Starfinder operative sniper build. Which brings me to Operative 2e.

Starfinder operative sniper build Unless the target has a ridiculously high CR, that's usually a guarantee success. So now that things like Vanguard, Ascetic Warrior, and etc. Since the point buy doesn't scale like in some other systems, the 2 point swing isn't that big of a deal. Tripled thrown range increments Most melee builds worth their salt put a Returning fusion on their bigass hammer. I have started a game where we are 5 players with a intermittent 6th. Last time around I tried out an Armor Storm - Hammer Fist build, which wasn't that great in the end. Most fights are against mutiple foes, so a CR 9 encounter is likely made up of CR 8 or CR 7 enemies. We’ll have lots more Starfinder Second Edition news to announce at GenCon 2024, when you’ll finally be able to purchase the Starfinder Playtest Rulebook (or download the free PDF)! — The Starfinder Team If I recall correctly, the Sniper Goggles are in Ultimate Combat, which the OP stated isn't allowed (I wanted them for my Rogue too and then realised that they're not in the books allowed). An early level Ring of Fangs has been a Godsend to the Soldier, who still has enough Str to make biting occasionally worthwhile, and who uses his half-move-and-still-full-attack Nimble You can give it sniper weapon proficiency and still have a mod to spare, and if you take weapon focus as its feat it will have a +3 to hit at 1st level. While it can make for an awesome enforcer, close range high risk/reward gunslinger build, Dallimar asked for the exact opposite, which is a sniper build, usually shooting safe behind the lines with great accuracy. The Operative weapon special rule doesn't let you use your DEX instead of STR for thrown attacks, just for melee attacks. The group and I are living on a pirate base set on a asteroid filled with Inubrix. For instance, in a game I'm playing right now, I'm playing a technomagical sniper. The Bounty Hunter Build is the ultimate way to play Starfield if you enjoy bringing your own brand of justice to the Galaxy. And only from level 13+, before that is weaker Ranged weapons are an important part of Starfinder, and most converted classes should have some familiarity with them. You could also easily pull off a strong summoning build. The high damage operative builds are to go in and use the trick attack with a If an operative exploit allows a saving throw to resist its effects, the DC is equal to 10 + half your operative level + your Dexterity modifier. This build uses Stunt and Strike with a heavy investment in Athletics to hit like a fucking truck before retreating, abusing vertical space to its advantage. Lethality's rotation also isn't too hard to learn and basically comes down to applying DoTs on a target, building Tactical Advantages between Toxic Blast and Shiv, and spending said Tactical Advantages on Toxic Haze and Corrosive Assault while also using I wish to build an Exocortex Mechanic who uses Sniper weapons. ” You see, Starfinder and Pathfinder 2E have this design quirk wherein both games identify a character building niche and then assign that niche to a specific class. I’m already level 2 and built him incorrectly so my dm is allowing me to rebuild him for the campaign. I'd grab longarm proficiency or sniper proficiency, then versatile specialization, and I am just learning Starfinder and was considering an Envoy captain skill monkey build, but after building her, the Envoy just seemed very "meh" to me and I built an Operative as a comparison. Class Builds Below are four examples of ways to build the class. Be aware that the check to get trick attack it higher for the sniper(20 + target CR vs 20 + 1. In general you're not as accurate as a full BAB but making anyone flat footed to your attack helps. They are the only class proficient with everything armor and weapon related. The Basics (sniper weapons Other Abilities cheek pouches, moxie, operative exploit (ever vigilant), specialization (explorer) Gear mk 1 serum of healing, flight suit stationwear, manticore spike rifle, survival knife Starfinder has definitely designed the magic spells to be a lot less control-oriented. 41 Weapon proficiency: Sniper Weapon specialization: Sniper Skill Synergy: Stealth/x (I chose acrobatics) Weapon Focus: Sniper Deadly Aim Important Mechanic Tricks: Overcharge, Improved overcharge, Superior overcharge. There are melee spells or ranged spells that Yes, no extra damage, but any debilitations you inflict will work. You're meant to use it for long range sniping - that's pretty much it. An early level Ring of Fangs has been a Godsend to the Soldier, who still has enough Str to make biting occasionally worthwhile, and who uses his half-move-and-still-full-attack Nimble Fussillage to keep his Anything else is really up to your skill of building up a narrative. Like the title says, i'm a lvl5 Android Operative and one of the NPC gave us quite some money to agument or craft new weapons (4. Sniper’s Aim (Ex) - 1st Level The operative knows that sometimes getting things done means doing some damage, and the class gains a fair base attack bonus, poor Fortitude saves but good Reflex and Will saves, light armor, and proficiency (and eventually specialization) with basic melee weapons, small arms, and sniper weapons. So, no. I have many fond memories of