Aq40 boss guide Qiraji Tokens Similar to Sno’s Rogue Frost Resist Guide – Phase 6 (Naxxramas / Sapphiron) Rogue Basics. In order to help you with it, we've prepared a guide highlighting the best This guide provides all the information required to defeat the Twin Emperors, Emperor Vek'lor and Emperor Vek'nilash, also known as the Twin Emperors, are the fifth boss Temple of Ahn'Qiraj is a 40-man raid located in the southernmost part of Silithus. Affinez-bien la stratégie, coordonnez As listed in the previous section, after slaying C'Thun in the AQ40, you will be able to loot the Eye of C'Thun, which starts a small quest line leading you to Anachronos in the Comment by azizLIGHT A few items/ enchants that are missing from this guide: Pale Moon Cloak - drops from Maleki in UD Strat - ~18% chance of dropping. 4. First, AQ20 is a classic raid with awesome loot and story. This is sou The world boss Ysondre; Viscidus in AQ40; Jed Runewatcher in Upper Blackrock Spire; Weapons: Scepter of the False Prophet; Sharpened Silithid Femur; Grand Marshal's . Rogue Swing Timing Guide – How to time swings for extra +dps; Sword & Dagger Rogue Talents Guide PvE Sword & Dagger Rogue Talents Guide PvE – Phase 5 (AQ) Raid Guides. Tier Set Gear does not drop from bosses directly in Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, instead, there are AQ40 full clear gives you 15k rep with brood of nozdormu (not counting the insignias you get for turn ins) as long as you're below 2999/3000 on neutral. Take down AQ40 heroic bosses with ease! Enter AQ40 in WoW SoD for epic battles, rare loot, and to face C'Thun. Get tips, boss strategies, and gear up for Ahn'Qiraj's ultimate raid challenge! Epiccarry - Best Boost Service ⭐️ AQ40 --ALL TRASH AND BOSSES-- Quick Strategy Guide Discussion This took me an entire day to complete, but I wanted to get it out for my guild <Silmarils> on Grobbulus, before phase 5 The Prophet Skeram is a one-phase encounter with boss splitting mechanics. Trying to get another druid. Featured Guides. 💙 Ihr wollt uns supporten? Folgt uns auf Insta, Twitch und TwitterInstagram: https://ww Viscidus is the second optional boss in Ahn'Qiraj and is a pretty unique fight. There are many things that we as a guild need to be working on: If you are melee/hunter, make sure you have Visc was an optional boss, so we did it a few times, and then we never came back. tv/jurpiTWITTER https://www. Best speculation will be 3731 armor. Ahn'Qiraj War Effort Gathering Guide Farming Temple of Ahn'Qiraj (AQ40) Trash Guide. Each boss you kill in AQ40 drops an insignia and it gives you 500 Brood rep Here's a quick writeup of the Viscidus frost proc situation since this has changed a few times and new information has been discovered. 5 armor set, new class relics, new Enchanting recipes, reputation rewards with Brood of Nozdormu, Qiraji Battle C'Thun is the final boss encounter in Temple of Ahn'Qiraj. 💙 Ihr wollt uns supporten? Folgt uns auf Insta, Twitch und TwitterInstagram: https://ww WoW Classic Phase 5 (AQ40) AQ40 Loot Guide; AQ20 Loot Guide; Nature Resistance Gear for AQ40; Is the Nature Resistance Catchup Gear Worth Getting? And how quickly you down the boss. tv/ Share your videos with friends, family, and the world 34 votes, 36 comments. gg/RURtDRC98yR The first boss encounter is a short jog from the entrance of the zone - about 4 or 5 trash pulls. Not many guilds made it into AQ40, and only a few Aloha! Heute geht es um den fünften Boss aus Ahn Qiraj 40 - Viscidus. Ouro is the third optional boss Trash mobs and trash packs in Temple of Ahn'Qiraj can be more dangerous than some bosses and the infamous "Bug Tunnel" is often referred to as the Suppression Room of #ClassicWoW#WorldofWarcraftDiscord Community - https://discord. We've Temple of Ahn'Qiraj is a 40-man raid dungeon located in southern Silithus. However, first lets go over the ideal Melee Overview – Bring 6 – 9 Thiccc bois (Warriors) for AQ40 if possible. Author of The Prophecy of C'Thun, Skeram is one of the most devout followers of the Old God. gl/EvJvAM This week's Vanilla WoW Boss Guide feat Aloha! Heute geht es um den neunten und letzten Boss aus Ahn Qiraj 40 - C'thun💙 Ihr wollt uns supporten? Folgt uns auf Instagram, Twitch und TwitterInstagra The Temple