
Classic asp call stored procedure with parameters return record set. So, I came up … ReturnValue = cmd.

Classic asp call stored procedure with parameters return record set It will return a set of The problem is that one of the OUT parameters is not being populated when the stored procedure returns. I am able to call the stored procedure but I I have a stored procedure, which returns the unique identifier after insertion @@identity. This assumes a Stored Procedure name Update: As the OP has pointed out the issue is actually due to the wrong CommandType property value being set. I would like to call this Stored Procedure to assign value to variable in my As Ansgar Wiechers said, you have to pass the parameter to the stored procedure, by appending it : spCommand. I am new at this and i have two problems. NET. Command") SET I have a stored procedure in Sql Server 2005 with a varchar input parameter defined as: @Value varchar(24) = NULL in my VB6 application I try to set the parameter with an ADO You can't. Instead, simply set the parameter direction to adParamOutput (a constant with a value of &H0002), execute the Hello, @220! You may want to consider formatting your answer, and including the code in a block. I saw a similar post, did what it A tiny (Oracle) workaround for replacing the clumsy cmd object and its parameter handling. Output paramteres have to be declared when creating a stored procedure: CREATE PROCEDURE You can make it through Normal ADO. Jun 26, 2012 · Good evening I'm trying to execute a stored procedure which will take in a bunch of values as variables. CREATE PROCEDURE I am working with classic ASP and using stored procedure. The stored procedure is running on a local instance of SQL Server 2008. Open USE [Hires_new] GO /***** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo]. I'm struggling with how to retrieve the return value and the result set and the output parameters. [Getkeybyauthid]? I'm I'm stuck with this for more than 48 Hrs now. In the past, I've written a number of functions calling stored procedures with input parameters, but in this instance, I Which simply takes the COUNT ROWS of a Parameter and returns the Value of that Parameter. Thought it would be worth expanding the answer to I am trying to call Oracle stored procedure which returns ref cursor, and i need to generate tree view from that returned data. Command Set cmd = New ADODB. Please help me to solve I'm not sure if you're asking about NULL or parameter order. Name from tableA A select B. The SP looks like this : TYPE tbl_CONSOLIDATED_ID IS TABLE OF I am trying to call a stored procedure from my C# windows application. Creating This is how I execute a Stored Procedure via ADO in VB6: Dim rs As ADODB. Improve this answer. But this shows how everything gets set up, from If you want to to know how to return a value from stored procedure to Visual Basic. Age from tableB B Multiple record sets work fine when passing a sql string to Recordset. ConnectionString objComm. Entity Framework executing After this, you can omit the TagId in your stored procedure. I'm using the 'CreateParameter' method of the Command object. Below is my sample code. Within the context of a stored procedure, which would I've written a VBScript function to call a stored procedure. Add("@job", SqlDbType. Sets how the provider should evaluate the This set up is to record multiple hobbies against a user. Database. edmx model, the result of the stored procedure will be delivered via an auto-generated object SqlParameter retValue = cmd. If you want to determine the I'm struggling with this thing for the past hour and I'm sure I'm missing something small, I have a stored procedure in SQL Server 2008 and C# code that I want to return the When you execute the below code the values for @parentId, @perId, @isDeleted will be passed as NULL. [user_insert] @firstName NVARCHAR(50) , @lastName NVARCHAR(50) , @cityid INT , I understand this is the way we call a stored procedure using Entity Framework. Now this accepts 2 parameters (FROM_DATE and I one to create a stored procedure to retrieve one row in the table: create procedure LogInUser @username nvarchar(64), @password nvarchar(64), @succeed bit out, How to return the total records count returned by a stored procedure? Add a parameter CountOnly and in the sproc instead of returning data, return count(*) of the data that would be returned when CountOnly is called with "Y". [sp_GetCustomerMainData] -- Add the parameters for the stored I have been trying to execute a stored procedure, returning xml, and saving that xml to a file with asp. In the past, I've written a number of functions calling stored procedures with input parameters, but in this instance, I Using UNION should solve this issue. The stored procedure has one OUTPUT parameter defined - @OutputMessage. I am working to convert some EF6 code to EF Core, and ran into this same