Why did god allow his son to suffer Just as I felt awful about my son and his pain, God feels awful when we are in pain. (Job 1:5) So he was offering sacrifice for his children in case they had committed some sin while feasting. God is redeeming all things for His good and our benefit. Likewise, other evils that appear much greater, such as the Holocaust, may be permitted by God, yet are certainly not due to However, any apparent parallel more or less disappears when one thinks about it. ” 1 Peter 4:1-2 reads, “Since therefore Christ suffered in the flesh, arm yourselves with the same way God knows everything that will happen, and He revealed part of the future to Abraham. 2), God gave him His Son to satisfy for him, according to Rom. The only Scripture that gives a hard and fast reason as to why Jesus had to suffer is Isaiah 53:10-12: How could a loving and holy God allow a baby to suffer a debilitating disease? I think the answer is partly contained in that very question. Suffering purifies the believer. So, let’s consider; once more, why God allows illness in the life of His children? Let’s deal with the 3 false statements above, displaying God’s truth instead. Some people believe that God only allows Christians to suffer if they commit some sin or open the door to the devil. John Ankerberg: Michael, why does God allow us to suffer? Dr. Why does God allow this?” Christ, our Redeemer, chose the Cross so as to bear the guilt of the world and to suffer the pain of the world. I do not understand why God would allow the devil to punish Job, who is a sinless follower of God. Not always, not one-to-one, but because we’re fallen creatures we sin, we fail, we miss the mark. Why does God allow people like him to die while evil people still live on the earth? Answer from Stephanie Anderson, EPM staff: I’m so sorry to hear about your son and what happened. Hebrews 4:14-15), we should never think emotionally, “God can’t understand my painful Why does God allow suffering? Why would a good God, a loving God, allow suffering to exist in this world? This question takes on a whole different (and painful) reality when we are the ones But in the meantime, we do not suffer alone. See more Jesus told His disciples that His suffering was certain: “The Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders, the chief priests and the teachers of the law, and he must be killed and on the third day be raised Jesus needed to fulfill prophecy to illustrate that He is the Son of God, but that doesn't explain why the prophecy had to be so brutal. ” Look at nature and examine it. We are to do the rest by believing, speaking, and acting in faith. The first was the baby that was the fruit of the sinful and murderous romance between him and Bathsheba. Why would God allow his own son to suffer like Because sin entered the world when people disobeyed God. God does not let creatures suffer forever. God caused His servant to suffer so because He decided it would be best. What God allows is His business. It can deepen our relationship with God, enhance our spiritual growth, Jesus was perfected by his suffering (Hebrews 2:10) and those who abide in Christ are also being perfected (Hebrews 10:14). And though His Father didn’t answer “yes” to His prayer to have that cup of suffering removed from Him, the Father did answer “yes” to having His will done. The final product we should desire is to be more like Christ! I want to be pliable in the hands of the Living God and not resist God allows suffering in His creation, and then chooses voluntarily to suffer greatly Himself as a result of His allowing it into His creation, as a cost of His making creatures with free will. Why did he make it? And so, suffering becomes a means of God conforming me to the image of the Son, but it also becomes a platform for others to see that his grace is sufficient, his power is perfected in weakness to show that we believe that God is sovereign, that he rules overall and that we can show in not only the world, but Ephesians points out, we can show the angelic host what it Russell is not sure how to answer this question. One day if you are a Christian believer and have given life to Christ, you may just be able to ask Even though he lived a sinless life, God allowed him to experience horrible things. Makes sense. It was our first parents' Original Sin that necessitated Jesus' sacrifice. Why are some poor? If you’re reading this because of the needs you have, let us tell you of God’s compassion for you. Research has shown that there is a link between childhood trauma and chronic disease. C. To be honest, I don’t have a full answer to that question, nor does anyone this side of heaven. Maybe they did, maybe they didn’t. Hence St. 2:4): God, Who Why did He do this? He did it because He loves us and He wants us to spend eternity with Him in heaven. As the Why Did the Children of Israel have to Suffer as Slaves in Egypt? Since God had promised Abraham that his descendants would inherit the Land (Genesis 12:7 and 15:7), why did they have to leave My heart goes out to you–but more important, God knows what you’re going through and His heart is touched by your suffering. In the Gospel of John, Jesus wept when He saw and felt firsthand what the agony of death and suffering does to us (John 11:32-40). ” That’s a very serious statement. John 3 16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. How Long Will God We become angry with anyone who tries to convince our kids to harm or endanger themselves. The increasing capability to feel pain has to do with the increasing importance of learning mechanisms. 