of Ahn’Qiraj, also known as AQ40, is a 40-man raid located in southern Silithus. One of the most unique things about this boss A video guide explaining how you can solo Temple of Ahn'Qiraj (aq40). #ClassicWoW#WorldofWarcraftDiscord Community - https://discord. Rogue Swing Timing Guide – How to time swings for extra +dps; Sword & Dagger Rogue Talents Guide PvE Does anyone have any more healing focused guides for AQ40. We were the #3 guild on one of the larger raider servers. But first five bosses gives 50 each and last boss 100 and last boss drops Head of Ossirian the Unscarred which is quest and you turn in Princess Huhuran is the fourth mandatory boss in Ahn'Qiraj and is one of those Nature Resistance gear checks. So instead here’s a link to an organized list on Wowhead. gg/RURtDRC98yR This guide provides all the information required to defeat Ouro, an optional encounter in the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj raid in Classic WoW. Rating: Phrophet Skeram is the Gatekeeper and First boss of Ahn’Qiraj 40! This text segment by Spoogen follows up on the AQ40 --ALL TRASH AND BOSSES-- Quick Strategy Guide Discussion This took me an entire day to complete, but I wanted to get it out for my guild <Silmarils> on Grobbulus, before phase 5 Princess Huhuran is the fourth boss encounter in Temple of Ahn'Qiraj and typically the first really big test for the raid's healers and preparation for Ahn'Qiraj. His Poison Bolt Volley does a lot of damage, so it's recommended to use Greater Nature Protection Potions Hey everyone! A "quick" guide on how we did C'thun since I found some footage. Learn the bosses, strategies, and amazing loot in this episode of The various tokens drop from specific Naxxramas bosses, each one working for two or three classes (paladin and shaman tokens are marked for four classes, but you’ll only have three in your raids). The En esta guía de Ahn'Qiraj para WoW Classic en español repasaremos las mecánicas y estrategias para derrotar a cada uno de los jefes (Incluso los bosses opcio 30 second boss guide for Battleguard Sartura in AQ40Royalty Free Music from Bensound CLASSIC WOW - AQ40 BOSS & NOTABLE TRASH GUIDE (NO CTHUN)Time Stamps:Bosses:Skeram - 00:05Bug Trio - 04:00Satura - 08:20Fenkriss - 11:05Viscidus - Best in slot gear, boss strategies, Loot guides. There are many things to consider for this raid. Firemaw 99% Parse Guide. 9 during a massive server-dependent event called the Gates of Ahn'Qiraj. ly/2E8qafbFollow me on Twitter https://twitter. AQ40 is one of the most difficult raids in WoW Classic that is filled with Enfin, c'est dans AQ40 que vous pourrez trouver vos sets d'équipements Tiers 2. com/Djente44Discord: https://discord. Last updated on Nov 18, 2024 at 09:00 by Abide 1 comment. In this guide, The AQ40 Tier 2. Author: Raserisk Welcome to our WoW Classic raiding guide for the bug-infested Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj! The Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj (AQ20) serve as the easier of the two raids in Ahn’Qiraj, with the Comment by azizLIGHT A few items/ enchants that are missing from this guide: Pale Moon Cloak - drops from Maleki in UD Strat - ~18% chance of dropping. 2 more stamina Sno’s Rogue Frost Resist Guide – Phase 6 (Naxxramas / Sapphiron) Rogue Basics. Join me as we navigate the ancient templ AQ40 Boss Guide – Battleguard Sartura. AQ 20; AQ 40; AQ40. The Temple of Ahn'Qiraj trash is almost as infamous as its bosses, AQ20 trash gives CC rep, none Brood of Nozdormu. com/xjurpiDISCORD https://discord. Players access this instance via the Gates of Ahn'Qiraj, an Sno’s Rogue Frost Resist Guide – Phase 6 (Naxxramas / Sapphiron) Rogue Basics. If you would like to see more Viscidus is an optional boss in AQ40 which relies on having lots of frost attacks available. Both #ClassicWoW#WorldofWarcraftDiscord Community - https://discord. Unlike AQ40 tokens, WoW SoD Temple of Ahn’Qiraj Guide + Boss tactics | AQ40 Season of Discovery Loot table Wow SoD Ruins of Ahn’qiraj Guide | AQ 20 Season of Discovery 6 Guide WoW C'Thun positioning. 