124 grain 9mm load data titegroup By Eyorkfd March 5, 2013 in 9mm/38 Caliber. 6 grains depending on The Hodgdon site has load data for bullets of similar weight using Universal Clays. 155. I’m wondering how much of a difference the nose shape and 1 grain makes. I just loaded 1000 124 grain plated bullets with 4. dave33. I called him and was told that I could use load data for Speer bullets for my Berry's Load Data for 9mm LEAD 147gr and Titegroup Thread starter daddybld Start date Jul 29, 2012; D Load data shows 2. It is about the same length as the MPR and has a I load 115 gr light loads for my wife and her Glock 19. 0gr/1050fps 4. 065 3. I have searched and cannot find anything. 060" The Lee manual list data 9mm 124 grain plated bullets (same powders as the 115 grain). 5. primer, powder/powder charge, bullet and OAL). 9mm Parabellum 124 Speer TMJ I was cleaning out the basement of a vacation house I purchased a few years ago. Using bullets from Hornady HP-XTP. Speer #14 has Unique and Titegroup loads for 124 gr jacketed bullets. Titegroup's unique design provides just started using titegroup. 3 grain titegroup I was a little concerned about 9mm Luger / 9mm Parabellum +P Loads (using Western Powders) reloading data with 256 loads. 9mm load data with Titegroup. Sig 229 and occasionally 3. I load 124 gr Unique for all my 9MM 124 grain loads. they often shoot more accurately in several of them. Powders include Alliant, Winchester, Vihtavuori, IMR, 124/125 gr lead Red Dot start 3. of TiteGroup but as all of you 9mm Luger / 9mm Parabellum (Speer Reloading Manual #14) Warning! Notes: max. or Unique but I've been loading 9mm for over 20 years with Berry's 124gr RN, and 4. I know what bullet that is Lots of competitor friends use 4. I do beleive 1. 0 grains of Titegroup. 0-4. Shooting some plated but mostly jacketed bullets, round nose FMJ's and jacketed hollowpoints. Powders I have available are: Universal, Titegroup, CFE Pistol, Unique, -Hodgdon Titegroup -CCI 500 and Federal 100 small pistol primers -Mixed headstamp range brass I do not currently have a chronograph available to test with and am +1 on What WESHOOT2 said. 100” but I wanted to leave a little headroom. cv4 – You are right about my 3. 132 140 PF I reloading data for plated bulletT. 9mm Luger / 9mm Parabellum (Hodgdon Data) reloading data with 160 loads. 8 grains . The load information in different manuals is confusing to say the least. or Unique but I'm having good I stocked up early last year on reloading supplies anticipating a Hillary win, so I have a few thousand 124gr 9mm in stock. BUT, as noted above, that is the Max load-- so work up carefully. 357 Magnum 37. 1 gr Contacted ZERO bullet company and inquired about load data for their 124 gr 9mm FMJ bullets. 2 titegroup, 1. 8 grains of titegroup in a 9 mm 14 years dudeand this is about 124 gr 9mm 124 gr powder coated loaded data . This load is . All of my barrels plunk around 1. 3. Flat Point bullets and TITEGROUP powder? If you have load data, I would also like to hear what the overall length of the cartridge Would 4 grains of the Titegroup be a safe starting load? I also have 1000 9mm 124 grain Plated round nose bullets on order if you could recommend a starting load for that I Looking for load data for the Hornady 124 gr. 095. Thanks in advance for any info. first time using Hello Fello Shooters, I need help finding 9mm Minor Load data for Ramshot Silhouette. 545") I loaded them with really short COL in order to fit my new CZ TS2 blue With a 124 grain copper jacketed bullet in 9mm the Lee Manual says 4. 754"; trim-to length: 0. 2 grains titegroup under a 135 gr I called Berry's and they gave me the number for their consultant who has the safe load data. I'll be firing it through either the Glock 19 or 43. 110/1. 5. I've been mainly doing a 4. 9mm load data with Titegroup 147 gr. 5gr/1150fps Win 231 data: 3. 9mm Luger 24. JHP Powder: Hodgdon I have the Hornady manual, but nothing about Titegroup in the manual for 9mm Home. 1 gr Titegroup for 147 gr bullets and 3. 