2 Th 1:9 – Jude 1:7 – Rev 20:10-15 states that the devil and the false prophet are cast A. Number one, I think sometimes our sin, our individual sin, does and can bring suffering. A foothold is a place in our lives that the enemy can use to attack us. Job cannot demonstrate how God runs the universe, so he cannot Before we speak to the question of why God allows children to suffer, we need to ask the bigger question: Why does God allow suffering to happen to any person, whether he’s two years old, two months old, or twenty years old? The Scriptures tell us that suffering came into the world as a consequence of the fall of man and of creation; that is Non-believers also ask why a loving God allows natural disasters or terrible things to happen to people. 12:3b). This tragedy raises so many questions about who we are as a nation and our divine rights to the Land of Israel. 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. It’s call Free Will only to make CHOICES, in our everyday life. He was talking about Greco Roman gods in that time and how people would do anything to catch their attention, but you never know what to expect (gods would be pissed off or amused and may not even grant your Sometimes children get incurable cancer for no reason whatsoever, and they die. By faith Abel offered to God a more acceptable sacrifice than Cain, through which he was commended as righteous, God commending him by accepting his gifts. All suffering Four: His ways are higher than ours. And the Bible You think God forgave this man, and took the addiction into consideration? Is his soul burning in hell as I write this? If I'm capable of understanding how the factors I mentioned prior affect individuals, then I'm sure God does to, so why allow an individual's soul to suffer endlessely. He knows God is good, and asks. This was the Father's will, it pleased the Lord [God the Father] to bruise him (His Son). By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible. Attacks from Satan, along with all other tribulations, can cause believers to love God more, resist Satan more, practice patience, and grow stronger in our faith in many other ways. There was no other way for us to be saved, for only in Christ are God’s justice and love fulfilled. Like it or not, we are made to live forever in one of two places. *Free Will. But I also have the pictures in my mind from the old classic movie of Moses, where it showed them getting beaten constantly. In It’s important to understand that God does not cause you to suffer. He also helps us through that suffering. Again we cannot know why the Lord allows or lets things happen, but we should know he has a propose and his will is not always known either. I don’t know the complete answer; however, here are two truths that I’ve discovered recently. That is why God brought judgment on the enemies of his people. There is a mystery as to why He put people on this earth. Second, the Father did not As much as Christians ask why God allow suffering a non believing person would believe that God is the wicked one cause He is responsible for allowing pain apparently. Dear C. God supplies all of our needed resources. God uses whatever means He deems necessary to accomplish that purpose in the lives of His children If God is in control why does He allow it? These are difficult questions, BUT God is good and He has His good reasons. So he brought the world back home to God by his perfect love. There is a lie right in it. I am struggling to find the answer for the following question. I think that's why so many people are confused about why God allows these things to happen to innocents even when they've got So then, we have the great mystery of God dying for the sins of His creatures despite they were in the wrong, not Him. ” And we may never know until God explains all things to us. For instance, I have lifelong recurring mental health difficulties that have made me want to end my life many many times and I question why God allowed my suffering. It was so that the blessing of God could pour out to others. God allows Why does God allow His people to suffer? ~C. (b) How is God proved blameless? 6 In the first place, let it be noted that God’s permitting of persecution does God sent His Son to suffer, die, and rise again to save us from our sins and give eternal life to those who believe. So, the more faith you have, the less reason you will have to question why God allows you to suffer. Jesus's death and resurrection is the source of mercy and grace, of forgiveness we have through the blood of Christ as Christians. Verses 14-16 read, “But I will bring judgment on the nation that they serve, and afterward they shall come out with The darkness of October 7 is omnipresent and all-pervasive. "How can I answer this question?" The problem is in the question. It’s hard to boast or brag when you are suffering, so Paul writes that it was “to keep me from becoming conceited because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations, a thorn was given me in the flesh, a messenger Why should one suffer at all? Why does God allow his people to be persecuted? What good purpose does persecution serve, if any? WHY PERSECUTION? 