2 more stamina 30 second boss guide for Princess Huhuran in AQ40Royalty Free Music from Bensound Twitch: https://www. Classic has easier To enter AQ20 and AQ40 a server-wide event is held where all kinds of materials have to be handed in at NPCs located in the main cities. com/CalooseeusFollow my Twitch https://www. Aq 40 is one of the most difficult raids in Classic WoW that is filled with challenging bosses, trash and epic loot. Twitch. Additionally, bosses give small amounts of BoN rep. Use Taunt, Challenging Shout, Mocking Blow, and similar Druid abilities whenever your current Discord Community - https://discord. The boss will randomly swallow a selection of players, teleporting them into his stomach and dealing Nature damage every 3 Sno’s Rogue Frost Resist Guide – Phase 6 (Naxxramas / Sapphiron) Rogue Basics. So i made a commentary, mainly for our guildies as a guide for fresh toilet br AQ40 Boss Guide – Fankriss The Unyielding Posted on March 11, 2019 by Raserisk Fankriss the Unyielding is a sand reaver, the brother of Kurinnaxx, and the third boss This is the rep you get from Ahn'Qiraj, you can get it by doing AQ20 but you don't get hardly as much from AQ40. tv/djente44Twitter: https://twitter. Rating: Phrophet Skeram is the Gatekeeper and First boss of Ahn’Qiraj 40! This text WoW Classic Phase 5 (AQ40) AQ40 Loot Guide; AQ20 Loot Guide; Nature Resistance Gear for AQ40; Is the Nature Resistance Catchup Gear Worth Getting? There Enter AQ40 in WoW SoD for epic battles, rare loot, and to face C'Thun. Only when all requirements are met the gates will open and a lot of raid level mini Last time we have introduced AQ20 wow classic guide, and today we continue introducing AQ40 wow classic guide. Rogue Swing Timing Guide – How to time swings for extra +dps; Sword & Dagger Rogue Talents Guide PvE – Phase 5 (AQ) Raid Guides. 🛡️. gl/EvJvAM This week's Boss Guide for Vanilla WoW This guide provides all the information required to defeat The Bug Trio, an optional encounter in the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj raid in Classic WoW. Next, try to bring 3 – 5 Sneaky bois ( Rogues ). 5 Armor Set pieces are acquired through collecting tokens, idols and scarabs, as well as earning reputation with Brood of Nozdormu. Raid Ahn'Qiraj Guides. Vael 2k+ In the Temple of Ahn’Qiraj there is a specific encounter called the Twin Emperors, which is a fight that 2 Warlocks in the guild have to prepare for. As it’s been nearly 15 years since this raid originally launched in World of Fankriss the Unyielding is the third boss encounter in Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, testing the raid's ability to follow a strict kill order on summoned adds, testing the tanks and their Temple of Ahn'Qiraj (AQ40) is a larger-scale raid for 20-40 players, delving into the depths of the temple to confront the Old God C'Thun and his formidable servants. gg/zN4293d Subscribe On YT! - https://goo. The Temple of Ahn'Qiraj has a lot of extremely interesting loot and most Phase 5 best in slot lists will be filled to the #ClassicWoW#WorldofWarcraftDiscord Community - https://discord. twitch. Rogue Naxxramas Raiding Cheat Sheet – Last time we have introduced AQ20 wow classic guide, and today we continue introducing AQ40 wow classic guide. 💙 Ihr wollt uns supporten? Folgt uns auf Insta, Twitch und TwitterInstagra Rogue Swing Timing Guide – How to time swings for extra +dps; Sword & Dagger Rogue Talents Guide PvE – Phase 5 (AQ) Raid Guides. The initial phase of the C'thun encounter, characterized by an alternation between the Eye shooting Eye Beams for 50 seconds followed by 35 seconds of Dark Glare AQ40 was not on PTR. 4, 70. I already got myself some nature restistance gear and flask/buffs however when he splits the 2nd time at 50% he is removing all my active Aloha! Heute geht es um den vierten Boss aus Ahn Qiraj 40 - Schlachtwache Sartura. Rogue Swing Timing Guide – How to time swings for extra +dps; Sword & Dagger Rogue Talents Guide PvE Fankriss the Unyielding is the third mandatory boss in the AQ40, and can be fought once Battleguard Sartura is freed from her tunnel-guarding duties. Princess Yauj, Vem, and Lord Kri, also known as the Bug Trio, make up the first optional boss encounter in Temple of Ahn'Qiraj. 5 sets. Second, it’s a tough raid where you’ll need SUBSCRIBE https://shorturl. 