4. Work up carefiully. Among my “gifts” was a Lone Wolf Barrel for my Glock (to avoid comments about don't shoot lead in a I am loading 9mm Berrys 124 grain round nose using Titegroup. 114 Anyone have load data for 9mm Bear Creek 147gr tapered cone flatpoint bullets (moly coated lead) when using Titegroup powder? I'm trying to achieve between 885 and 915 looking for any load data for 147gr bullets using using TiteGroup. HAP but the Precision Delta 124 gr. Titegroup for 9mm 124 Grain Plated Handloading, Reloading, and Bullet Casting : The Firing Line Forums > The Skunkworks > Handloading It is a fast burn powder that has a I bet there's a multitude of load data for your specific requirements. I The load data isn’t searchable for word terms, but in my limited scan of of the data I did see some loads using the 115 gr FMJ, 124 gr JHP (I assume that is the MPR), and 135 gr Hello Folks, I did a search here but it seems as though most competitive shooters are using Titegroup instead of WSF. all loads shot well and ejected perfectly. 2 gr with 124 gr FMJ and thought it was a good I'm having trouble finding load data for BERRY'S 124 hybrid hollow point. Universal Clays starts at 3. Jump to Latest Loaded some 124 gr HPs over the weekend and yesterday using Titegroup and Win SP primers. 2 was max when I put this load together, newer data now has it below 4. 150 with the 124 gr. 2gr/1100fps 4. 8 grs max 4. 6 grs max 4. hollow points, Speer Gold Dot General Reloading ; 9mm/38 Caliber ; Load Recommendation 9mm with Titegroup (Hodgdon), 115 Grain CP Round Load Recommendation 9mm with Titegroup (Hodgdon), 115 Hi all. 4 grains. 357 SIG or . Using bullets from Hornady XTP, Barnes TAC XP, Nosler JHP, Sierra FMJ, Berry Plated RNDS, Rainier Plated RN, Oregon Trail Lasercast I loaded MG 124 JHP's to 1. 4 grains over Hodgdon's max load. 2 grains titegroup at 1. 0 grains appears the consensus on this and other forums. 150" OAL gives me 131PF 900 feet above sea level. I have used 4. 6 grains 124 gr - 4. 3 gr. Brian Enos The closest I can find is lead bullet data. 130" 1051 avg. You’ll see minimal velocity differences I shoot 4. New to reloading and purchased some Bayou Bullet 147 FP. I put a dummy round together and with the barrel out of my 38 super load data. I'm working with Titegroup(TG) and 231. Publisher cannot be responsible for errors in published Also you are reluctant to use others on-line recommendations. Given the way things are continuing to go I'm going to have to change that. 140" 4. I also use Titegroup with plated bullets. 3gr charge for it but wanna know from you guys what you think. thanks Load data for 9mm lead bullets and Unique NOT B. Also what 147g bullet profile is best for Glock’s. 4 grains titegroup, 1. They clocked an average Find load data for Hodgdon TiteGroup propellant by clicking the button "Loads for this Powder". 7 1,080 6. Make a dummy Source: https://reloadingdata. I have some Xtreme 124 gr RN and can't find load data from Hodgdon. By ramtough47 January 16, 2008 in 9mm/38 Caliber. 7 In no event shall Nosler, Inc. Jump to Latest They all feed and shoot well in 3 G19's, 2 Kel-Tec carbines, and a Ruger 9MM, not all mine. 6 to 5. 125 COL for a light load. FMJ roundnose bullets. 44 to two different power levels using six grains and nine grains of Titegroup. I bought my first pistol suppressor a few months ago First is my 115 grain Acme coated buller 3. Out of desperation, I have purchased 16lbs of it for my 9mm Glock 34 that I use for Production. works great very clean good for range work. It is on the lower end of the recommended load but it is a very accurate load. 100 per hodgdons website. Save Share Reply Quote Like. 355 124gr JHP bullets. 38 Titegroup data: 3. I load 9mm for myself, my son and grandson. Next is my 124 grain 9mm Tite Group loads Handloading, Reloading, and Bullet Casting The Firing Line Does anyone want to share a good 9mm load for Titegroup powder and Blue Bullet 147 gr. 2 grains. 0 grains COAL: FWIW, I'm 3. XTP 9mm and Titegroup powder. I may have a new favorite load. 10mm Auto 33. 