my Gunslinger / Sniper Rogue. But who knows, that was the alpha for one specific build of the Operative that My general Starfinder build recommendations always includes 'build a character, not a class'. This art in Starfinder Enhanced is a whole-ass mood. The ones that cost actions are also generally bad because the standard Operative does Trick Attack 48 hours a day, 7 days a week. ATM my build consists of the following (Level 6) Operative Exploits Combat Trick (Harrying Fire) Trick Attack Sniper Jack of All Trades (+10 in almost everything) Feats Skill Focus (Piloting) Skill Synergy x2 (Piloting, Perception, Stealth The mechanic build can walk around cover while keeping their 'full attack' mechanic going though. This can be an interesting starting point for a build. They are similar to long arms, but they are designed to emphasize range and accuracy, even if this requires some sacrifice in damage potential. 96. This guide explains all the skills, best armor, best weapons, best backgrounds and more Jessica’s operative for this playtest was built to be a sniper (as opposed to our iconic, who is more focused on using pistols at close range). Through meditation and continual psychic training, you have learned to tune out the worst of the psychic echoes that But I completely agree that Operative isn't the only class/build where the correct move is almost the exact same thing every single turn. Mechanically the Operative is rolling skill check vs CR+20 for the Trick Attack - there's no required conditions to let the ability happen. Running a sniper Operative build (I know, I know, not optimal, but I'm enjoying it and my DM's been very accommodating of the playstyle), and we just hit level 8. Which brings me to Operative 2e. I think that you're likely to have an equal amount of early frustration with a sniper TM build, as you are absolutely locked into burning The nature of playing in a party definitely means you'll be doing pistol work most of the time. If the operative is meant to be an striker more or less similar to fighter, I think it should become a baseline feature for all operatives and not a feat (and so should Keep Them in Your Sights and Devastating Aim, otherwise they become feat taxes). That leaves the The Operative in the group I GM uses a Sniper Rifle and Pistols to great effect. Level 8: Operative 5. e. You might also consider an Operative with looking at a sniper build. 94 Your ability to read people and make deductions helps you ferret out the truth in any situation. Debilitating Sniper (Ex) Source Starfinder Core Rulebook pg. I think that you're likely to have an equal amount of early frustration with a sniper TM build, as you are absolutely locked into burning your first few feats just to be effective with it. Group Composition Hey there, we are just starting a new starfinder campaign, level 3 and I'm looking for a really good unarmed melee build. If an operative exploit allows a saving throw to resist its effects, the DC is equal to 10 + half your operative level + your Dexterity modifier. My operative uses one of his magic item slots so his sniper is always miniaturized in his glove and a swift action away but if they're even as much as 240 feet away I'm trick attacking with the pistol. 92 You’re a shadow. They are a downgrade because they cannot gain the bonus damage from trick shot. For pure shits and giggles, since I'm not taking more than one shot per turn anyway, I decided to skip triple/quad attack and take Operative's Arsenal instead, and swap from using my For example, an operative using a CL-appropriate 1d8 small arm will do 20 average damage at level 5, while shurikens are expected to do 25 in the same context, with a major cost differential in favor of the shuriken. For example; I play an Operative and I consider my character to be a ranged damage dealer but I also bring a ton of skill utility. Took Sniper Proficiency and Weapon Focus (Sniper) at level 1. Any character can add her Dexterity modifier rather than her Strength modifier on melee attack rolls with weapons with this special property. Straight forward. A soldier with the sharpshooter fighting style can use it As I mentioned, this build is much like a rogue—an expert in subterfuge and guerilla tactics. You can use trick attack with sniper weapons. you might want to consider giving that class proficiency with sniper rifles (or another Like I said in the OP I know very, very little about starfinder, especially the feats and gear options, so any help would be greatly appreciated. You do not add trick attack damage to your attack, but the target is Hello, everyone! After over a year in the oven, I'm proud to introduce my fifth guide: Yoonki's Ultimate Guide to Soldiers. But if you look for flashy then go sniper far more tech usage and even a orbital strike Hello, everyone! Inspired by all the super positive responses to my guide to Technomancers and guide to Biohackers, I have been inspired to spend some (a lot) of time to create another one. Stat priority: Max Dex out for AC and attack bonus. I was wondering if there was any way I can build a magic gunslinger with the starfinder system. Its on archive of nethys as alternative class feature. Starfinder really doesn't handle wanting multiple at-level weapons particularly well. The Mechanic gets the Weapon Specialization feature which grants Weapon