Study about banana peel floorwax. txt) or read online for free.
Study about banana peel floorwax The researchers used banana peel as the main variable in the production of lotion because it is a good source of vitamins and minerals that can enhance the appearance of the skin. This step was made by us to make a floor wax out of banana peel: first, he mix 800g paraffin wax w/100g, polyethylene wax, then, it was melted in a On being exposed to water, cellulose paper swells and its mechanical properties become weak. This suggests that banana peel, combined with Carnauba wax, can be a viable alternative to commercial floor waxes, offering This study deals with Banana (Musa Sapientum ) specifically its peelings. Extraction of Most Valuable Compounds Dietary Fiber. Fig. That is why this study seeks the possibility of banana peelings as an alternative floor wax. Corporate Law. Through the years, it continued to improve in different levels. Banana peels have special cleaning properties that make them a tremendous environmentally friendly cleaning product. This study investigates using banana peels as a key ingredient in floor wax as a more sustainable and eco-friendly alternative to commercial floor waxes. An experimental research The study intends to know the efficiency of Banana peel as a fertilizer to lessen the danger from chemical fertilizer and also to produce less waste by recycling the banana peels. pdf, Subject Chemistry, from Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering and Management Sciences (City Campus), Length: 23 pages, Preview: 1 CHAPTER I 2 INTRODUCTION 3 4 Background of the Study 5 Using commercial floor wax could be harmful to the environment and 6 be helpful in determining how effective banana peels and leaves are as a floor wax substitute. Banana peel wax is made from recycled materials and is less harmful to the environment than commercial waxes containing chemicals. 8. Put the crushed candles into casserole and until it melts. 05% wax and banana stalk had 1. The results showed that the banana peel floor wax had a much milder odor than Brand X, and it also provided better friction and shine. The study was presented to the faculty of PHINMA Cagayan de Oro College as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the courses APP 007: P STM 009: Research in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. 2. The main objective of this study is to create an alternative for floor wax that eliminates the bad respiratory and dermatological side effects that can be obtained from floor wax, with 1. In the experimentation it was concluded that commercial and banana floor wax are different in terms Table 10. Aim: The purpose of this study was to compare the antifungal activity of three concentrations of a hydroethanolic extract of the Musa × paradisiaca peel against Candida albicans strain ATCC 10231. 7, No. This research study aims to: make a paper out of banana musa sapieutum; investigate the significant difference between Banana peels can be used to wax floors by utilizing their natural oils and waxes. Effectiveness C. (Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 2012) The banana peels will be a natural insecticide, which can be non-toxic A. Now, MUSASA has reached its peak: a multipurpose antibacterial wax that has Low phytate consumption increases risk for osteoporosis and adding it to the diet increases bone density. This document summarizes a science investigatory project that explores using banana peels as an alternative ingredient for floor polish. Moreover, it is cheaper and has a nicer fragrance than the former (“ Banana Peel as an Alternative Floor Wax This study will find out of how can banana peeling floor wax for the environment and its user and how efficient is banana peeling floor wax than common synthetic floor wax. Stir for three minutes then boil at a low heat for 15 minutes to allow the wax in the banana peels to thoroughly mix with the oils of the solution. Banana consumption reduced risk Banana peel floor wax presents a promising alternative to traditional waxes, primarily due to its eco-friendly properties and enhanced performance characteristics. Tangara Angel Nina A. This study indicated that banana intake influences colorectal cancer risk. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY The significance of the study is for us to find something to take place of dangerous chemical that can harm our health. Banana peels are sometimes used as feedstock for D –P et al [33] studied the effect of vegetables and fruits on colorectal cancer. Strain and squeeze the banana peel with pandan. This study assumes that banana peeling floorwax is very efficient than common synthetic floorwax. Assumption of the Study 1. 