8gr titegroup, 1. That barely makes 125PF though. Except for one load of Just wondering if anyone has used titegroup in 9mm luger & wondered how they like it. Should I use FMJ load data for these bullets? Also what is a I need help finding 9mm Minor Load data for Ramshot Silhouette. 0 grains. By Cuz September I've been loading 9mm for over 20 years Hello Gents, I'm shooting a CZ sp-01 shadow and looking for a little help with load data. 7 gr Titegroup @ 1. 4 - 4. 060. What is a good safe load for titegroup? I want to make PF in BUG, and do not want to My understanding is that Titegroup and N320 usually have very similar charge weights, so given that your gun's barrel is a bit longer than mine (I'm loading for a Walther HS-6 loads start at 4. 3 grains of Tite Group, Winchester small pistol primers, 1. With the faster I posted these a few weeks ago, but they are for the Round Nose 124 Berry's, not hollow base. 5gr of Titegroup for all of my loads with a goal of staying subsonic and cycling. 45 ACP. Out of desperation, I have purchased 16lbs of it for my 9mm Glock 34 that I use for I bought a couple (actually a bunch) of reloading goodies for Christmas. Share Western To help get you started with load data we have collected information from what we consider to be a reliable source for easy reference. 7gr/1000fps 4. I still have quite a few pounds of WSF left and I would like Western Powders lists the following 9mm +P load: 124 (P) RAIN HP 5. Jump to Latest 9K . I tried Hodgdon and they returned just a couple results and neither were my projectiles. 8 to 4. 8 of titegroup is what I've always used When I developed my loads I went 8% I am reloading Berry 9mm 124 gr HBFN TP with Winchester 231 powder and am having trouble with the minmum OAL. He mentioned the quantities of surplus smokeless powder the I am looking for info on reloading using Berry's 124 grain copper plated bullets in 9mm and using Bullseye powder. Thank you for your help. I originally loaded 115gr FMJ for my integrally suppressed 9mm AR. Oftentimes, a 9mm load will be *roughly* 0. This is a new reloader and Precision Delta does not do a reloading manual. They'll tell you. Hodgdon was casually reminiscing about World War I. 40S&W, . They're mostly for use in an M11/9 submachinegun but they work fine in a S&W Shield also. CZ 75B 2. speer. Hornady doesn't show a Titegroup loading for the 124 JHP. For several Does anyone have load data for these powders. load data. 125" OAL CZ Shadow 2 - 130 PF M&P PRO - 126 PF CZ SP-01 Shadow (1) - The data I have show 4. I found 2 boxes of 9mm 124 grain Hornady HST JHP bullets along with some other odd and end 9mm Luger / 9mm Parabellum (using ACME coated bullets) reloading data with 13 loads. 0gr and with 124’s it was 3. Currently, I'm using Missouri Bullet's reloading data for plated bulletT. I am looking for some 9mm+P loading data. 1. More about this powder: As the name implies, this spherical propellant was designed for accuracy. The Speer manual only lists the 124 grain 9mm RN, 9mm UCSP (not sure what UCSP 7. I use Sierra #9924 134 grain and 3. 4 grains and go up to 5. 8gr, power factor was always around 130. 7 gr. I have found that Power Pistol is the perfect powder for medium to hot 9mm loads with 115, 124 and 147 grain jacketed bullets. The Lee and Lyman manuals show 3. 8gr/1000fps never loaded them but 4. You'll probably be in the range of 4. Call X-treme. I still have quite a few pounds of WSF left and I would like 9mm 124gr JHP Load Data. Load for the 124 gr is 4. We shoot the lee 120tc bullet over 3. Royal. eightmillimeter. By mofosheee March 1, 2020 in 9mm/38 Caliber. 2gr higher for FMJ than coated bullets to obtain the same velocity. 1 to 4. I have two guns that allow the MG 124 JHP to feed and chamber properly at a Been reloading a bunch of these in front of 5. 1 grains of Titegroup under a 115gr Zero bullet for NRA Action pistol. 7 gr of titegroup @1. 100” OAL or longer, 124 gr coated bullet. 008" shorter ( old RMR bullet OAL is . 13" OAL cycles fine most of the time, but about 1 in 40 will not eject properly. 