Specialization as a bonus feat for each weapon proficiency that the mechanic class grants. The operative levels add a bit of combat ability to the envoy, while the envoy levels add some additional tricks to the operative. The fun part with operatives is that they can use there DEX also for some melee. playing in a home game and having theorized over a dozen builds that actually made it to paper Wealth by level in this game is quite a bit more restrictive, it seems. com/BlackdragongamingTWITCH: Class Builds Below are four examples of ways to build the class. He'll start combat with the long arm but as enemies close he uses Trick Attack with pistols which deals additional Operative Sniper build help! Build I am super interested in playing an operative that mostly uses a sniper in combat or out of combat. So kasathan operative is perfectly viable. The Unofficial Starfinder Subreddit lets start giving build ideas of where they can be good or positive additions to parties. Much like the Pathfinder Guide to the Guides, this will contain character guides and builds for the Starfinder ruleset. For the rest, I think it really depends on what your operative's specialization is - the ones related to piloting are going to be far more useful to a Trick Attack was changed to "Operative’s Trick Attack feature deals 1d8 damage at level 3 and increases by 1d8 at levels 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15 and 17. So Mechanic Operative and Operative Sniper buddy pair, Mechanic goes first, Mechanic Move Action: Boost Operative weapon Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber . The starfinder system is boiled down pathfinder and is quite homogenized at higher levels, stats wise. Uncanny Mobility is great for ranged and lets you save some feats for something other than Mobility. As an example, I'd rather use a sniper rifle with the core Operative rather than the severely debilitating Sniper option that's available. They have incredible abilities with skills, and get a massive bonus to all skills. Aside from the Pistol Whip exploit, there seems to be no reasonably optimized way to build an Operative, right? Like, there are a lot of operative weapons in the Armory, but all of them ultimately hit the wall of not requiring high DEX to hit and a high STR to deal proper damage. I have not done the math, but a class that focuses on STR might be a better choice. Starfinder has a ton of great pre-written adventures, but designing them can be challenging because of what I like to call, “the operative problem. Feats. Have other characters discuss this character and the impact of his abilities demonstrated. Even then you're not going to be casting every round because magic is a more limited resource in Starfinder than in other games. Utility? Double shot is great but you probably only want 1 level into soldier and then you're going Envoy. Type to search for a spell, item, class — anything! Operative Exploits Holographic clone (2nd) Certainty (6th) Speed hacker (6th) Debilitating sniper (6th) Stalwart (6th) Glimpse the truth (10th) Versatile movement (10th) Feats Far Shot Personally, I'm playing in two Starfinder campaigns (sorta), both dex-based planned around Ascetic Warrior/Solar Shield, one Operative and the other Soldier. Weapon I recommend taking the Assassin archetype with Sniper Operative. The list Reactive Strike is one of the best feats in PF2e, and Hair Trigger is literally that but threatening the whole battlefield. So tech revolution finally introduced an operative that gets trick attack damage on a sniper. The base damage of sniper Rifles is okay but not great, falling short of equivalent small arms+trick damage. Since its a good group with wide range of classes i naturally gravitated towards either a Drop off sniper Technomancer on a ridgeline and let the operative sneak in with the support of spotting enemies at a distance and long range cover fire/spells in case of discovery. discord: https://discord. 116 You excel at protecting others, usually taking the hits meant for Jack of All Trades becomes less useful over time simply due to how many skill ranks/level an Operative gets. I agree, and starfinder has an interesting way of balancing Player > Class > Operative > Exploit > Debilitating Sniper (Ex) Debilitating Sniper (Ex) 6th Level Starfinder Core Rulebook p. Melee damage per round (DPR) is going to be better than ranged, the reason for this is at level 1 for example 1d6+3 on each melee attack is a lot better than 1d6 straight up from ranged. and you can use debilitating tricks. I'm not sure that operative would be the best build for it. i am just saying it is rarely the most feasible combat build. and you can viably play many suboptimal builds without feeling like you're holding yourself back or playing the game wrong. The operative's debilitating sniper operative exploit allows trick attack to be used with a sniper weapon (though it does no extra damage), but sniper weapons are unwieldy BECOME A BLACK DRAGONBECOME A BLACK DRAGON DISCIPLE! SUPPORT US ON PATREON: https://www. OGN. You'll never be getting off headshots and dropping enemies each turn. I don't like the "equipment level" system, and idk enough feats to build myself. Operative exploits require you to have a minimum operative level, and they are organized accordingly. Some require you to meet additional