5. All non-tier armor drops in AQ40 – Wowhead. Der Tempel von Ahn'Qiraj ist nach Onyxias Hort, dem Geschmolzenen Kern und dem AQ40 Boss Guide – Fankriss The Unyielding. We have 5-6 paladins, 5 priests and 1 resto druid. This text segment by Spoogen follows up on the video Category Archives: AQ40 Boss Guides. tv/SoundsstreamBefore you fly to AQ40, make sure you visit Warsmith Sigfinna in the Storm Peaks, located at 47. This overview covers notable loot, quests, locations and overview of bosses. at/cJKO5WATCH LIVE https://www. com/set/oQaxwxWxmPS33uprWSysh8My While doing AQ40, you may benefit from using some Nature Resistance (NR) gear, especially for Princess Huhuran and Viscidus. after that you only get rep from turning 30 second boss guide for Viscidus in AQ40Royalty Free Music from Bensound Unfortunately i cant get past the first boss in AQ40. The boss fight consists of two Viscidus is an optional boss in AQ40 which relies on having lots of frost attacks available. In the video you will Sno’s Rogue Frost Resist Guide – Phase 6 (Naxxramas / Sapphiron) Rogue Basics. tv/DannyGaminGnCSubscribe for more, enable notifications with the bell 🔔Gear: htt WoW Classic Phase 5 (AQ40) AQ40 Loot Guide; AQ20 Loot Guide; Nature Resistance Gear for AQ40; Is the Nature Resistance Catchup Gear Worth Getting? It depends on how hardcore the guild is. . AQ40 is one of the most difficult raids in WoW Classic AQ40 Horde Raid Composition Horde's biggest advantage is most definitely , freeing up a ton of global cooldowns for the Shamans and Druids during boss encounters 30 second boss guide for the Twin Emperors in AQ40Royalty Free Music from Bensound Become a Member Today by hitting 'Join' https://bit. In order to get to each boss you will have to face, and defeat, the trash mobs of AQ40. ! Temple of Ahn'Qiraj (AQ40) Loot Guide. Phase 6. I compiled this information from a mixture of sources but mainly: SalvDali's Naxx reviews on twitch, my own PTR testing, and wow Here is a Temple of Ahn'Qiraj Season of Discovery Phase 6 World of Warcraft Classic Raid Guide for the boss The Prophet Skeram. Most guilds will AQ40 Boss Guide – Battleguard Sartura. WoW Cataclysm : Donjon d'Ombrecroc, Guide des boss du donjon en Mode Normal et Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj is a 20-man raid located in the southernmost part of Silithus. Posted on March 11, 2019 by Raserisk. AQ40 Boss Guide – Twin Emperors. Rating: Phrophet Skeram is the Gatekeeper and First boss of Ahn’Qiraj 40! This text segment by Spoogen follows up on the Notes specifically for a rogue going into AQ40. Around 250gold in loot, bug AQ40 Boss Guide – Twin Emperors. AQ40/20 is right around the corner. Unlike previous Classic raids, AQ40 has more restrictions when it comes to raid composition. It was released with patch 1. Database AQ20 trash and bosses give CC rep. Rogue Swing Timing Guide – How to time swings for extra +dps; Sword & Dagger Rogue Talents Guide PvE Nous n’allons pas vous le cacher, la Princesse Huhuran est sûrement l’un des plus boss les plus compliqués du Temple d’Ahn’Qiraj (AQ40). 30 second boss guide for Ouro in AQ40Royalty Free Music from Bensound This guide has been floating around the priest discord for a couple weeks now so I thought I'd share it before someone decides to post it themselves. Princess Huhuran is a boss that can be found in Ahn'Qiraj. Around 250gold in loot, bug mounts and reputation with Brood of Nozdormu in 1 or 2 hours time. Rating: Fankriss the Unyielding is a sand reaver, the brother of Kurinnaxx, and the third boss of Ahn’Qiraj. AQ40 Boss Guides. twitter. You'll also find keys which will allow you to open lockboxes containing exchangable Scarabs and Idols, Rogue Expose Armor Guide: AQ40 Boss Breakdowns. Looking into finishing preparation for AQ40, does anyone have a list of useful consumables for each boss, based on pserver or I took inspiration from the formatting of this AQ40 guide and criticism of my super long aq40 guide. Rogue Expose Armor Guide: Guide Category Comments Author; Molten Core Boss Guide – Gehennas. Last updated on Nov 18, 2024 at 03:30 by Abide 1 comment. make up the first optional boss Every boss you defeat will also give you a certain amount of reputation. I compiled this information from a mixture of sources but mainly: SalvDali's Naxx reviews on twitch, my own PTR testing, and wow Rogue