3 grs Load data for 9mm lead bullets and Unique NOT B. E. By JohnS23 January 13, 2019 in 9mm/38 Caliber. " year ago, we set out to create the First Edition 19. The Lee reloading 147 gr. Tags 124gr 9mm. be liable for any damages resulting from the use of this data. Personally, I don't like Titegroup, not enough Does anyone have any load data using Precision 147gr coated FP bullets? Or for that matter Titegroup with any 9mm, . Okay, here is the scenario. I've loaded 124 RN down to 1. I only use CCi 500 primers and most 124 I have successfully used Winchester WSF, Hodgdon CFE Pistol, HS-6, Longshot, and Titegroup in 9mm 124-125 gr projectiles. 0 grain load was very easy and fun to shoot from the heavy revolver. Regards, Olde School 19122d1448548849-load-data-124gr Hodgdon Titegroup 9MM Load Data Questions Handloading The range for 124 gr is a little tighter at 4. 2 gr Bullseye (Titegroup is equivalent but burns hotter) with a Blue Bullet 135 gr TC loaded to 1. . Solid well known load, runs around 125-130 pf and is very much I just picked up 200 rounds of Sig V-Crown 9mm . 45 Auto 35. However, load I loaded the . load data 124 gr. The Max for I bet there's a multitude of load data for your specific requirements. Coated bullets produce no noticeable amount of smoke. 129 OAL for IDPA. 0 grains and peaks at 3. Berry's or Xtreme plated, and I find that to be an awesome load. I always set up my chrono at 10ft from the muzzle. 5 grains and top load is 2. COAL: 1. Using bullets from ACME RN, ACME FP. 175"OAL in a finish chamber reamed BarSto barrel in a G17L. This kept the Good accuracy with no unburned powder. For If I get good accuracy I will stay at 4. The load data on the Hodgdon website states that the In 9mm, I've had great results with either Winchester 231 or it's duplicate, HP38 and any quality 124 gr lead alloy round nose cone bullet. My 124 gr. Titegroup starts at 2. 130 PF. 2 max. I have loaded and shot aprox, 3000 of these and my son uses the same load in 9mm titegroup 124 grain plated. It's the cheapest and most available powder for 9mm in my area. 4 max with a COL of 1. 8-4. 8 grains. 132 138 pf 125 zero jhp 4. Does anyone have load data for these powders. I am reloading some 9mm ammo to fire in my Lone Wolf conversion barrel (23 > 9) and trying out some XTP 124 grain bullets. Kahr I run 3. I normally use Unique but have been unable to find any. Owning a handgun doesn't make you armed any more than owning a guitar makes you a 9mm OAL 124 Titegroup. ” All cartridge measurements are SAAMI maximum and due to variations from manufacturers 9 mm Luger - Published Manufacturer Loading Data Shellholders: Lee #19 I load 124 gn plated with 4. Share I'm reloading from rocky mountain reloading 124 grain plated round nose bullets with Does anyone have load data for Berry's 124 Gr. These will only be target rounds for shooting with my three 9mms. When I used titegroup my load with 147’s was 3. After searching there does not seem to be a lot of 124gr data. The 6. E. By ultimase March 10, 2016 in 9mm/38 Caliber. Recent bullet availability has me trying out coated bullets. case: Speer; Need recipes for a g34 Glock for a 147g coated bullet with titegroup. I shoot 9mm/38 Caliber ; 124 gr. 4 gr of Titegroup for 124/125 gr JHPs for velocities from 962 to 1136 4. 139. 8 grains 1. A general reloading manual like Lyman and others explains I've load Berry's 124 HP over 4. 4 grains for the RCBS( 124gr) and 3. I have about 4 lbs. of TiteGroup at 1. Depending on how much Personally, I'd like to try these with Silhouette powder and I'm interested in using the load data they list for the 124 XTP which is: Starting load 4. 1-4. bullet. I run the same load out of my Except for one load of 124 gr lead RN, all the data is for BERB 124 gr HPCB TP. 125 is the I casted, sized, and lubed a bunch of boolits that came out of my Lee 6-Cavity 356-125-2R 125 Grain 2 mold. For the 115 gr it is 4. At just I loaded them with 3. 1) 124 gr. The Lee reloading manual I have has: 124 gr Jacketed with Acc #5 with a start of Was wondering if anyone here had some good recommendations for cast bullet loads. boolit. Share 3. 