St stanislaus bandera to 10:00 a. Victor: 3rd Wednesday 9:00AM - 11:00AM BULLETIN DEADLINE All bulletin announcements are to be sent to the Parish Office by Thursday the week before the bulletin is to be printed. VICTOR November 5th Collection $2,306. Darrell is a much deserving Knight who has been a reliable man to answer the call of service to the St Stanislaus / St Victor Parish as well as the Bandera area community. Joseph’s School, due to a flood that damaged their offices. Physical Address: 311 Seventh Street, Bandera, Texas 78003 Mailing Address: P. STANISLAUS CHURCH Bandera, TX 78003 Tel. 311 7th Street, Bandera, TX 78003. Victor’s Chapel in Bandera County. $6,357. Nos gozamos del Padre Jaime Rentería de St Ines que nos dio 3 días de Misión para prepáranos Espiritualmente nuestras almas y corazones en este Adviento Mariano para recibir la Natividad del Santo Niño Dios! Knights of Columbus, Council #10258, presented college scholarships to seven High School Seniors. 17 The next Second Collection will be on February 10th/11th for Renovation (St Stanislaus) and Ghana (St Victor) Mon. As you prayerfully consider your stewardship of treasure promise to St. Moved to Bandera in 1978 and worked for First National Bank in Kerrville Served on various non-profit boards in Kerrville Began career as a Financial Advisor in 2000, retiring in 2016 St. $4,420. Joseph’s School building was remodeled inside by volunteers. Confessions Saturday 4-4:45 pm. Victor: 3 rd W ednes da y 9 :00AM - 11:00 AM B U L L E T IN D E A D L IN E All bulletin announcements are to be sent to the Pa rish Office b y St Stanislaus de Bandera, TX, Estamos Bendicidos con Nuestra Nueva Cursillista, Cheryl Tirado cuñada de Sylvia y Ramiro Tirado! También Yo, Sylvia y Xochitl fuimos bendícidas de Servir en este Cursillo de Mujeres ST. Victor Homebound Ministry serves the Bandera/Pipe Creek/Lakehills areas. Stanislaus Altar Society is a church support group of dedicated Catholic women that provides all liturgical necessities for the Parish Church. Please patronize the advertisers in our bulletin. Joseph Parish The Mission of St. S Bulletin Community Contacts & Maps ASOCIACION DE LOS GUADALUPANOS DE BANDERA, TX 78003. C. 2. 00 The next Second Collection will be on December 2nd/3rd for St Vincent de Paul Mon. We are Members of the Guadalupano Association de Bandera of St Stanislaus Catholic Church. Victor Chapel Mission of St. If you ha ve any questions, plea se contact Melind a at (830) 46 0-47 12 or Me linda@st stanislau sb ande ra. Frank Kurzaj [email protected] Deacon Carl Rutkowski [email protected] Lindsay Mace, Parish Office Bandera Council #10258 was chartered on February 4, 1990 and celebrated its 30th anniversary in February 2020! The Bandera Council works closely with St. STANISLAUS December 10th Collection $11, 013. Bandera, TX 78003 Saturday 5:00PM ST. Victor: 3 rd Wednesday 9:00AM - 11:00AM BULLETIN DEADLINE All bulletin announcements are to be sent to the Parish Office by Thursday the week before the bulletin is to be printed. STANISLAUS CATHOLIC CHURCH Bandera, TX 78003 830-460-4712 – Fax (830) 796-7641 www. Stanislaus Parish in Bandera, providing funds for various projects, scholarships for Catholic Bandera seniors, and assisting in maintaining the two cemeteries and the church grounds. m. Victor: 3 rd W ednes da y 9 :00AM - 11:00 AM B U L L E T IN D E A D L IN E All bulletin announcements are to be sent to the Pa rish Office b y Eucharistic Perpetual Adoration, a long held devotion of the Catholic Church, allows adorers to pray in the presence of the living God. S Bulletin Community Contacts & Maps Faith Formation > History Tithing Worship Times Sacraments ST. $2,113. Rd. Do You work or volunteer in another location? Click on “NO” (unless you do) Check “Volunteer” and type what position you are volunteering for where it asks for the title. Stanislaus: T hursday 9:30AM - 12:30PM St. Please join us in celebrating the Holy Mass at the table of Our Lord with the youth of our parish. com ST. com Parish Office Hours: Monday - Friday ST. Victor: 3 rd W ednes da y 9 :00AM - 11:00 AM B U L L E T IN D E A D L IN E All bulletin announcements are to be sent to the Pa rish Office b y St Stanislau s RE 9:15 am 1 0:30 am, St Victor RE 8:3 0 am 9:30 a m . The first President of our Society was Javier Gomez, who now resides in California. Stanislaus Catholic Church, we would like to make this as simple as possible for the loved ones of our departed parishioners. A $10 donation is requested, but If you or a family you know is in crisis can can use one of the many services provided by the Society of St. The “40 Cans for Lent” food donation campaign was once again a huge success for the Knights of Columbus Council 10258. S. Victor Chapel 3rd Wednesday: 9:00AM - 11:00AM St. Stanislaus in Bandera, Mr. Msgr. Stanislaus Chapter of the Guadalupanos Society started in April 1992. Congratulations also to Linda Kittredge, Sandra Johnston, Kayla Swearington, and Vernon Steelman who made their Profession of Faith, First Communion, and Confirmation. $2,619. When Rev. CHRISTMAS MASS SCHEDULE Saturd a y , December 23 rd 5:00 pm at St Stanislau s 7:00 pm at St Victor Sunda y , Dec e mber 24 th 8:00 am at St Stanislau s 9:45 am at St Victor 11:30 am at St Stanislaus (Bilingu al) 5:00 pm at St Stanislau s 7:00 pm at St Victor ST. At the 2017 Easter Vigil we welcomed Patty Jean Rzechula into full communion with the Catholic Church. The women cooked Enchiladas, rice, beans and many other dishes. 61 December 17th Collection . O. Students planning to attend a four-year University must have a minimum confirmed GPA of 3. (Examples: Catechist, St. Stop by Parish Office for access code. 00 November 12th Collection $2,164. Planning a Funeral Mass can be one of the most difficult events in a family's life. There was plenty of good food to eat for all. 50 There are now two different cemeteries called St. Sponsored b y the Knights of Co-lumbu s Co un cil 102 58. com Parish Office Hours: Monday - Friday 830. How Can You Help St. This ministry involves the sewing of lap-size blankets and pillow cases that are given to many people who are either sick or going through extremely difficult times in their life. 1982--The St. Have you or someone you know made that statement? Well, the solution is Online Tithing. 602 7th St; Bandera, TX - 78003 (830) 460-4712; Fax Number; http://www. Victor: 3 rd W ednes da y 9 :00AM - 11:00 AM B U L L E T IN D E A D L IN E All bulletin announcements are to be sent to the Pa rish Office b y No RE on Dec e m b er 2 4 th or 31 st. Frank was born April 19, 1951 to George and Elizabeth Kurzaj and grew up with two brothers, Gerard and Joachim, in the region of Silesia in Poland. VINCENT de P A UL OFFICE HOURS St. Home Funerals A. At St. 830-460-4712. FAMILY OF THE MO NTH DECEM B ER 2023 Brian & Kary n Dennis Than k you for all that you do for our Pari sh. The Religious Education students, their families, and all parishioners are invited. Darrell is the Chairman for our council's very successful Annual Autumn Raffle. “Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration is the adoration of Jesus Christ present in the Holy Eucharist. to 3:00 p. com BAPTISMAL REGISTRATION FORM OFFICE USE ONLY Bandera, TX 78003 Saturday 5:00PM Mission of St. VICTOR December 24th Collection $2,005. St. St Stanislau s RE 9:15 am 1 0:30 am, St Victor RE 8:3 0 am 9:30 a m . Our Children’s Faith Formation program is offered to children in Kinder through 12th Grade. com Parish Office Hours: Monday - Friday To make the Eucharist a center of life for the Christian families, every 3rd Sunday of the month at 10:15am, an additional Mass will be celebrated in St. Perpetual Adoration Chapel. 6:30 pm Scott Black Family Guadalupanos Society Calendar 311 7th Street Bandera, TX 78003. Stanislaus Catholic Church is the second oldest Polish church in the United States located in Bandera, Texas. VINCENT de PAUL OFFICE HOURS St. Stanislaus Church A lta r S o c ie ty : Mi chell e Barn et 210-21 9-36 26 C em et er y C o mmi ttee: R a ym o n d B a tto 83 0 -7 9 6 -4 9 2 3 ST. Stanislaus: Thursday 9:30AM - 12:30PM St. Box 757 Bandera, TX 78003 Saturday 5:00PM Catholic lay men and women present the ACTS weekend retreat with spiritual direction provided during the weekend. It was founded by a group of immigrant fami Contact Father Frank Kurzaj, 830-460-4712. Stanislaus in July of 2005. The retreat’s goals are to allow you an opportunity to focus on your faith and its application in your daily life, to develop and build purpose in your prayer life, and to cultivate friendship and strengthen bonds among members of your church community. Stanislaus Parish in 1855, had a vision of one day having a school to provide educational opportunities for their children. Victor: 3 rd W ednes da y 9 :00AM - 11:00 AM B U L L E T IN D E A D L IN E All bulletin announcements are to be sent to the Pa rish Office b y Office Hours are: St. in St. Whether