prerequisites, such as having other exploits. You can trick attack with a sniper rifle, but only out to its base range - there's no legal way to combine trick attack (with its mandatory movement) with aiming the sniper rifle and looking down its scope, so you can't apply the debilitating trick at "full" range Page 29: Add the following sentence at the end of the first paragraph of the Sniper alternate class feature. The list of operative exploits appears on page 95. Also, while the Operative's Edge bonus doesn't stack with Expertise/Skill Expertise, Expertise can still be more of a boost for some skills (depending on the level distribution) This Starfield Sniper Build is a testament to finesse, strategy, and lethal precision, inflicting devastating damage while you also remain undetected. They personify everything a weapon-specialist should. Heavy Weapons - They're big and they do really nice damage. In my last post I asked about certain builds for sniper and have been having a blast with my operative. Operative is definitely the best pistol and sniper but soldier might make a better pure sniper. For combat, assuming a standard build, you should probably take Pistol Whip in case the party is smart enough to close the distance. So yeah, any build ideas that fit some, all, or none of what I just said? General advice? Mechanic class. You’re a consummate professional, and you always get the job done, whether it’s scouting enemy lines, hunting down criminals, stealing and smuggling items, or assassinating key figures. Combined with Supercharge Weapon (1st level spell, adds 4d6 damage to a weapon attack next turn), you can do a lot of burst damage early on. Introducing, my third guide: Yoonki's Ultimate Guide to Vanguards. I'm playing an Elven (Forlorn) Wild Warden Exo-Mechanic who is geared towards hunting, and works in combat like a sniper. Is that Pathfinder or Starfinder experience you're speaking from there? You say 'build', but Sniper is more of an aesthetic choice it is true. : warrior that can rock a deadly bow, a bodyguard, sniper, skill monkey, ghost/Stealth build, spell caster that has a focus on tech and hacking, spell caster that focuses on Mystism and shies away from tech, an Engineer that designs and uses custom weapons or armor, someone who can harness the power of the stars and/or moons, a mad doctor, nanite master, time-traveller, a And i have a second game running where i am a Shirren Operative. And that's when it matters most for the OP's request: providing a primer for new players picking their class. What would be the most effective way of going about this? I've heard starfinder is quite equipment based right? I'll However I've started looking into whether I want to be a Sniper Operative or a Small-Arms Operative. Source Starfinder Core Rulebook pg. The biggest drawback to using a Sniper is you have to sink 755 Cr into a Shirren eye rifle out of your 1,000 Cr starting budget. The operative build isn't going to fix your damage output. I'm using Long arms, and will Personally, I'm playing in two Starfinder campaigns (sorta), both dex-based planned around Ascetic Warrior/Solar Shield, one Operative and the other Soldier. They are largely content with becoming an immoble turret for the chance to add d6s to their sniper rifle attacks, Thrown weapons work a lot better in starfinder than pathfinder I have a muscle ysoki operative with a singing disk nicknamed Murdermouse and its not because she writes novels. Sniper weapons have amazing range, which only comes into play if you are either, setting up an exceptionally long range ambush, defending a location, or you are in a vehicle chase (2 vehicles in different zones are considered 200ft apart, outside of most What is the most powerful Starfinder build? No magic items, or any extra help. Combat, hover, and stealth drones with melee weapon arms or weapon mounts can use weapons designed for Small or Starfinder Starfinder Society Been working on the ideal sniper build myself. If it requires an enemy to attempt a skill check, the DC is equal to 10 + 1-1/2 × your operative level + your Dexterity modifier. As for sniper builds, I strongly disagree. Your primary OP stat is DEX, and Thrown weapons use STR. And sure, this is nice and definitely an advantage. The mystic class creates a bond with their party members and has a vitality network that allows them to store Hit Points and deliver them to bonded allies with a single action (for those clutch heals). 124 Your sorcery is a tool of war, and you fuse it with high-tech weapons. Thats what i want The problem is that my building capabilities of starfinder are REALLY low. How often do you need to jump, really? Again, situational. That's when I saw the combination of Quick Trick and Sniper class alternative features. Starfinder has definitely designed the magic spells to be a lot less control-oriented. The two classes with innate sniper proficiency have some issues using them too. A heavy weapon or longarm will do larger damage. And so many skills, so awsome. I am not arguing that Sniper Rifles and technomancers are really cool. You can start with an Azimuth Laser Rifle [Long Arm] for 425 Cr as you start with Long Arm Proficiency. Below are four examples of ways to build the class. Operative Kithslayer's Guide to the Operative (2018) Wheel-n-Deal's Operative Guide (2017) Solarian SF Solarian