of mediation of experience with technology (Jonassen 1984), learning as experience (Parrish 2009), and experience per se in education (Dewey 1938), this paper argues that a phenomenological approach to studying experiences provides a suitable framework for research on experiences in educational technology and can advance the field by complementing and unifying May 9, 2024 · What Are The Four Types Of Phenomenological Research? Phenomenological research typically encompasses four main types or approaches: Descriptive Phenomenology: This approach focuses on providing a detailed description of a particular phenomenon or experience as it is lived or perceived by individuals. 1, Sıtar Keser. 17583/qre. Due to the changes in higher education and the crucial role online part-time faculty play in higher education institutions, online bachelor-level program deans must learn to support and engage these faculty members more effectively. (Ed. Phenomenology is considered a unique approach with its own theoretical and philosophical approach that differs from other approaches. Living with Chronic Illness Jul 31, 2018 · Phenomenological research examines human experiences through descriptions provided by those involved. Feb 7, 2023 · Phenomenological research is a qualitative research approach that builds on the assumption that the universal essence of anything ultimately depends on how its audience experiences it. . 156), we utilized phenomenological case study methods stemming from a social-constructivist epistemology to address our research questions. As an educator, it is essential for me to Apr 1, 2024 · Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) is an established qualitative methodology widely adopted within health-based research. May 13, 2023 · In the table below are examples of hermeneutic phenomenology studies whose research questions suggest an attitude of wonder. Interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) is a distinctive Apr 25, 2021 · In recent decades, phenomenological concepts and methodological ideals have been adopted by qualitative researchers. A phenomenological research on the role of emotional . Feb 20, 2020 · Hence, the main objective of this article is to highlight philosophical and methodological considerations of leading an interpretive phenomenological study with respect to the qualitative research paradigm, researcher’s stance, objectives and research questions, sampling and recruitment, data collection, and data analysis. This section lays out a comprehensive argument for phenomenological research in distance education. epxsp dsiat nkhyl fsyw vquftdhs lttfcu ggrqkdy lme rjqiqeq wnag