Cans minor mcgill This includes the mandatory list of courses, which courses count Explore our extensive range of academic offerings, including over 300 undergraduate programs, 400+ graduate and postdoctoral programs, diverse continuing education courses, and specialized executive education seminars. ) - Minor Concentration Latin American & Caribbean Studies. ) degree. McGill University. NOTES: Students may not choose more than 3 credits in disciplines of their other major or minor concentrations. McGill Institute for the Study of Canada . It is expandable to the Major The Minor Concentration World Cinemas instructs students in film aesthetics, history, and theory by acquainting them with cinematic practices from different national and Students often pursue a minor that complements their major. Bachelor of Arts (B. Our Canadian Studies undergraduate programs provide interdisciplinary courses on Canada and integrate the study of Canada in collaboration with different departments within the Faculty of Arts at McGill University. The real credit cost to the Prerequisites: None. ENGL 381 - A Film The B. Over the years, Laurence developed a passion for Students should declare their intention to follow the Minor Statistics at the beginning of the penultimate year and must obtain approval for the selection of courses to fulfil the requirements for the Minor from the Departmental Chief Adviser (or delegate). Required Courses (6 credits) CANS 200 Understanding Canada (3 credits) Minor Requirements. ) McGill University. Eng. Canadian Studies may be completed as a Minor or Major Please see the 2024-2025 Undergraduate e-Calendar for information about program requirements. Restrictions: Open to students following the Minor Concentration in Canadian Ethnic Studies; or to students with at least nine credits, three at the 300 level, in the social sciences; or with permission of instructor. Some faculties offer a concentration or specialization within a Bachelor degree Address: Student Name: 6 credits 6 credits chosen from: ANTH 222, ECON 219, ENGL 228, ENGL 229, FREN 252, HIST 202, HIST 203, POLI 221, POLI 222, SOCI 230 CANS 200 Understanding Canada (3 credits) Offered by: Institute for Study of Canada (Faculty Minor Concentration Quebec Studies & Community-Engaged Learning/ La concentration Mineure en Études sur le Québec et apprentissage par engagement communautaire. But for most non-professional programs*, you can study a completely different subject in another faculty. Many engineers begin to assume management functions Restrictions: Open to students following the Minor Concentration in Canadian Ethnic Studies; or to students with at least nine credits, three at the 300 level, in the social sciences; or with permission of instructor. Back to top. Sc. Required Courses (6 credits) CANS 200 Understanding Canada (3 credits) McGill University. It offers students intellectually challenging and innovative instruction in key traditions of Communications and Media Studies and new theoretical and McGill University. Required courses normally completed in the following order: QCST 200 - Introduction to the Study of Quebec (U0 or U1) QCST 300 - Food and Agriculture in Canada (Cross-listed with A major is your primary area of study at McGill. . No more than 6 credits may be taken from the same discipline as the student's other major or minor concentrations. Communication Studies : The social and cultural implications of media. The Minor Concentration Computer Science is designed to provide the basics of computer science principles, and it make be taken in conjunction with any program in the Faculty of Arts. Tel: 514. A. Fr; eCalendar. A minor is an area of secondary concentration. CANS 300 - Topics in Canadian Studies 1. Minor Requirements. Minor for Non-Management Students: Students considering this minor program should consult a Faculty student adviser in the McGill Engineering Student Centre (Student Affairs Office; Frank Dawson Adams Building, Room 22) before applying to the Desautels Faculty of Management. 840 ave du Docteur-Penfield, room 102 Quebec H3A 0G2. CANS 412 Canada and Americas Seminar (3 credits) Offered by: Institute for Study of Canada (Faculty of Arts) Overview. (Arch. It will look at elements that led to the protections in British North America Act, . The Minor Concentration enables students to take courses about Canada outside the areas of their other major or minor concentrations. Enrolment Services Service Point The Minor Concentration Communication Studies provides undergraduate students with a critical understanding of the role that communications media and communication technologies play in a society. That said, a student may count no more than 6 credits away from McGill towards the Minor Concentration World Cinemas. Minors normally consist of 18–24 credits, allowing 6–12 credits of overlap with the degree program (see individual minor program requirements for specific information regarding course overlap). CANS 306 Topics in Indigenous Public Affairs (3 credits) Offered by: Minor Concentration Quebec Studies & Community-Engaged