Guide Once per day, on a round after you spend 2 consecutive rounds studying the same enemy this way, you can either take a full action to move up to your speed and make a single attack with a melee weapon, or take a full action to attack with a sniper weapon (using the sniper weapon’s sniper range if applicable), against the studied enemy. " All operatives get the Debilitating Sniper exploit at level 1 for free. Any raceclass combo in starfinder works well enough to be playable. Holographic projector (making illusions can help you stealth). I have a technomancer, an operative who loves grenades, Envoy/operative can work fairly well. Remember to keep an eye on the Starfinder Playtest site for more news and info about the playtest and feedback process. Hey there, we are just starting a new starfinder campaign, level 3 and I'm looking for a really good unarmed melee build. More of a problem is multiweapon fighting. They can be decent, but actually using the Aim feature to get the full distance will happen pretty few and far between. Sniping in videogames is a power fantasy of being an invisible dealer of death. I would always retain that for options. Since you need to use operative weapons anyways, you can take multiweapon fighting feat and only take a -3 penalty. It forces the target to take fortitude saves which, if it fails, it justdies. Tapping into my high Dexterityscore means building a character with high damage output and mobility In my last post I asked about certain builds for sniper and have been having a blast with my operative. It's helpful to make an operative a sniper because they don't have as many hp/stamina points and also have limited weapon proficiency. The Armory has advanced melee weapons with the operative so you can get more damage that way. The Operative is a skill monkey. Feat: Versatile weapon fighting Exploit: Death Strike (this is key to the whole build. As an operative, you're skilled in a wide variety of disciplines and specialties, and use speed, A level 7 Operative gains Specialization Skill Mastery, allowing the Operative to take 10 on any skill they have the Skill Focus feat with. Operatives are a 3/4 BAB class that can apply exactly zero class features while trying to snipe and even using them in non snipe mode causes you to lose damage and costs an exploit. Always looking for purepower ). As a weapon, it's suboptimal compared to other Also, in order to use the operatives triple/quad attack you can only use operative weapons or small arms. 96 You can use trick attack with sniper weapons; this counts as aiming the weapon properly for the purposes of the sniper weapon special property. Operative. I’m assuming you don’t necessarily need to use JUST the sniper weapon. ATM my build consists of the following (Level 6) Operative Exploits. Sniper Operative is basically a trap option that sounds cool but functions miserably. I’m looking for a pretty strong melee solarian. Starfinder 2E – Character Creation By Jeremy Corff on November 18, 2024. Your trick attack damage die goes down to Building an Android Operative. It also requires 6 Operative Levels. Unfortunately you can not combine Trick Attack and Sniper Rifles. No longer a ‘skill wizard’ and space rogue, the Operative in 2e is a single target damage dealer with a special ability called ‘Aim’ that lets them focus their attacks to greater effect. I agree that the limited-so-far spell list is underwhelming compared to what Pathfinder/3. Throttle operative, the flash build to move at incredible speeds, Stelliferas race allows the highest possible STR score in the game, Nanocytes are Imagine if Solid Snake went full sniper mode, using mostly sniper weapons, but that can infiltrate a base if necessary and use knives and light guns, and not using CQC. Sniper Weapons Sniper weapons are handheld, long-ranged weapons that must be held and operated with two hands. Ohh Man I totally misread that as you make a melee attack like you get to strike with the stock of the rifle, makes more sense now that I read it again. My Ysoki mechanic has a combat drone with a Diasporan rifle, and he hides behind it while shooting with his own gun. A Pathfinder RPG class proficient with simple weapons should be proficient with basic melee weapons and small arms in Starfinder. It has crazy AoE damage and can do great single target damage as well. Recently got obsessed with Starfinder (long time dnd5e and pf2e) and setting aside the exact build I'm eyeing, I've been seeing a lot of negativity toward sniper rifles. instead of adding stuff for the subclass to supplement/build upon Sniper weapons, it feels like they built all the weapons around the Sniper A DB musket has a 10' base range, so Distance only brings it to 20', the level of a base pistol. Click here to see full details. Combining powerful weapons and abilities So, I'm kinda new to Starfinder (been playing Path for 6+ years now) but a lot of things are different. Unless there's something specific (creature rule or GM call) saying otherwise. Note how I also haven't made any builds relying on the bs you can do with some other combinations of abilities. Any suggestions? There is the 6th level Operative trick Debilatating sniper that let's you trick shot with sniper, but you don't add the damage dice. In an errata for Sniper, this tidbit was added: This ability counts as a trick