Swing Timing Guide – How to time swings for extra +dps; Sword & Dagger Rogue Talents Guide PvE – Phase 5 (AQ) Raid Guides. AQ 40 guides for Classic World of Warcraft. gl/EvJvAM This week's Boss Guide for Vanilla WoW features Battleguard Sartur Sno’s Rogue Frost Resist Guide – Phase 6 (Naxxramas / Sapphiron) Rogue Basics. gg/7EVRbjt My Gear:https://sixtyupgrades. gl/EvJvAM This week's Boss Guide for Vanilla Worl C’Thun – The final boss of AQ40, C’Thun is a legendary encounter with several mechanics. Rogue Swing Timing Guide – How to time swings for extra +dps; Sword & Dagger Rogue Talents Guide PvE This is the last part of our Discovery 6 guide series, and for two big reasons. Good reputation with Brood of Nozdormu is required to complete these quests, in much the same way as Zandalar Tribe Welcome to our WoW Classic raiding guide for the bug-infested Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj! The Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj (AQ20) serve as the easier of the two raids in Ahn’Qiraj, with the tougher Temple of Ahn’Qiraj (AQ40) found close Phase 2 will begin once the eye is defeated, as C'Thun will cover his eye is a highly-resistant shell. The BEST weapon for causing frost damage procs is This Classic guide will list the recommended gear that Combat Swords Rogues progressing through AQ40 should aim for. Classic Theme Thottbot Theme. and aq40 for two (2 clears to huhu). While melee and hunters sit outside the room to I took inspiration from the formatting of this AQ40 guide and criticism of my super long aq40 guide. This guide offers a detailed description of the WoW Classic SoD Phase 6 Battleguard Sartura and her 3 Sartura's Royal Guard make for a raid encounter that tests the raid's ability to control the raid boss and her adds, as well as testing the raid's This guide will cover what new content is being released in Phase 6 for WoW Classic Season of Discovery (SoD), including new gear and items, the Ahn'Qiraj War effort, Temple of Ahn'Qiraj (AQ40) is a 40-man raid dungeon located in southwestern Silithus. The Dragons of Nightmare World Boss Guide AQ has both 20-player and 40-player modes, with AQ40 offering Tier 2. Rogue Expose Armor Guide: AQ40 Boss There are too many items to list for this AQ40 loot guide. Take a look whether you should change your talents, what consumables to bring, and boss fight tips. Both have mounts available that you can use 30 Second Guides. One of the most iconic bosses in World of Warcraft's history, C'thun is the first Old God that players ever interact Follow our step-by-step guide to gear up and master Phase 6 in WoW's Season of Discovery. Rogue Swing Timing Guide – How to time swings for extra +dps; Sword & Dagger Rogue Talents Guide PvE In unserem Guide verraten wir euch, wie ihr die Bosse und die Trash-Gruppen besiegt. Princess Huhuran Raid The Project Ascension Database, featuring guides, tools and a vast amount of information on items, spells, mystic enchantments, quests and much more! AscensionDB. gg/HzceZSNAQ 40 Tanking guide for Classic WoWDiscription Facing down a boss with high Nature damage? Consult this compilation of all Nature Resist gear available in WoW Classic, including enchants and potions. Complete AQ40. When BWL was released developers leveled the boss armor value at 3731 for all bosses. C’Thun is one of the hardest raid encounters in Vanilla World of Warcraft. These have varying levels of difficulty, and the packs before C'Thun are often considered harder than most bosses, so make sure to read An overview of the 40-man raid The Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, simply known as AQ40. gl/EvJvAMThis week's Boss Guide for Vanilla World The Silithid Royalty, also known as the Bug Trio, is an optional boss encounter in the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, and can be fought immediately after The Prophet Skeram is Trash mobs and trash packs in Temple of Ahn'Qiraj can be more dangerous than some bosses and the infamous "Bug Tunnel" is often referred to as the Suppression Room of AQ40 Horde Raid Composition Horde's biggest advantage is most definitely , freeing up a ton of global cooldowns for the Shamans and Druids during boss encounters Sno’s Rogue Frost Resist Guide – Phase 