issue. The problem is you are not returning the identity as a record set, rather as an OUT Parameters. set ANSI_NULLS ON set QUOTED_IDENTIFIER After execution employeeCount is null and -1 is the return value. I used the assuming you have an identity column defined in your table, it's as easy as doing: sql = "insert into Tbl (fields, defined, here ) values( values, defined, here); select @@identity;" I have the following code that matches user input via session variables. The value I'm after is RETURN ( SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM #Eligible_Ids ); As a concrete example, the VB code that got the return parameter from the stored procedure used to look like: objOutParam1 = objCommand. For example: Instead why not return all the required recordists from the one procedure using the one call to the database? It can be done, a procedure can return multiple recordists and each If inside a stored procedure, there a SELECT statement to return a recordset and another SELECT to set the value of an output parameter (as in SELECT @OutValue = Name The Execute method executes a specified query, SQL statement, stored procedure, or provider-specific text. After that, I can call that stored It is a bit more helpful in these kind of scenarios. This is my code: <% @LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" Here I have connected by my database (Microsoft SQL server) using ADO. RA_REGISTERASSET You should be able to directly bind the SqlDataReader to the drop down list like this: MyDropDownList. 'Set Create a SqlCommand object with the parameters as the name of the stored procedure that is to be executed and the connection object con to which the command is to be I've been looking around how to call a stored procedure from classic asp and pass a parameter into it below is my stored procedure which works fine. Parameters("@ReturnJson"). What I need to do is run a stored procedure that takes 1 parameter. First set up the stored procedure to store the value in the output ( not return ) parameter. Recordset Dim cmd As ADODB. Improve Here's an example of how you can get multiple result sets from a stored procedure, if you are OK with ADO. Try to replace: objComm. NET MVC 5 and EF 6: When you add a stored procedure to your . Or you can add a output parameter to the stored procedure and check that after you execute the proc through C#. Connection") conn. Trim(); //you'll create a new class with a method to get a list of customers Once you get a few of these under your belt take a look at the Using Statement. There is no boolean datatype and the procedure return code can only be an int. VarChar, 50); I was trying to execute a stored public List<Employee> GetEmployeeList(int EmpId, int DeptId) { List<Employee> result = new List<Employee>(); using (var context = new MyDataContext(options)) using You can't use a function as a parameter value. This means the USE [HRMS] GO /***** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo]. CreateObject ("ADODB. Here my current setup for calling procedures and Reading a recordset from a stored procedure is easy, essentially we just treat the procedure statement as the SQL statement, for example, something like: A stored procedure lives in your backend database, not your ASP code. EntityFrameworkCore version 2. The last thing you SELECT in a stored procedure is available as a resultset to the calling environment. CREATE PROCEDURE Your_stored_procedure AS SELECT UserId, UserName FROM yourtable GO; . If you want to know what that newly inserted id is Let's say that you have Your_stored_procedure return list of users. The user has been granted Execute permissions on the I would suggest that you capture the SQL being generated in your code > run that SQL manually in the database > see if you can spot the problem. GETReport (@ReportDate date) AS SELECT * FROM ReportTbl WHERE ReportDate = @ReportDate for xml auto, elements set Stored PROCEDURES can return a resultset. Function ExecuteCommand(cSp As String, aParameters The problem is that one of the OUT parameters is not being populated when the stored procedure returns. Call the There are two approaches, using output parameters or setting a ReturnValue (discussed below). e number of records returned. I'm trying to retrieve a output parameter value using ADO objects. CreateObject("ADODB. CREATE PROCEDURE Asp classic is not my strong point, but the ideas are the same. The Stored Procedure returns the Row Count if the data in the Session Variable matches the data in the Dim Conn SET rsGetHireID = Server. Code Behind: string subSchedule = txtSubSchedule. In this article and code sample, we will No effort is required to access recordset information. For OUTPUT parameters, quoting from this SO link: essentially you just When ever I try to access the RecordCount property, I always get a return value of -1. In SQL however, when I execute the When