attack for the purpose of other operative abilities, such as debilitating trick. Like the Envoy, the Operative comes equipped with 16 different class skills and gets 8 + Int Mod skill ranks per level. This is an entry of Operative SNIPER build guides for Rogue Tr Operative Exploits You learn your first operative exploit at 2nd level, and an additional exploit every 2 levels thereafter. gg/mhctcVKmGuGreetings mortals! I'm Remortis, welcome to the channel. Though, you can still Mahe those work. There are ways to increase statistics that can be used to shore up problem spots later, and it is clearly designed to be a narrative driven experience rather than a A Pahtra Sniper Operative, our first preview art from Starfinder Player Core. I'm trying to build a bounty hunter themed ghost specialized ysoki operative but I'm not sure what feat to take at level 1. Specialization exploit: Experiential Learning Level 9: Operative 6. "I trick attack that one" is what you'll be saying basically every turn unless your GM builds fights to be more Taking some of those allows more freedom with your build too. I just don't think that making a busted fully optimized build is The two features in question are Quick Trick (COM) and Sniper (TR). Use basic melee weapons (greataxe OP). Heavyweight Skirmisher You dance across battlefields with power and precision. So i find them a good allround class. 181 An operative can use the trick attack class feature (see page 93) with a weapon that has this special property. Therefore, I’ll need to beef up my Dexterity and Intelligence scores for ranged attacks, stealth, tech and espionage. You’re a shadow. I don't care for the rogue sniper archetype, since Far shot, and sniper goggles is superior I feel. The updated Iseph is a sniper build, but they also called out gunner builds, pistols / gunkata, and even melee weapon options. The Best Bounty Hunter Build in Starfield. Operative Source Starfinder Armory pg. In particularly, I was wondering if an Outlaw Star-esque specialist with magic guns was possible between mystic and/or soldier or some other class I'm missing. Question Hi guys. This makes our fists Operative weapons, necessary for use of Triple Attack, which is a requires Operative Weapons. These are examples of some of the choices you could make to create a specific kind of character, designed to help you think about different ways of playing the same class. Operatives are snipers, assassins, gunslingers, and martial artists. 96 Level Required 6 You can use trick attack with sniper weapons; this counts as aiming the weapon properly for the purposes of the sniper weapon special Go to starfinder_rpg r/starfinder_rpg • by I've played a level 12 operative sniper (mostly for flavor) and it managed okay. It increases by 2d8 at level 19. They use this bonus to perform Trick Attack, a special action which Operative Sniper Operative overall i feel operative is better more fun and enjoyable playstyle, little bit of a learning curve but running poison spec is honestly the easier choice. . The operative can augment the damage done with I made a human Sniper Technomancer for Starfinder Society, and he's been a ton of fun to play. Ok fair enough, you’ve convinced me, that doesn’t seem viable for my build. This guide explains all the skills, best armor, best weapons, best backgrounds and more to create a truly OP Sniper Build in Starfield. For a Thief Operative, that allows taking 10 with Sleight of Hand (including Trick Attack) and Perception. It needs Operative 2, Solarian 1 and Soldier 3 to function - after that, pad it out with Operative levels. g. Hit Points: 6 HP Stamina Points: 6 + Constitution modifier Key Ability Score: Dexterity Your Dexterity helps you to infiltrate, get into position, escape danger, and make decisive shots with your weapon, so Dexterity is your key ability score. you want a high STRENGTH score. Posted by u/sgannon200 - 5 votes and 22 comments In Starfinder 1e, the Operative was the consummate skill expert, with flat, scaling bonuses to their skills and a large skill point pool, as well as Trick attacks that granted flat footed on their attack if they succeeded at a skill check against their target. Buy two weapons. Normally can't change it mid-campaign but the GM was willing to home brew that I could add those alternate features if I used a Mnemetic Editor to forget a The difficulty is that all sniper rifles have both the 'Unwieldy' and 'Sniper' special properties, which means that you cannot use the weapon as part of a full attack or to make multiple attacks in a round, Operatives cannot apply trick attack There are two obvious answers for any kind of sniper build, Operative and Soldier. I bring you yet another very high effort and detailed guide that breaks down every Fighting Style, Gear Boost, Feat Boost, Combat Feat (yeah, all of them), Alternate Class Feature, Archetype and provides not two, but SIX sample builds to follow. Sniper weapons require a battery or ammunition of the proper size and type to function. Lethality Operative is probably your best bet for this. It's a lot easier (or even possible) to go with a heavy weapon unwieldy build or a sniper build or anything you'd like other than small arms really (you can still do small arms). the heavy weapon with an aoe cone, grenade launcher (costs tho), and I've enjoyed a shield projector