we are baptized as infants or adults, Baptism is the Church's way of ST. Stanislaus Church. STANISLAUS CHURCH 311 Seventh Street MASS SCHEDULE P. Stanislaus Church Physical Address: 10514 Park Road 37 Lakehills, TX 78063 Mailing Address: P. 00 scholarship during Senior Scholarship Night at Bandera High School on 5 JUN 2018. This school at one time served as a public school (1895). Vincent de Paul is the volunteer service for you. Stanislaus Church Thursdays: 9:30AM - 12:30PM St. Stanislaus Church in Bandera, Texas and its Mission, St. Victor Chapel Saturday: 7:00 pm P. Stanislaus Catholic Church Parish Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00 a. It was hosted by the Guadalupanos and the Knights, SVDP and other ministries. (830) 460-4712 Fax (830) 796-7641 www. Box 757 Bandera, TX 78003 Telephone: 830-460-4712 St. The NEW time will be at 12:45 p. The official website of St. The Story of St. Stanislaus Catholic Church is to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ by living our faith as a Catholic Community in worship, service, and support of one another. The Prayer Blanket Ministry began at St. 00 Ghana Collection $520. Stanislaus Church Altar Society: Michelle Barnet 210-219-3626 Cemetery Committee: Raymond Batto 830-796-4923 The St. Mass times and detailed church information for St. ASOCIACION DE LOS GUADALUPANOS DE BANDERA, TX 78003 ily. STANISLAUS January 21st Collection . - 2:45 p. Stanislaus classes are held on Sunday from 9:00 a. Charles Mazurek saw their chance for a Catholic church closer to home. All are welcome to worship in the chapel 24 hours a day. Council members, with the generous help from parishioners from St. The Family o f the Month prog ram is open to all parishioners of St Stanislaus and St Victor. ST. ststanislausbandera. 3. 45 Retired Men & Women Religious $2,230. Victor: B 3 rd W ednes da y 9 :00AM - 11:00 AM B U L L E T IN D E A D L IN E All bulletin announcements are to be sent to the Pa rish Office b y ST. Stanislaus Church MASS SCHEDULE 10514 Pk. Stanislaus of Bandera, TX. 3045 Visitor Center: 126 State Highway 16 S. Frank Kurzaj Deacon: Carl Rutkowski Parish Office Manager: Lindsay Mace Administrative Assistant: Michelle Frost ST. . Adoration Chapel. Stanislaus Church St. Stanislaus or St. Clergy and Staff Pastor: Fr. Student must be an active member of St. 1 method of bill payment for Internet-connected households. Primary Location: Type in (or scroll down to) “St. Rev. The second oldest Polish Parish in the United States. Box 757 Bandera, TX 78003 Telephone: 830-460-4712 * Indicates 5 Diciembre 2018, Miércoles, 6 a 7:30 pm tuvimos Confesiónes en St Stanislaus de Bandera, TX. 10 Renovation Collection $923. & Mrs. Each student, all parishioners of St Stanislaus Church (Bandera) or St Victor Chapel (Lakehills), were presented with a $1000. Vincent DePaul, Homebound, TACTS…Etc). $12,019 November 12th Collection $10,752. Stanislaus in Bandera, TX. Stanislaus Catholic Church in Bandera, Texas. 44 ST. 12:15 pm Int. Preparations for these ST. This historic building, now known as St. T. If you wish to nominate a deserv ing fam- ST. Life Teen will provide a meal for the High School teens as part of the gathering. ST STANISLAUS ALTAR SOCIETY The next meeting of the St Stanislaus Altar Society will be held on Tuesday, February 13th at 5:30 pm in St Joseph s Hall. Stanislaus Church Physical Address: 10514 Park Road 37 P. Click on “Continue”. of Bishop Joseph Strickland ST. 00 ST. Stanislaus Parishioners have carried on this tradition in the parish since November 1999. If you are using a Funeral Home they will contact us on your behalf to schedule a meeting. 00 The next Second Collection will be on January 13th/14th for Renovation (St Stanislaus) and Ghana (St Victor) Mon. Contact Dan Sevigny, Director of Youth Ministry at [email protected] if you have any questions. The St. STANISLAUS November 5th Collection . Victor: 3 rd W ednes da y 9 :00AM - 11:00 AM B U L L E T IN D E A D L IN E All bulletin announcements are to be sent to the Pa rish Office b y This year's award goes to Brother Darrell Bay. Eligible second graders receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation and First Eucharist. Victor classes are held on Sunday from 8:30 a. Stanislaus Youth Ministry Program ~ Initiating the Youth into the Life of the Church. Vincent de Paul Following is information to help you discern whether joining St. Stanislaus, both located in Bandera, Bandera Co, TX. Charles Schmidtzinsky became pastor of St. Online Bill Pay has grown to become the No. Vincent de Paul please contact: (830) 796-2017 and leave a message. Joseph's Hall. Everyone is invited, especially families with children participating in the Religious Education Program. Student must be a graduating Senior with plans to attend a University, two year College, or Technical Trades School 4. 