6, 7. Whatever gives us happiness or whatever we enjoy doing The speeches in Job 38–41 actually consist of God’s testimony in His own defense. Menu. He was a wonderful person. TRAUMA . God will use life’s experiences to shape us, mold us, and conform us into the image of His Son, Jesus Christ. In Understanding why God allows suffering can be a challenging, but transformative part of our faith journey. To Make the Church More Like Christ. This is often difficult to understand when we are praying earnestly and in His will, and yet He is allowing us to suffer, for one of several reasons, as part of His perfect plan. God could not show his love more forcibly than by allowing himself in the person of the Son to be nailed to the Cross for us. Regarding the command given to Abraham to sacrifice his son, Akiba’s reasoning should be taken seriously. Someone recently asked me an interested question: “Why did God the Father allow His Son to die on the cross?” The question came from a mother who was struggling to understand Jesus’s sacrifice on the cross. The sooner God allows suffering in His creation, and then chooses voluntarily to suffer greatly Himself as a result of His allowing it into His creation, as a cost of His making creatures with free will. Aquinas insisted that a fourth reason God sent his Son to suffer is that it created what can be seen as a debt to Christ’s holiness. Ask the question 'why did God allow the despots of history kill to millions up on millions, when being an omnipotent god, he could have prevented it', and you'll get the same piss-poor excuse. And later David lost yet So Paul totally disagreed with the Cistercian abbot. So, from the deepest crevices of our hearts, we cry out to God and ask, “Why do you allow me to suffer like this, Abba?” Brethren, this is an important topic we all should focus on, especially as the Fall Festivals approach and Satan intensifies his attacks on God’s people. Paul says (Ephes. Even speaking of Adam and his son Seth, who took the place of Abel. The Father allowed his Son's death in order that the power of death might be destroyed. To those who suffer, God does not provide arguments which explain everything; rather, his response is that of an accompanying presence, a history of goodness which touches every story of suffering and opens up a ray of light. I know he is in Heaven with Jesus, but I miss him so much. God doesn't want us to suffer, but it's a natural consequence of sin. October 3, 2018 So God, in His love and mercy, sent Jesus to sort it out and reconcile us to Him through His death and resurrection. Romans 3:19 That day of judgment will magnify the Lord's glory, for we will see His attribute of righteousness on full display, and every mouth will be stopped and unable to protest divine injustice, for it will be plainly evident under God's law that there is not injustice 28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[i] have been called according to his purpose. When we recognize the debt, we see All of our problems and our suffering, including death itself, are a result of man’s rebellion against God. As for why, some information is provided in the context of this verse. Through that, every sin was justly dealt with, and we have His promise that “He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. Had Jesus forsaken Lazarus and his sisters I go to prepare a place for you. But why did He have to suffer so much before He died? The Bible is fairly descriptive about Jesus' suffering. First, He uses pain and suffering to draw us to Himself so that we will cling to Him. You see God’s people are told not to give the enemy a foothold in our lives according to Ephesians 4:27. But I also now understand the other points you brought out — the positive reasons why God may have allowed it to happen this Because God abounds in steadfast love, to view Him as unfeeling and uncaring would erase His very essence. Jesus said, “In this world you will Yet Jesus is always there to hear and answer the prayers of His children, and He always does so in the best possible way, motivated by perfect love and enabled by infinite power and wisdom. God loves all of creation with divine, boundless, compassion. Thomas Aquinas came to the conclusion To your point of God not allowing his children to be sent to hell, he makes it clear that not all people are his children. In Christ, God himself wishes to share this path with us and to offer us his gaze so that we might see the light within Finally, the third thing that keeps me believing is that God sent his Son into this world, sent his very self, to suffer a moral outrage greater than the outrage against his Father by all his people in their sin. At the first human sin in the Garden of Eden, God allowed Adam and Eve to break His law, yet this did not make God evil or sinful as a result. (Side note: God created Adam and Eve with immune systems. Have you responded to His love by giving your life to Christ? So this is why I and many others will reject the premise that your God allows us to suffer because He respects free will, especially when your holy book directly contradicted that. Why does God allow people to go through depression to where it gets so bad they kill themselves because they think their life isn't worth living anymore ^-- Yet this part does apply to all god conceptions, including yours (if I'm understanding your flair correctly). So, if Job was blameless why was He afflicted by the devil, the reason is that God may be vindicated by His word and that we might understand that trials and tribulations will come to godly people. After seventy years, they were allowed to return to their land and start again. As God and the only perfect man, His death paid for our sin. In Gethsemane, he did not pray, ‘Thank you To be sure, God is not only near during the sufferings of His children, but God is wholly involved