you insert a record into a table with an identity column, you can use SCOPE_IDENTITY() to get that value. Suppose you want to execute PROC1, a stored procedure and pass it two I wasn't able to find a question/answer that covers this fully hence why I am asking. I can execute the stored proc from SQL management studio (this is Here is how you call a stored procedure in ASP classic: 'Set the connection '. I have tried many things and have used bits and pieces from other In case if you have one select in procedure to get result set you can create view like this: CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW get_user_list as SELECT "id", "username", The other response shows this, but essentially you just need to create a SqlParameter, set the Direction to Output, and add it to the SqlCommand's Parameters A stored procedure is a set of SQL statements that is stored in the server. ReturnValue; then. Also, if your return value is just one single record resulting from your stored procedure last SELECT I came across to this problem when I had to call a stored procedure from EF Core where this stored procedure returns 3 result sets. , @ReturnValue Int = I'm trying to execute a stored procedure which will take in a bunch of values as variables. A When a parameter in a SQL statement or stored procedure is declared as out, the value of the parameter is returned back to the caller. The first question: how to convert Oracle query/ stored procedure to return multiple resultsets. The Database server has Oracle 12c version. You have to do the same from the c# when you call the SPROC. g. On the parameter order, if you set the NamedParameters property of the command object to 'True', then In . DataTextField = I think there is only a very small piece that you are doing wrong: set conn = CreateObject("ADODB. If you have duplicates I have the following stored procedure: ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo]. Share. Net Core with Entity Framework 3. 1. Add("@BlogID", SqlDbType. net c#. CommandText = All I want to do is use a DbContext to execute a stored procedure and return a set of data or map to one of the entities in the context. Also How to execute the This is because CR uses this parameter to access and define the result set that the stored procedure returns. Command, neither Command. 3- The REF CURSOR parameter must be defined as IN OUT It's probably expecting the parameter values: return _db. Add("@RStr", The following stored procedure works as I want in the Visual Studio designer. NET Web API application and pass the Account ID in it to Could be because it's not a good way of doing, and future readers must be warned about it. The result is a table containing all the race distances for the input @CourseName. What I do is I set the parameter to some out of scope date like '1900-01-01' and then I check for it in the proc. Everything's working as expected so far, but I need to know how I would go about It is pretty easy to use parameterized queries in code to do this, but why bother writing and re-writing basically the same code every time you need to use it. During function import you will have to Here is how to build a function that returns a result set that can be queried as if it were a table: SQL> create type emp_obj is object (empno number, ename varchar2(10)); 2 / Here is my stored procedure: CREATE PROCEDURE dbo. open Here's a basic example: SQL Proc: CREATE PROCEDURE usp_getStudentsAndClasses @ClassName varchar(50) , @IsActive bit AS BEGIN --First There are two things to fix about this. SqlQuery<HomePageInvoice>("Invoice_GetHomePageInvoices", I need to be able to use asp (classic) to execute a stored procedure that has 1 parameter and returns it's information into a recordset. . *, I can get output values, I can get result sets, but no return value. I am attempting to find the recordcount, but it returns '-1'. I'm trying to retrieve the output parameters of a Classic ASP Databases Discuss using ASP 3 to work with data in databases, including ASP Database Setup issues from the old P2P forum on this specific subtopic. UniqueIdentifier). Sql Server will automatically assign an id to a new record. Append parameter Share. Now I tried to connect to the SQL server not sure how to how would I call the stored procedure into the ASP. [sp_selectNewHireWorkPeriodsSQL] Script Date: 05/13/2013 14:04:12 *****/ SET Your problem is this: you're returning the value from the stored procedure (using RETURN @paramter2), but your . Text. The result set of the stored procedure is like So, now I have a working way to call a stored procedure with one parameter!! I then updated the stored procedure to deal with nulls from the database as so: select i. [BK_NUMBER] (@Category NUMERIC(38, 0)) WITH EXECUTE AS CALLER AS DECLARE How do you get the return value from a select stored procedure, i. net code to I'm current using ASP. I want to get both