1 gr of CFE Pistol and Federal primers at 1. 1 grs Bullseye start 3. 380 was the last of the calibers I shoot semi-regularly but didn't reload. Also: 1. Looking for a good starting point for a new 1911 9mm. TiteGroup: 124 grain FMJ RN MG----I have not tested but 4. Using bullets from Barnes TAC-XP, Speer GDHP, Sierra FMJ, Speer FMJ, SinterFire, Lead Round Nose, Berry's I'm relatively new at this, having loaded about 6,000 rounds so far on my 650. by shoot308 10/31/2020, 8:51 am. Velocity is similar though just When the new RMR 124 gr JHP nuke came out which . To answer your original question, in general for coated bullets I use 3. Load to the longer end of what chambers in your gun. case length: 0. I have been unable to find much of anything published. reloading data 124 gr 9mm rainier RN Handloading, Reloading, and Bullet Casting : The Firing Line Forums > The Skunkworks > Handloading does anyone have loading data -Hodgdon Titegroup -CCI 500 and Federal 100 small pistol primers -Mixed headstamp range brass I do not currently have a chronograph available to test with and am . 2 grains of Titegroup. com/downloads/speer/reloading-pdfs/handgun/9mm_Luger__124_rev1. This load is listed as a non +p but max saami working 9mm load, with the Hornady XTP 124gr. 2 gr of HP38/231 under a 124 My two books only show 124 jacket load data. Forums. I've got plenty of Titegroup and Bullseye but any good loads with other powders would I use it for 9mm minor loads. 16 is longer than most typical 9mm Hey all, . 5 to 4. 169"; RCBS shell holder: #16; cart. 2 gr of bullseye, 124 gr fmj ( rmr bullet), usually cci primers. 1 grains of titegroup pushing a 124 grain Berry's hybrid hollowpoint an average of 974 fps. 7 As a beginner reloader, I'm looking for Titegroup load data for 9mm for 115 grains FMJ. Do a string search in Looking for load recommendations on 9mm 124 FMJ grain (i. 553" the new nuke is . If you're not aware, titegroup pressures spike rapidly at Looking at the load data for those 2 boolits, the Titegroup Suggested starting load is 3. 2. I think you will like Titegroup in the 9mm. 15. 358 shoot and load fine in all my 9mm. 6 gr of Titegroup and S&B SPP. 075” COAL. I'm looking for some load data for the extreme bullets I have and cannot find any specific load data for these bullets. Does anyone have load data for these The only powder I have is Accurate #5 and Win 231 (HP-38). 38 Super 357 Sig 40 S&W 31. 2) 124 9mm/38 Caliber ; CZ Shadow 2 Load Data CZ Shadow 2 Load Data. Help with Precision 9mm 125gr RN load with TiteGroup. wa s loading COAL 1. According to Hodgdon website, I am loading 4. 8 will work just fine. +P velocity of 1,205 fps. 8 gr of TG under a blue bullets 124 gr RN. 0gr of TiteGroup is my standard target load for 124gr hp. Berry's plated RN, 4. 6 grain W-231 load being less than the Hodgdon load data. 1 gr Titegroup at 1150 fps. I thought the FMJ would be the most comon bullet, would I be What is your most accurate 9mm 124 grain load for plated bullets? I have a few thousand X-treme bullets and a few pounds of Power Pistol, Bullseye, HP-38, and Titegroup, 3. 6-2. 1 1,150 38,263 1. What's new Latest activity Authors. I only have Bullseye and Unique powder now. 4 grains of TiteGroup gives velocities of 930 to 1125 (approx) for 124/125 grain JACKETED HP bullets. New posts Search forums. But this was also out of my P365 (short barrel) and the chrono was . 744"; max cart. 3 grains 147 gr - 3. I just bought some 9mm 124 gr powder coated bullets the other day. Share 2. But OAL is whatever it takes for the bullet shape. Acme 115 gr RN over 3. 3 gr is a starting load for LRN 124 grain - 4. JHP is close Gun: Glock 34 with factory barrel Bullet: Precision Delta 124 gr. It's a I've shot with a guy in IDPA who shoots lubed lead over TiteGroup and it looks like he's shooting black powder. I use the same load for 124 RN but OAL would be 1. 8gr General Reloading ; 9mm/38 Caliber ; Montana gold 9mm 124gr JHP with Titegroup. for the Lyman 120gr. General Reloading ; GR Your load of 3. 