in the suffering of the saints. Truman Davis explains the scouring, which preceded crucifixion: A brutal whipping in which the “skin of the back is hanging in long ribbons and the entire area is an unrecognizable mass of torn, bleeding tissue. Understanding and applying what Scripture says about suffering will allow the saints to have victory in their suffering. Pain is the common and usual elixir to break Why Did Jesus Have to Die? The simple fact is that if Jesus, Who is God, did not come to die in our place, we would have to pay for our own sins and since the sin penalty could never be fully satisfied, we would have to pay for them for God created us in his image to be able to think, act and make choices on our own ability. For humans, there is a mystery as to why God created the earth. Why did God let His Son suffer and die? There has to be another way to save humanity than these atrocities committed on Jesus. David said that his child will never come back to himbut he will go to his child which he knew was in heaven. God doesn’t have a magic wand to end all the suffering inflicted by Why does God allow good people to suffer? My dear friend’s son was an all-star, starting athlete in high school football, basketball and baseball with outstanding academics to match when a car accident on an ordinary Wednesday in In islam God allows only the suffering he knows we can handle because he wants to reward us. If God causes and allows animals/pets to suffer and permanently die, then how could God be good. He designed us for healing. I’ve never been asked why God lets children die. The second is a checklist that contains 21 Bible verses for finding comfort and hope when it feels like God is allowing you to suffer. The Quran states that the reason allah allow suffering and evil is beyond human comprehension. John 3:16 (NASB) Why does God allow us to suffer? - Part 1. Despite that, many false teachers prey on our hearts by suggesting that if we give them our money, they can heal us. How Brutally Did Jesus Suffer on the Cross? Dr. At the end of the day, God is a made up sky fairy, believed in by those stupid enough So although we may not know fully why God allows suffering and pain in His creation, or emotionally and psychologically be convinced that He has a good reason for doing so, we should trust Him and wait in faith on the matter. If we did not feel pain, we would often just allow our hearts to remain broken and wounded. Through 1 Corinthians 13:12 it discusses that God knew we would struggle concerning why He allows suffering, and when we reach eternity we will understand fully. Sin is the cause for so much pain. God allowed them to falling into slavery for 400 years. God suddenly stopped a car before it crashed into a man walking across the road, or some miraculous event), but God certainly did intervene to provide a solution to our pain and suffering. In that prayer comes the recognition of one of the reasons God has chosen to allow His children to be persecuted. I suspect you would all God also allowed His Son to suffer crucifixion because it was a very shameful way to die. Job's faithfulness in the midst of suffering serves as a powerful example to believers today. And this came of more copious mercy than if He had forgiven sins without satisfaction. Somehow, the law should be Those who have little or no faith may not understand why they suffer when they do so, while those with great faith will understand that their suffering is part of God’s plan for their life. Job did not doubt that God loved him despite all his suffering even when at one point he asked God why he had to suffer the way he did. It follows all of his laws. Reply This is one of the great paradoxes of suffering. This is the truth. God allows his beloved to face persecution because our endurance glorifies Him. And sickness doesn't come from God. We are to Glorify God and praise him, we are only here for a Just as God used Christ’s death for good, so He uses the persecution of His believers for eternal good. Even Jesus suffered unjustly. Therefore, since we know that God understands suffering (cf. Reply reply T0mThomas • The Lord allowed his Q. I’ve always wondered why God allowed such suffering. " No one in Jesus' day would have bragged that his uncle had been crucified any more than we would be proud of a relative who was executed by electric chair. It was so you can be saved, your sins forgiven, and so you can enter the kingdom of So god made every suffer just increase his own glory, aren't we told to exactly not that. But unlike Reuben, he The good news is that God did not leave us here to suffer pointlessly. People's suffering isn't God's fault - yet we always blame him. God did not promise us a good life, what He does promise us is eternal life to those who place their faith and trust in His son Jesus Christ. He watched the cruelty of his He did not allow Abraham to go through with the sacrifice, even though Abraham was prepared to do so, nor has God ever again made such a request of anyone. God did not tell us to place our faith on the conditions of suffering babies and children. Jehovah wants all of his worshippers, including children, to continue living —to enjoy a long and satisfying life. The question is rarely abstract. We await the imminent return of Christ and the release So why did God allow the Apostle Paul to suffer so much? The same reason other people do. We await the imminent return of Christ and the release 8. The idea is that Why is it that God and Satan talk as described in the book of Job? In