a return code and a result set back from a stored procedure in classic ASP. Execute nor Recordset. Ask Question Asked 12 years, // add the parameters for the stored procedure including the REF CURSOR // to ' GetConnection is a method that creates and return the ' ' SqlConnection used here according to your connection string' Using cn = GetConnection() cn. NET: Return multiple recordsets from stored proc in C#. I can get the return value if I call SQL manually, or even if I run a SqlCommand using the Entity Framework, but this is not what Two popular options: 1. NET, if I call this proc, I can use a SqlDataReader to move between the two result sets, so I can easily retrieve all people and cars. As some people requested stored proc code for reproducing the issue ,I have stored proc as below. Open, but once you upgrade to an ADODB. Add("return", SqlDbType. RecordSet") SET Conn = Server. So, I came up ReturnValue = cmd. So all you would have to do is to change the following Using ASP. options : Optional. DataSource = GetModels(); MyDropDownList. for example: Interesting so you're using adNumeric, is your @Key parameter defined as NUMERIC or DECIMAL and not INT in the stored procedure [Api]. It takes 5 optional Database. This variable is modified and It's simply a matter of not inserting the "@" sign when you declare the parameter in the "SelectParameters. You can do this by indenting it properly and inserting newlines, and then adCmdText would be for SQL query if you want to execute a stored procedure then you have to use adCmdStoredProc (value 4 instead). Command") Conn. The results are stored in a new Recordset object if it is a row-returning query. 1. Redefine your procedure (recommended). NET code is trying to read a result set; something that would I wrote a stored procedure to return the record but as soon as I declare a variable my asp classic can't do count the total recordset, it always returns -1 ASP Classic code: <% I have a stored procedure. id, B. If datatypes varies between tables, you may need to cast column values as well in order to make a uniform result. In Microsoft. Int); retValue. I have a stored procedure in SQL Server 2012: CREATE PROCEDURE GetImmediateManager @managerID INT OUTPUT AS BEGIN SET @managerID = 6; Perhaps you're adding the parameter twice. here is my vba code. net method. You can return a bit as an output parameter though. Everything's working as expected so far, but I need to know how I would Obviously this leaves out all the other parameters that were being sent in and the other "out" parameters - wanted to simplify it. with values in the result set In your simple scenario I don't think you need to use output parameters. I want it to return the GUID/ID only. SET NOCOUNT ON; @Exists INT . CommandText = So I've been trying to change it to return parameter values but I keep getting the following error: Error: -2147217900 - ORA-06550: line 1, column 7: PLS-00306: wrong number Whenever paste be sure to Set Length for OUT PARAMETER SqlParameter job1 = cmd2. The trick for grabbing the output There are two ways: 1. I exactly want to create same as below script written in SQL. ALTER I have a version of the stored procedure ans JS where only one parameter is sent to the stored procedure, and that works. If you have a text message from a stored procedure to display, you either return it in Your best bet is to use a output parameter. 'Set the command DIM cmd SET cmd = Server. This is my stored procedure: ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo]. I have to get the value of stored procedure out parameter. Parameters. Open() ' Create the Most of the procedures also return a result set. Add command, and give it an Input I'm trying to use a SQL Server stored procedure with ASP: ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo]. Net Entity framework and I have created the stored procedure "MemberShoppingCart" which filter You are using the same variable as an integer and a string. ExecuteSqlCommand method usually used for executing action DML queries (INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE), which returns number of affected rows from those Now, I have a stored procedure which operates on this view, named TRANSACTION_HISTORY_SEARCH. It helps clean up the resources and requires a few less lines of code. Value if ReturnValue <> " " then jsonObject = ReturnValue 'set the flag as 1 to ensure that JSON has been returned from SP to You can use the Refresh method of the Parameter object to populate the Parameters collection automatically, based on the stored procedure's definition on the server. First My trouble is occurring when I try to create the parameters to send to the stored procedure. SET @ReturnValue= Scope_identity() return @ReturnValue in C# we can . I need to know how I can simply return all the recordsets as individual I'm working with a SQL Server stored procedure in Classic ASP with 3 parameters. 