Learning/ La concentration Mineure en Études sur le Québec et apprentissage par engagement communautaire. Programmes, cours et politiques de l'Université Automne 2024 CANS 408 Individual Reading Course (3 unités) Offered by: Études canadiennes Reserved for final-year students enrolled in the Canadian Studies major or minor concentration. All courses counted towards the Minor must be passed with a grade of C or better. For example, you could pursue a Bachelor of Arts degree with a Major in History, Linguistics, or Sociology, to name just a few possibilities. This interdisciplinary program focuses on different aspects of Canada and its key institutions, with an emphasis on public affairs. Required Courses 6 credits. CANS 300 Topics in Canadian McGill Institute for the Study of Canada 3463 Peel Street, Montréal, Québec H3A 1W7. Not open to students who took CANS 404 in 2007-08. As a self-taught programmer, Laurence strived to find meaningful ways to use coding to solve real-life challenges. On this page: B. Department and University Information. Foundation program requirements Courses and credit load General recommendations to guide your course selection Program-specific recommendations to guide McGill University. For any general questions, please contact David Roseman at The B. CANS 203 Making Canada (3 credits) Offered by: Institute for Study of Canada Minor Concentration Canadian Studies. 7336 Telephone: Email: Other Major concentration? Other Minor concentration? Required Course (12 credits) CANS 200 Introduction to the Study of Canada. * Students who have taken the equivalent of COMP 202 prior to their McGill studies should replace it with an additional Computer Science Complementary course. ) - Minor Concentration Canadian Studies. or B. Note that an Education Minor will not qualify you to enter the Winter 2019 Fall 2018 Winter 2019 CANS 301: Canadian Carceral Cultures: Gender, Race, and Nation Cross-listed with IGSF. EAST 353 - Approaches to Chinese Cinema. The program may be expanded to the Major Concentration in Latin American and Overview. * ANTH 338, ARTH 302, ECON 303, ECON 305, ECON 308, ENGL 313, ENGL 393, McGill ID# Telephone number: CANS 200 Understanding *for Engineering students only Minors are coherent sequences of courses taken in addition to the courses required for the B. Prerequisite: CANS 200 or permission of instructor. En; eCalendar. Our flexible The Minor in Indigenous Studies currently provides students with a broad interdisciplinary approach to key topics in the historical, social, and cultural dimensions of Indigenous life on Turtle Island (North America). 398. Surveys theory and case studies relevant key issues such as the ownership, structure and governance of media industries; the significance of emergent media technologies; and the roles of media as cultural forms and practices. Completed? Mark: CANS 306 Indigenous Public Affairs OR INDG The information on this page, in conjunction with the eCalendar links provided, will help you plan your first year course selection as a Foundation Program student in the Bachelor of Science. The Minor Concentration World Cinemas instructs students in film aesthetics, history, and theory by acquainting them with cinematic practices from different national and international traditions. ; Minor Concentration in International Development Studies focuses on the many challenges facing developing countries, including issues related to socio-economic inequalities The Minor Concentration in Art History provides an introduction to the study of diverse artistic traditions from ancient to contemporary times. 3 credits. CANS 303: Language rights and language policies in Canada The course will study the evolution of language policies and language rights in Canada since Confederation. ; Minor Concentration in Latin American and Caribbean Studies focuses on a broad, interdisciplinary view of key aspects of Latin America and the Caribbean. 8346 Fax: 514. The specific requirements for a major vary from program to program. A minor can only be declared after your first full year of study; and you cannot add a minor to your record in your final term of graduation, unless you have already completed the majority of Obtain the form: The first step is to obtain the CS minor form that contains all the regulations, specific to your degree. Faculty of Education Minors Minor Concentration in Education is a great opportunity for undergraduate students to follow their passions and interests in their chosen field of study while developing further knowledge and skills in the areas of teaching and learning, educational psychology, or kinesiology. Required courses normally completed in the following order: QCST 200 - Introduction to the Study of Quebec (U0 or U1) QCST 400 - Contemporary Issues in Quebec (U2 or U3) - Winter Our Current and Past Cansbridge-Engine, Cansbridge-Empower Fellows and Past Fellows from McGill Laurence Liang Laurence is a mechanical engineering student who joined the Cansbridge Fellowship’s 2022 cohort.
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