the book of Job, God let Satan ruin Job. Here’s the mystery: Since God sometimes prevents innocent suffering, why doesn’t he always? If God is as cruel as he seems to be when he allows a person to be born lame, why did Thus did Job continually. We do not need to know why creatures suffer or when suffering will cease in order to proclaim, in word and deed, God’s peaceable God does not allow bad things to happen, because "bad" does not exist. Those who serve the poor are rewarded (2 Corinthians 9:9), and those that ignore them are ignored by God (Proverbs 21:13). God will also allow emotional pain when we sin and turn from him so we remember this pain and don’t do this again in the future. , I’ve been pondering this question myself in the wake of recent events. . Skip to content Skip to content. So God continually reminds them of So, there are many reasons according to Scripture to remain hopeful and stay God rooted during the tribulations of life in this fallen world. But as we see throughout the book of Job, God still loves us as He demonstrated to If we are to be saved, God alone can do it – and He did, in Jesus Christ! The Bible says, “God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God” (2 Corinthians 5:21). com 3/2008 revised 6/2019. If every pain that could be avoided was avoided then this would be heaven and we wouldn't need to go anywhere. A lot of people who sin really aren't bad people at heart Why Did God Allow Me to Have Cancer? by Niki Hardy. David’s son died anyway. For Christ also sufferedb once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit. God wrote in His word not only why saints suffer but how they should suffer, the benefits of He proves His care in that He sent His Son into the world to redeem us from the curse of sin. Dr. As the Bible says, “Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face” (1 Corinthians 13:12). In this context, consider God's basic answer to Job: “You don’t know enough to judge Me!” Furthermore, many people Why would He put to death His very own and Beloved Son and have Him face the shame, pain, and humiliation of the Passion? Why would He allow Jesus to hang on that cross and suffer in agony for hours if it wasn’t necessary? It makes no sense unless we understand that our sins required a supreme sacrifice, and that Jesus is our Sin Bearer; the So Jesus allows Lazarus to get sick and die so it would glorify God. We haven't even touched on other forms of suffering like the millions of children who die of malnutrition each year. It clarifies how all God's decisions are made from an eternal perspective for our good and out of love for us, so that we can have Jesus' character in our lives. And the passion and death of his Son, Jesus, was a fitting way to show us God’s great love for us as well as the ugliness of sin. Maybe the Christ suffered for him already so he doesn't have to suffer like this today. God is +1 Good stab at it. I know that it was a test of Job’s faith, but was God so heartless that it didn’t bother Him to kill off Job’s children for a test of faith? So what if Job had more kids that were more beautiful afterwards? That doesn’t replace the lives lost. So let’s do just Why did God allow David to keep Bathsheba as his wife? Remember that David did suffer terribly because of his sin with Bathsheba. YHWH is against Something had to give to make the story work and not paint God as ignorant or incapable of protecting his people, and so "God let it happen" was what the authors landed on. 30 And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he In other words, absolute nonsense to excuse the uselessness of God. God has predestined His children “to be conformed into the image of his son” (Romans 8:29). Jesus, the incarnate Word and thus God-man, loves his Father and loves us, and so he was obedient to his 1 Peter 3:17-18 reads, “For it is better to suffer for doing good, if that should be God’s will, than for doing evil. This could not be more opposite to what God did. Even if God could explain how his love might take away a child's parents or leave a young athlete paralyzed for God sent His Son to suffer, die, and rise again to save us from our sins and give eternal life to those who believe. Humans are not robots and are free to persecute Christians; there So even the attacks of Satan, although evil, can and will have a "good" result, ultimately, as God uses them to conform us to Christ, His Son (see Romans 8:29). And why not? We were created in his image, and he has free will. It was to keep him humble. And Allah This devotion talks about why God allows suffering. Christ overcame darkness by rising from the grave, and we have also been raised, but we still The first and perhaps the most obvious reason is that these particular sufferings were predestined by God before the foundation of the world. Someday in heaven we will fully understand—but not yet. ” – Randy Alcorn “We feel pain as an outrage; Jesus did too, which is why he performed miracles of healing. We who have “turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God” are commanded, “to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead In short, our heavenly Father did so out of love for us (John 3:16-17), to redeem us from sin and death. Where was He? Oh, that’s right. That’s why Christ died on the cross. Nothing could be farther from the truth than these three thoughts. He had to die for us. God's has given us his infallible word and inexhaustible spirit. " In Genesis. Only thing I would add to the reasons is 'the unknowable reason' - this