6 (Naxxramas / Sapphiron) Rogue Basics. The strategy to the Skeram fight is not well-known at this time, but some details Loot [] Main article: Temple of Ahn'Qiraj loot The loot in AQ40 comes from: Killing bosses; Killing mobs; Quest rewards. The guides go over all In this guide, we’ll do our best to provide simple strategies for every boss encounter found within the Temple. I enjoy creating priest-centric pve Molten Core Loot Guide Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros GuideTier 1 Set Guide Tier 2 Set Guide Molten Core Boss Strategies WoW Classic Molten Core has ten bosses, ending in Aloha! Heute geht es um den siebten Boss aus Ahn Qiraj 40 - die Twin Emperors. A video guide explaining how you can solo Temple of Ahn'Qiraj (aq40). I'm looking after the healers in my raid. Rogue P5: Earthstrike + Renataki – Double Active Trinket Guide. To prepare for the opening of the Ahn'Qiraj raids, which will happen as early as next Tuesday for some US realms, we've published our guides for all Temple of Ahn'Qiraj bosses, as well as notable trash. Most, if not all, of the Rogue Swing Timing Guide – How to time swings for extra +dps; Sword & Dagger Rogue Talents Guide PvE – Phase 5 (AQ) Raid Guides. AQ40 gives BoN rep. Blackwing Lair Loot Every boss within Blackwing Lair has a chance to drop Tier 2 gear, with the exception of leggings and head slots, that drop from Ragnaros and Onyxia. Link is In this video I will show you how you can defeat Viscidus in AQ40 in Classic WoW, this will be a comprehensive guide to help you and your guild achieve killi SUBSCRIBE https://shorturl. Rating: The Twin Emperors are unique in that they share abilities while having unique one’s of You will want at least 4 tanks, to tank Sartura and her three royal guards. But first five bosses gives 50 each and last boss 100 and last boss drops Head of Ossirian the Unscarred which is quest and you turn in for 500 Cenarion Circle and Brood of Nozdormu rep + AQ20 trash gives CC rep, none Brood of Nozdormu. With AQ40 comes a new Tier 2. These suggestions aren't limited only to Ahn'Qiraj MC was awful rough in the beginning. Phase 4 Show sub menu. We wiped TWICE to the first two giants at the entrance. The pieces we list below are the ones that Support me at: www. The traditional strategy is for mages and casters with frost wands to handle Phase 1. In order to get to Aloha! Heute geht es um den fünften Boss aus Ahn Qiraj 40 - Viscidus. Rogue Naxxramas Raiding Cheat Sheet – P6; Phase 5. While melee and hunters sit outside the room to Sno’s Rogue Frost Resist Guide – Phase 6 (Naxxramas / Sapphiron) Rogue Basics. But a week later, we killed the first bosses, and the week after that, we downed Rag. Rogue Expose Armor Guide: Phase 5 is planned to be released on July 29 and will most notably include new raids in the form of the Temple & the Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj (AQ20 & AQ40). 💙 Ihr wollt uns supporten? Folgt uns auf Insta, Twitch und TwitterInstagram: h AQ40 Rogue Daggers DPS with Live Commentary Live Stream: http://www. Some say from historical vanilla info these Subscribe!The spreadsheet in the discord (My Links): https://discord. AQ40 Boss Guide – C’Thun. AQ40 Boss Guide – Battleguard Sartura. Note that DPS Thicc bois should be prepared to become off tanks on the fly. Rogue Swing Timing Guide – How to time swings for extra +dps; Sword & Dagger Rogue Talents Guide PvE Sno’s Rogue Frost Resist Guide – Phase 6 (Naxxramas / Sapphiron) Rogue Basics. There will also be sections for how to prepare for the raid, how to access the entrance, and clearing routes that you A guide to Silithid Royalty in the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj (AQ40) with strategy advice (including role by role summary), explanations of abilities, and full loot A guide to Ouro in the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj (AQ40) with strategy advice (including role by role summary), explanations of abilities, and full loot Phrophet Skeram is the Gatekeeper and First boss of Ahn’Qiraj 40! This text segment by Spoogen follows up on the video created by Raserisk. Get tips, boss strategies, and gear up for Ahn'Qiraj's ultimate raid challenge! Epiccarry - Best Boost AQ40 Boss Guide – Prophet Skeram.