37 WEEKENDS: The anointing of the sick is administered to bring spiritual and even physical strength during an illness, especially near the time of death. Saturday Vigil 5 pm Sunday 8 am, 11:30 am Bilingual, 4 pm. Box 757 Bandera, Texas 78003 Telephone: 830-460-4712 Email: Msgr. 13 April 2019 A wonderful Father Frank Birthday Celebration was given to him by his parishioners of St. Victor in Lakehills. Oct 27, 2024 · Isaiah 6:8 “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? Who will go for us?" "Here I am," I said; "send me!" Thank You for your interest in our parish community. 00 Assumption Seminary . Stanislaus located in Bandera, Texas. Box 757, Bandera TX 78003 or drop it in the collection basket. We believe that each member is called to discipleship, outreach, and evangelization to our parish and local community. The Holy Eucharist is taken to Cedar Creek Nursing Home, Bandera Rehabilitation Center, and home bound Catholics every Friday morning around 9:00am. 796. Church Website St. 0 on a 4. Adoration12:00am - Perpetual. 2024-2025 Council #10258 Officers: Chaplain - Msgr. Stanislaus Catholic Church in Bandera, TX was founded by a group of immigrant families from Silesia—a region now primarily in Poland (Latin–Silesia; Silesian–Ślonsk; German–Schlesien; Polish–Śląsk; Czech–Slezko). It is most likely one of the last sacraments one will ST. com Parish Office Hours: Monday - Friday Apr 13, 2021 · St. Stanislaus (Bandera). com Parish Office Hours: Monday - Friday. S Bulletin Community Bandera, TX 78003. 0 scale. Victor: 3 rd W ednes da y 9 :00AM - 11:00 AM B U L L E T IN D E A D L IN E All bulletin announcements are to be sent to the Pa rish Office b y ST. With St. 6:30 pm Sara Porter Wed. Stanislaus and St Victor, collected 2,200 pounds of non-perishable foods items for the Saint Vincent de Paul Society that will be distributed to residents of Bandera County. to 9:30 a. Victor: 3 rd W ednes da y 9 :00AM - 11:00 AM B U L L E T IN D E A D L IN E All bulletin announcements are to be sent to the Pa rish Office b y Mar 1, 2015 · A Men's A. Fr. Retreat will be held July 25 -28, 2024 For more in formation please contact Bryan Hutzler at 830-741-1588 or [email protected] ST. Elizabeth Ann Seton as the patroness, we strive to imitate her example of service to others by also providing physical and spiritual nourishment through various ministries in a manner ST. The original one which contains the graves of the old Bandera pioneers is in town, adjacent to the Church at 602 Seventh Street, Bandera, Texas. Frank ST. Please click here for directions. Jan 19, 2024 · A children's Mass will be held the third (3rd) Sunday of each month at 10:15AM in St. Francis Kurzaj, or rather, the preferred “Fr. Tuesday 6:30 pm Wednesday, Friday 12:15 pm Thursday 7 am. com . VICTOR January 21st Collection . Activities/Function 1972-1974--St. Baptism For Catholics, the Sacrament of Baptism is the first step in a lifelong journey of commitment and discipleship. 4a. A long held devotion of the Catholic Church, allows adorers to pray and worship in the presence of the living God. STANISLAUS December 24th Collection $6,240. The Silesian (a region now in Poland) settlers, who established St. Victor: 3 rd W ednes da y 9 :00AM - 11:00 AM B U L L E T IN D E A D L IN E All bulletin announcements are to be sent to the Pa rish Office b y St. Father Michael "Mac" McManus gave us his blessing. Welcome to St. Stanislaus/St. Victor's Chapel History (1956-2003) Before the Chapel existed, the residents of Medina Lake had to travel as far as Bandera, Boerne, or Helotes to attend Mass. No Mass ST. Victor, online payment may help you achieve your goals. The first school erected in 1882, was a two-room frame building. Frank”, was named Pastor of St. 1978--The Bandera Electric Cooperative occupied St. STANISLAUS CATHOLIC CHURCH. No Mass Tues. Bandera, TX 78003 Mailing Address: PO Box 171, Bandera, TX 78003 info@banderacowboycapital. com Mass Times in Bandera. Joseph’s School was used as a school by the Bandera Independent School District. $9,034. buzv eutm xddua jhvrz tvll uat iwdq sve iywrm mpiuf