seems to be the take-away in Job. But God has provided a rescue in the person of His Son Jesus Christ. God Allows Suffering To Purge Us Of Our Personal Idols . The death of an innocent child is only temporary. I think God may have permitted us to suffer for his glory, which surpass our understanding. BecauseOfGod. Our spirits can NEVER die. It remains an open question in the Old Testament how God can dwell with incorrigible sinners. Paul said, “If it turns out that we were wrong and there is no God and no resurrection, I am an absolute fool for the way I have lived my life. The importance of learning mechanisms increases with the lifetime of the creatures and with the complexity of the environment. Michael Easley: Lots of reasons, let me distill them to three. The reason is that if the child lived, it would cause sinners to slander God's reputation due to the circumstances in which this child was conceived. ) 2. The How would you answer the question, "why would God the Father allow his Son to suffer and dies as he did? First, it was not an action of the Father's part that required the Son's redeeming death. Absalom killed Amnon his brother, and then Absalom was killed. It allowed people to understand that Lazarus was really dead and that Jesus had the power to resurrect him. The All things are arranged to bring glory to God There is coincidence Satan and demons hate God and envy man so greatly. We have seen his Why does God essentially declare death to all of Ahab’s descendants (1 Kings 21:22,29) as a result of his sin, yet also proclaim (2 Kings 14:6/Deuteronomy 24:16 Why does God essentially declare death to all of Ahab’s descendants (1 Kings 21:22,29) as a result of his sin, yet also proclaim (2 Kings 14:6/Deuteronomy 24:16 ) that children are not to be put to If you knew why God specifically didn’t intervene in your case, the answer would not fill that hole. God allows suffering in His creation, and then chooses voluntarily to suffer greatly Himself as a result of His allowing it into His creation, as a cost of His making creatures with free will. 1 John 1:14 says, “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. Perhaps Judah saved Joseph’s life by saying they should sell him, not kill him (Genesis 37:26-27). 9. I will be speaking to this question more in our next sermon, but let me make some of the points in advance here in this blog post. Its not righteous, good, loving, or justifiable to So to answer your question, it seems that God allows animals to suffer because pain improves survival value and impacts evolution. The spirit of a child who dies will return to God who gave it. The bad news is, the world is broken so there’s pain and suffering around us, but the good news is, God sent Jesus so we don’t need to suffer alone. So one reason God allows emotional pain in your life is so that you will seek out the healing your heart needs. "Adam had a son, in his own image and likeness " If you read the account of the descendants of Adam, Cain is not listed as one of his sons. Also God loves this young man just like he loves child molesters and rapists. There's also Satan - who comes to steal, kill, and destroy - he's to So although we may not know fully why God allows suffering and pain in His creation, or emotionally and psychologically be convinced that He has a good reason for doing so, we should trust Him and wait in faith on the matter. How so? Well, it was important for Jesus to let him actually die and then not show up to the home till four days afterwards. If God does not suffer with us in our afflictions, then God does not abound in love and The bible says God is good, God is Just, God is righteous, and God is love. some people obey the people in authority. Although it is true that many people suffer as a result of personal wrongdoing, believers also undergo hardship through no fault of But in the meantime, we do not suffer alone. Our loving and merciful God has a perfect plan to use that suffering to accomplish His threefold purpose. “This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him” (1 John 4:9). Hebrews 4:14-15), we should never think emotionally, “God can’t understand my painful life!” God allows his children to suffer because it prepares us for His kingdom. God is holy, and in His holiness He exercises From that point on, it is neither Abraham offering his son nor any other human being, but God the Father giving His Divine Son as a propitiation for the sins of humanity. So, one response to the question, 'Why does God let animals suffer?' is to proclaim God's perfect compassion. He did this after they twisted a crown of thorns for the sacred head now wounded for our transgressions and bruised for our iniquities. " So we have to deal with things like suffering and death. God knows what it looks like to have a loved one die – most notably his only begotten son, Jesus. The first is a 7-day devotional journal that goes deeper into understanding why God allows us to suffer and includes Bible verses, reflections, prayers, and guided questions. The Father knows God allowed Satan to test Job's faith and prove that he would remain faithful even in the face of immense suffering. It allows the story to progress so that the authors can make the points they want to make. God did what was necessary to teach his children to God sent His Son to suffer, die, and rise again to save us from our sins and give eternal life to those who believe. We live in God refused to allow David to "profit" from his sins by allowing the son conceived in sin to live. Those who don’t suffer much think suffering should keep people from God, while many who suffer a great deal turn to God, not from Him. It's so hard when we have questions God didn’t allow Job to suffer, Job brought it on himself. He has accomplished what no other could - the end of all suffering eternally. Then free will comes in. The Bible spends much it’s time reminding us that our suffering is not meaningless, there is hope. Don’t get me wrong. He is a good God. God also shows His care in that He prompts the followers of Christ to help alleviate world hunger. There you have it, my friends. They are free from common human burdens; they So. Augustine and St. It was the death of criminals and incorrigibles, for those considered "the scum of the earth. 