heavy weapon too. 2nd Level You must be at least 2nd level to choose these exploits Today we explore how good is the Operative in #Starfinder. Operative Exploits You learn your first operative exploit at 2nd level, and an additional exploit every 2 levels thereafter. We’ve outlined Starfinder’s Android race in the description of P9KO, our Envoy, so let’s talk about the Neth-11’s class: The Operative. The premier online rules reference website for the Starfinder RPG! Toggle navigation . Sniper Weapons - Not a lot of great options currently, with the exception of the Diasporan Rifle from the Alien Archive. The Operative seems like she can do most The sniper rifle is a highly specialized weapon. If you’re at super high levels, you can jump into the game taking advantage of top power armors while keeping str low, essentially giving you 4-5 good stats. They have full BAB, lots of HP, and lots of bonus feats. Or that the idea of shooting some one from 1000ft away with a Explosive blast isn't awesomei am just saying it is rarely the most feasible combat build. Android race (assuming non-dragonkin). In starfinder strength determines your attack and damage with a thrown weapon. patreon. Community / Forums / Starfinder / Starfinder General Discussion / Operative Sniper Alternate Class Ability? Unlike Snipers, Operatives didn’t have any abilities that included the word, but they did have a few passives that now have slightly different names. This ability counts as a trick attack for the purpose of other operative abilities, such as debilitating trick. Operative Exploits are going to really change up your build at lvl2. Hayato Ken : Dec 14, 2011, 04:32 am: Instead of taking Spending Build Points; Running the System; Mindscape; Mechs (Playtest) Debilitating Sniper (Ex) Starfinder Core Rulebook p. Outside of the obvious tropes you can play, the #Operative is a very handy and versatile class whi Operative. You move swiftly, strike suddenly, and always have an escape plan. Operative Source Starfinder Core Rulebook pg. So take a bit to consider what you'd like to do on that front and some end goals. For the space bounty hunter aspect, a couple of blasters could be any laser weapon, small arms and snipers would fit well, so I wouldn't worry about getting longarm proficiency. Laborer alternate adjustment Exocortex AI Melee build: 16 STR, 10 DEX, 12 CON, 16 INT, 8 CHA (or switch 2 points out of INT into DEX). Detective Source Starfinder Core Rulebook pg. Absolutely. or maybe you need a trick-attacking sniper to get a target that's 1000 feet away. 3. I bring you yet another super detailed guide that breaks down every Vanguard Aspect, Vanguard Discipline, Alternate Class Source Starfinder Core Rulebook pg. The rules in Starfinder as I'm aware of them just don't support this scenario. That’s quite a bit. You should have a 70% and 75% chance to make these enemies flat-footed. Mobility down the line will allow you to shoot and move afterward - it will take 3 feats to do this and it is the prerequisite. Even without it my main weapon won't come from the Gear array. You do not add trick attack damage to your attack, but the target can still be made flat-footed, and you can use debilitating tricks. Most OP Starfinder Characters . Do sniper rifles require any particularly demanding investments for, say, a soldier?Could you just do a standard longarms build that also is capable of using a sniper rifle when the range would be useful? A LOAD of Dosh. However, if playstyle is more about having one big shot you might consider some combination of soldier, technomancer, and/or mechanic. Using an EAC small arm or EAC operative melee weapon and you should have +12 to hit against flat footed EAC, which should be roughly 50/50 or better. Full damage with Specialization. at 5,) but you can even do Operative (computers stunt,) Biohacker (toxicologist for debuffs, battleflower archetype at 2 for full level to damage, painful injections at 4, use a capture pole,) or simply take advantage of Large races. What kind of pistol wielder do you really want to be? A lot of shots? Well don't double tap and lean into soldier doing full attacks. A real stealthy sniper/knife skilled soldier that operates in the shades. Is that Pathfinder or Starfinder experience you're speaking from there? The premier online rules reference website for the Starfinder RPG! Toggle navigation. Probably the only feats I'd say to avoid are the ones that let you turn telepathy into Blindsight (Thought), but only because the Operative can get up to Blindsight on their own. In Starfinder 1e, the Operative was the consummate skill expert, with flat, But who knows, that was the alpha for one specific build of the Operative that used a sniper rifle-- though OTOH, aiming with a melee Daredevil operative makes sense, perhaps with stunt and strike instead of trick attack. You can ignore cover and other impediments to your shots, and your attacks are improved by your intense focus. and versatile specialization at Lvl. Its flavor. In Pathfinder for example a low level full caster is going to have a Since I love building characters, I'm using the opportunity/excuse to create one in advance. Stamina Points 6 + Constitution modifier, 6 HP. I could start a long list of examples of characters that fit the Operative mold, but lets just go with John Wick and stop there. There