9MM 124 XTP Loads. 125 OAL. 124 grain berry target hollow point 1. 8 gr of Unique at 1. 100 seems too short, I load the 115gr lead missouri"s at 1. If you are using n the opening days of World War II, a chemist friend of Bruce E. 4. 1 gr. Anyone shooting these 9mm out of a glock 17 or 34 using TiteGroup? Save Share I shoot Berys 124 9mm loads with Titegroup: 115 gr - 4. 8 grains with a non-coated lead TC 9mm Load 124/147gr Titegroup. No experience with Titegroup powder, I use Alliant Unique for 9MM 124 gr. I don't notice any smoke when shooting, but when reviewing video it is there, but it isn't bad. Any Contacted ZERO bullet company and inquired about load data for their 124 gr 9mm FMJ bullets. 147 grain FMJ FN MG----3. e. I can't seem to find any load data on them. Safe in my gun but maybe not yours. OAL: 1. ive been doing a bit of experamenting with loads for this gun 115 gr bullets are pretty much out i had some berrys 124 gr 9mm bullets 3. Solid well known load, runs around 125-130 pf and is very much subsonic. BUT, Are you loading 9mm Lugar or something else? different powders will not change the col, Min col in Alliant load data for 9mm Lugar is 1. If you are using plated bullets then you don't want to go above mid range of jacketed loads. 169 oal At 943 fps and 30,300 CUP 9mm My favorite powder is Titegroup. Titegroup powder has been extremely difficult to find around here so I found Slower burning powders tend to develop optimal accuracy at high-near max range load data while some faster burning powders will develop acceptable/optimal accuracy at mid Across several reloading manuals 3. 0. 0 Titegroup OAL 1. They recommend the following: Powder : HP-38 5. By JohnS23 January 12, 2020 in I run the exact same load as Tony, 3. I'm a relatively noob at reloading and I have the 9mm Luger / 9mm Parabellum (Using 124 GR Hornady Bullets) reloading data with 41 loads. I did not find a specific [row] [column size=’2/3′] Load Data Search (Simplified) Search for Load Data Search Options Cartridge Powder Type Bullet / Projectile Application Cartridge Powder Manufacturer Powder Selection Bullet Manufacturer Barnes Berger This is oversimplified and demeaning. 12, spear lists 1. I checked my Hornady book and it has data for Hello Folks, I did a search here but it seems as though most competitive shooters are using Titegroup instead of WSF. Starting load in Anyone have load data for 9mm Bear Creek 147gr tapered cone flatpoint bullets (moly coated lead) when using Titegroup powder? I'm trying to achieve between 885 and 915 General Reloading ; 9mm/38 Caliber ; reloading; Everglades 9mm 124gr reloading; Everglades 9mm 124gr. For kicks and giggles, let's Help with Precision 9mm 125gr RN load with TiteGroup. " year ago, we set out to create the First Edition of the X-Treme Bullets Reloading Guide, XIJDI would include a recommended load for every projectile [row] [column size=’2/3′] Load Data Search (Simplified) Search for Load Data Search Options Cartridge Powder Type Bullet / Projectile Application Cartridge Powder Manufacturer Powder I’ve loaded quite a few of the 124 gr RMR MPR in 9mm, and I generate data from QuickLoad using the Sierra 125 gr 8125. 5 grains of CFE I just purchased Lyman's 50th addition loading manual looking for 124gr FMJ load data and all I see is for JHP. Rn or flat profile. pdf I was looking around for load data for titegroup and the closest data I can find for my 124 gr lrn mold is 125 gr lcn. The only powder I have is Accurate #5 and Win 231 (HP-38). 110 Their data is available online. Reply. 3 grains seems to be the most I have been loading 125 gr blue bullets rn over 4. 2 grains of HS-6 got me to Speer Gold Dot 124gr. My Speer manual lists the same powder So I got a Lee 124gr 9mm mold and wanna figure out a good titegroup load for my glock 19x. We did NOT create or test the below information and offer While I haven’t chronographed your exact load, I have run the 124 gr MPHP (pre nuke) out of a new Glock 48 with 3. One of my Well, it's not the Hornady 125 gr. 3-3. 0gr of TiteGroup and an OAL = 1.