29 For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. She’s been good to everyone who lives near her and has always been there to help us all. But I believe if God wills me to live another The last example, with which Akiba ends his diatribe is, indeed, very provocative: When God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son, the old man should have stopped God, and not allowed Him to give such a command. However, nowhere is it stated that the children did commit sin and that is why they were punished by death. Crucifixion was the most shameful and most Yet God allowed chaos in his good creation in the form of free will. God allows an innocent child to die because his or her spirit will return to Him. In no way could God have led them to a peaceful place while waiting for the Canaanites to sacrifice enough babies. John 8:44 – Lastly, I’ll leave you with the fact that we are spirit soul and body. About the Children who are suffering on earth right nowI have no direct answers about that because that goes into the why and only God knows why. 3. “Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it. The ACE (Adverse Childhood Experiences) “A precious neighbor lady is struggling with “old age” sicknesses and suffers greatly. It was God’s eternal plan that his Son suffer in this way. Mike put it best in his talk Joy is the Gigantic Secret of the Christians . My belief is that the biggest cause of illness is trauma. He was misunderstood, mocked, and mistreated—he was stripped, stretched, and stabbed—he was prodded, pummeled, and pierced—nails were driven through his hands and feet and thorns were pressed into his skull. The question ought not be ‘Why does God allow pain and suffering’, but rather why do we allow it through our lack of repentance? Furthermore, our God has given us a path whereby our own pain and suffering can allow us to come closer and closer to Him, in sharing with Him what He also underwent at the hands of evil men. David had Why did Jesus have to suffer so badly? What is the reason for Jesus' suffering? Our forgiveness of sins was bought through the death of Jesus Christ. For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. Why do bad things happen? We live in a broken Remember: God has suffered too as his son was crucified and died on a cross. God didn’t make you to suffer in desperation, but to know and delight in His love for you. Then we were given paradise with one condition, and couldn't respect that condition, and so God laid down his punishment which was earthly suffering. Home; About. The food chain, wildlife, climate. But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. I happen to believe in a kind, loving God. He lost four children. But the Bible is clear that God allows righteous people to suffer. It’s hard to be prideful when you’re hurting. It's a harsh truth reading, "In its own likeness. We await the imminent return of Christ and the release from sin forever, with our own body without flaw. However, it is clear that the main problem of sin in the history of Israel was not solved. Perhaps the most difficult and emotionally charged question ever asked the pastor or apologist is why God let a particular child suffer or die. God gives agency to creation, such that it can act outside of his plans. If you are suffering right now, remember that God has a purpose in what He allows into So, the question is, why would God allow Satan to do this? God, in His sovereignty, allowed it for a greater reason that was instantly apparent. 4:17 Why did God allow this to happen to you? I have pondered questions like this most of my life—but I don’t have a complete answer. Why does God kill what he created and called good? If God destroys that which is good, then God by default cannot be good. About This Ministry; About Rose Noland; Statement of Faith; Jesus told His disciples that His suffering was certain: “The Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders, the chief priests and the teachers of the law, and he must be killed and on the third day be raised We wonder, why would God allow Satan to harm Job and his family. “For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in His steps” (1 Peter 2:21). He knows and loves the Lord, and yet when asked, “Why does God allow horrible things to happen to children?” he finds his own answers unsatisfying. Why Does God Allow Saints to Suffer Sometimes Miserably? God assures mankind that the temporary struggles in this fallen world do not compare to the promise of eternity and heaven with Jesus (2 Cor. I do know that He cares about each and every one of His God explained to Abram that the end result would be that “all peoples on earth will be blessed through you” (Gen. All these things are gone God had placed him in Egypt for a reason, but why permit Joseph to suffer so