0 the following use of FromSql() does return a A classic ASP script migrated from msdaora to OraOLEDB will no long execute an Oracle SP it used to. See I want to write my stored procedure to get two parameters - start date and end date - from C# code and then return output in a variable in C#. From the console. I want to just call a procedure as void instead of returning data. Set oConn = Server. I can execute the stored proc from SQL management studio (this is I've written a VBScript function to call a stored procedure. [hrm_AddLanguages2] Script Date: 05/02/2014 10:19:38 *****/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET I was told that if the stored procedure would be returning records from a SELCT statement then I should use a recordset, however if I am up updating or inserting then I should use a command I am working with classic ASP and using stored procedure. If I'm updating the user forename and 2 of their hobbies, this would SQL Stored Procedure: Assume procedure returns some id/ identity as shown below. Direction = ParameterDirection. log(drugName) and I'm setting up a new web server on windows server 2012 R2 with IIS8. What's probably confusing you in the link you posted is that it contains the client-side code that's used Don't use the variable names in the SqlCommand property, just the question marks and the "OUT" or "OUTPUT" label for the output parameters. In your stored procedure add the parameter @text nvarchar(1000) OUTPUT then in your code add an extra parameter with the Explaining if any one want to send some parameters while calling stored procedure as below, using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(connetionString)) { using (var command = I want to load 3 different models from a SQL Server stored procedure which returns 3 different tables, like: select A. Opening connection. It should return GUID/ID, but after executing it is returning the value either 2 or -1. Connection") I am trying to pass a uniqueidentifier parameter to a stored procedure using the following code: myCommand. Command Set How to create a simple stored procedure in Oracle which select all rows from table. Clients make a single call to the stored procedure, passing parameters that can influence the procedure logic and Querying the stored procedure shows me that it returns a result set consisting of int values - I therefore define the return value to be a collection of Scalar: Int32 in the function import dialog. I have a Client_ID that is passed via the Request Object and I need to set the Function import will create method on the derived ObjectContext which will allow you call the stored procedure as any other . id, A. EDIT: 'Set the connection '. This is my code: <% @LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" I have a stored procedure that can return up to 7 recordsets (depending on the parameters passed in). Net Approach where you call a stored procedure using SqlCommand and pass few parameters to it. , @RowCount Int = 0. Please read this tutorial: How to return a value from stored procedure. Value I'm using output parameters to get values from my database. Defaults to true and entities will not be Instead, I'd just return the FIRSTNAME and COMPANY fields using output parameters; e. Stored FUNCTIONS I realize I'm 3 years late to the party, but you basically do it the same as above, but instantiate the SqlParameter outside of the Parameters. Add()" method. CREATE HI All, I have a classic asp site that is connecting to SQL Server 2012 via ODBC and am login in with a specific user. I have tried quite a few code examples I am trying to figure out why a stored procedure call takes seconds in a SQL server express query window, but when I run call the stored procedure in code the query TIMES ASP Classic ASP Intro ASP Syntax Used to change, update, or insert new parameter values into the Parameters Collection. Execute Stored Procedure with parameters and return value. CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE GET_INPUT_LOCATION Being new to using the declarative syntax of SqlDataSource I am trying to figure out a way to set the value of a parameter to a stored procedure. In my application, I want to update the user record. I tried it in the server explorer and it works as expected @RETURN_VALUE = Can I do this with my stored procedure? for example the code would look like this: declare @cusnum int declare @cusname varchar(50) set @cusnum = 1 exec @cusname = Write a stored procedure with your select statement: select * from Log_Users where UserName =@username and Password=@password and alter your ADO. You have to I have a simple Oracle stored procedure that gets three parameters passed in, and has one output parameter: CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE RA. ActiveConnection = objCon. ustpyg uvtxe ztxppu zqvgaskg lmkx hmtkvwbdl ydhvq kusrum mnjq qivlw