is an Operator Exploit that lets you, but you only get the non-damaging abilities of Trick Attack, and not the damage. Battlemage Theme: Mercenary Source Starfinder Core Rulebook pg. For example, Imperial Brew was changed to Potent Brew. Jessica’s operative for this playtest was built to be a sniper (as opposed to our iconic, who is more focused on using pistols at close range). They do scale to higher damage IIRC than Small Arms and Operative Melee Weapons (although I believe not higher than one of those weapons + Trick Attack), so with the exploit you can still do a good amount of damage and apply Debilitations when you want using The Unofficial Starfinder Subreddit does something around 15% more damage in a golden situation that's not ever gonna happen for how absurd a full Str build on Operative is, and that, even if it was going to happen, is a one-time-per-combat deal (then no more surprise and the damage goes down). 115 The sharpshoot fighting style enables you to excel at making accurate attacks, usually with ranged weapons at a long distance. Operative Basics. An operative is stuck on trick attack, and multi attack doesn't kick on till level 8. Maybe I'm just a weirdo, but I value other things besides DPR. Sniper rifles are good, and do comparable damage per shot, but many are unwieldy (one shot per turn). Lethal Strike, the level 13 ability is SICK. Starfinder has easy means of flying, which is better than jumping. Put returning on them. Gun + Sniper Goggles = brilliant OP Goodness. Theme: This is Pretty much any build you could think of is bad by itself. a bodyguard, sniper, skill monkey, ghost/Stealth build, spell caster that has a focus on tech and hacking, spell caster that focuses on Mystism and shies away from tech, an Engineer that designs and uses custom Alternate Class Features - Operative Operatives have access to the following alternate class features. The Operative is the Dexterity-based spy and assassin of Starfinder. I take Sniper Proficiency with my level 1 feat and survive until level 3. Some technological items would be cool like a grappler attached to small arm. Any time you would be required to forgo your expertise die to use these talents, you instead forgo your operative’s edge bonus to your Computers or Diplomacy check. The Basics (sniper weapons Other Abilities cheek pouches, moxie, operative exploit (ever vigilant), specialization (explorer) Gear mk 1 serum of healing, flight suit stationwear, manticore spike rifle, survival knife Sniper Weapon Proficiency* — Gain proficiency with sniper weapons: Solid Stance* Con 15: Become harder to move, and use a reaction to avoid being knocked prone: Soothing Focus: Psychic reverb species trait, character level 7th. Improvisor You’re an expert innovator who can transform mundane objects into lethal weapons and build functional devices out of junk. You might consider splashing 1 level of Soldier for that ability. Longarms gives you some variety with a few blast weapons and other weapon properties, as well. -- Soldier's are the Fighter's of Starfinder. as I also liike the apoclyptic bows. I was not minmaxing, just providing a strong baseline someone could work with. Vanguard is easy to build this around (taclash or xenolash, starting 11 in str for powered armor prof. Skip to main content. Perhaps even set up a sniper scenario involving him. 5k). 5e players are used to. These are examples of some of the choices you could make to create a specific kind of character, designed to help you think about The operative's debilitating sniper operative exploit allows trick attack to be used with a sniper weapon (though it does no extra damage), but sniper weapons are unwieldy and require Soldiers are a bit better off, but are still noticeably lacking in that their primary ranged damage combat style can't use a big chunk bonuses with a sniper. are out and about I thought I'd revisit the idea. The basic opinion seems to be 'only good for sniping, actual combat is low damage' but I'm still a bit unclear why. I personally do not suggest multi-classing, especially early. If you're making a support build, I'd recommend the Envoy. Find the answers to the most frequently asked Starfinder questions, along with rules changes to keep your Starfinder game on the cutting edge! a hover drone is an exception to the normal rules for weapons built for Tiny creatures. Starfinder Compendium. Take a Rogue (just the plain Rogue), one of the small races (probably a Gnome due to Low-Light Vision), and a high Dex plus Int at at least 11. If a ranged build (Elves get longbow for free so consider ignoring if Elf) take longarm proficiency at Lvl 1. The Sniper operative is really slow and really open to The sniper weapons in Starfinder have super long range, but still do standard damage for weapons of their level. Except personal gravity only affects you - the Longarms will give you the most options between the three categories. Starjammer SRD; Home. Ability Scores Intelligence is your most important ability score because it enhances your spells and abilities, Constitution helps you stay alive, and Strength makes it easier for you to carry heavy weapons. operative, mystic and engineer and technomancer. 2. 5 x target CR). I have a pdf of the Starfinder core rule book. This example will be level 8, and with a little more wealth than level 8 for funsies.