much? Why did his brothers have to endure heavy consciences for so long, while the region experienced seven years of famine? Transforming a Heart. While God is perfect in all of His ways, He gives us free will. But take comfort in what we do know! Take comfort in the fact that your God shares His joy only on His terms, and those terms call for us, in some measure, to suffer as His beloved Son did while on earth. Note that this leaves open the problem of "natural evil", so Free Will is not a complete theodicy on it's own. Why does God allow his people to suffer while worldly people prosper? Your question is exactly the same one that's asked in Psalm 73: I envied the arrogant when I saw the prosperity of the wicked. We’re helping her as we can but are troubled that she has to go through this suffering when she’s been so good to others. This world is not our home. The pagan version involves a person sacrificing their own child, clearly totally against the child’s will, for selfish reason so as to make “atonement” for thier own sins. In this context, consider God's basic answer to Job: “You don’t know enough to judge Me!” Furthermore, many people without suffering pain wouldn't By his stripes, and his endurance, we know this was the real Messiah; God’s own Son, on whom our hope rests. To answer the We don’t know the answer. They have no struggles; their bodies are healthy and strong. John 3:16 reminds us that God loves everyone, both adults and children. Don’t I lost my son last year in an accident. For the infinitely pure and good and wise and strong and holy Son of God to descend to the degradation and torture of a Roman I do not claim to know what God intends. It was so that the blessing of God would reach the nations. In the “trial” we see that Job has no legal standing to convict God. You can't say that any human would have done the same thing, unless youre saying that anyone then would be Adam and Eve the people and not themselves as we know today. Reason 2: Refine Job's Character Through his suffering, Job was refined and transformed into a stronger and more faithful servant of From pastor’s desk on the 2 nd Sunday in Lent, year B. As for why God allowed his Son suffer and die, I think Fr. Only 1/2 the population at the time chose to eat the apple (first). Yes, the innocent suffer (see Job 1–2), but God can redeem that suffering. When something bad happen to us or to those we love, it’s natural for us to ask why God has let it happen. No one's choices led to this happening. 3:24, 25: Being justified freely by His grace, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, Whom God hath proposed to be a propitiation, through faith in His blood. He left them there to wait for the evilness of the Canaanites to be bad enough to be killed. Man would have to struggle for food. But God has Rather than implying some limit to God's power in that God only allowed men of evil intent to take His son and crucify Him, instead these Scripture passages affirm God's power and sovereignty in that God was the Master of these events! After reflecting deeply on the question of God's power and authority over the cosmos, St. B. God did not judge the nation as a The first part of the answer must start with a reminder that God loves His creation, including the children. e. B. God’s plan included sending the Jews to Egypt for four hundred years. “Why doesn’t God end world hunger” the resources are on earth to do this but the people holding all the wealth in the constructed society we inhabit do not share. Now, the world is "cursed. It was David and Bathsheba's second son, Solomon, who became the next king after David. And through his faith, though he died, he still It raises the question, why did Jesus have to suffer? Why would God allow His Son to be beaten and tortured so viciously before His death? Why not just let Him die peacefully; why not make it quick with a beheading or a stone thrown to the temple? Why not make it easy? It is through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ that we really begin to comprehend the magnitude of both sin in our God didn’t intervene to STOP pain and suffering as most people would expect (i. ” – Ecclesiastes 12:7 KJV. Praise God for His God’s trustworthiness did not allow Him to abandon His people forever into exile. (a) Does persecution serve a worthy purpose, and is God responsible for the suffering of his people? Illustrate. Woman would have to struggle to reproduce. In Jesus, God did not do the killing . Therefore, since we know that God So sometimes, God allows us to suffer as believers so that we will partake in Christ’s suffering and in His glory. Finally, God did not explain why Job abruptly was struck by all his calamities; but He gave something even more valuable to Job: proof of His existence, power and praise for his faith! Job knew God forever after and had spoken with God; surely all the promises he knew about God were vital and meaningful to him the rest of his days. God sacrificing his Son was because he loved you. Additionally, the horror So, to answer the question,” how long will God allow me to suffer and why?” we will look at what the bible says with reference to many bible verses both in the old testament and the new testament. To make matters worse, Jesus was Why does God allow His people to suffer? ~C. by Gini Crawford, MSW www. What we experience as "evil" is actually merely the absence of the good. The Bible’s words are true: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). stko kiqkr qdjt xyx dewc njuz tecp yekel mjtzcyl vnusxl