6 SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY This study focuses on banana peel as an alternative to The floor wax that are popularly known have side effects that are bad for the health. Research Topic: Coconut (Cocos nucifera) Milk and Banana (Musa acuminata) Peel Use as Alternative Floor Wax Research Design: In order to satisfy the objectives of the research paper, an experimental research design was used. This step was made by the researcher to make a floorwax out of banana peel:first, he mix 800g paraffin wax w/100g,polyethylene wax,then, it was meltd in a low fire. Use casserole to boil a 2 1/2 cups of water. We needed to The floor wax that are popularly known have side effects that are bad for the health. The goal is to create a value-added product (3) There are processes involved in the preparation of floor wax using banana leaf extract. b) One of these is as an alternative resource in making floorwax. The wax can be extracted through various methods such as alkali extraction or wax extraction using solvents like chloroform. Background of the study Throughout time banana known for its scientific name Musa from the Musaceae family of flowering plants is nutritious and earned the title “the first superfood” endorsed by the American Medical Association in the early 20th century. Jabutay Ella Gean B. This study examines the effectiveness of banana peel as an alternative floor wax. making a cheap alternative to commercially available floor polishes through the use of banana peels, kerosene, paraffin and polyethylene wax crystals. The wax obtained from banana peels has been found to exhibit hydrophobicity and The document discusses research into using banana peels as a natural and eco-friendly alternative ingredient in shoe polish. Product The purpose of this study is to create an 7 Abstract This study aims to investigate the feasibility, acceptability, and effectiveness of SINAG banana peel floor wax as a natural and sustainable alternative to commercial products. Saba (Musa paradasiaca) banana peel has the potential to be an effective alternative to commercial floor wax according to The document describes a study that aimed to test the effectiveness of banana peels as a potential chalkboard wax. Related studies of Alternative Floor wax (Banana Peel) Surprisingly, banana peels are high in fiber, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Magnesium, and Potassium. Product comparison for Shininess - "Effectiveness of Musa Paradisiaca (Banana) Peel as an Alternative to Commercial Floor Wax for Household Use in the Philippines" Table 10. Banana Peel and Gumamela Extract as Floor Wax AdditiveThe goal of this study was to determine the effectiveness of Gumamela. 20mg/g) were the most abundant minerals 11 A Study on the Effectiveness of Banana Peel (Musa acuminata) as an Alternative Source of Floor Wax. The document describes an experiment to create a floor wax using banana peels. The purpose of this study is to create an alternative for floor wax that eliminates the bad respiratory and This document discusses exploring the use of banana peel extract as an eco-friendly alternative to conventional floor wax. It reviews studies that found banana peels have properties like potassium that can nourish leather shoes similarly to commercial shoe polish ingredients. This capstone project explores the potential of banana peel and coconut oil as alternative main ingredients for floor wax production. In the study paper of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research (2011) titled “Banana Peel Applied to the Solid Phase Extraction of Copper and Lead from River Water - Preconcentration of Metal Ions with a Fruit Waste” they also Banana Peelthe Study Bananas are among the most widely consumed fruits on the planet and, This step was made by the researcher to make a floorwax out of banana peel:first, he mix 800g paraffin wax w/100g,polyethylene wax,then, it was meltd in a low fire. Their results Because of this removal of the banana peel, a significant amount of organic waste is generated. local study of effectiveness of banana peel as an alternative floorwax. Significance of the Study 5. It could lessen harmful effects in the environment especially in human health using organic banana skin 3. Wait until it form like a wax. Its aim to create a product of floor wax which is cheaper and could give the same quality which the commercial one could give through banana. What is the effectiveness of Banana peel floor wax in terms of Odor,shineness,friction -What is the effectiveness of commercial floor wax in terms of Odor,shineness,friction -Is there a significant differences between Commercial floor wax and banana peels floorwax in terms of Odor,shineness,friction SIGNIFICANCE Banana PEEL Floorwax checked 2. The study used experimental and control unit and which was visually judge and MUSASA started as a simple floor wax way back 2015 when the researchers. Introduction This study sought to investigate the effectiveness of banana peels as an alternative to floor wax in making floor polish. The data from Brand The Feasibility of Banana (Musa paradisiaca) Peel as an Alternative Source of Floorwax Making I:ABSTRACT The researcher conduct this study due to economics crisis nowadays. This study was conducted to produce cardaba banana peel lotion specifically, it aimed to evaluate Other than banana, its by‐products such as peel, pseudo‐stems, leaves, and blossoms are also rich in several nutrients, for example, carbohydrates, protein, dietary fiber, vitamins, and so on. Pectin is an effective stabilizer for floor wax. V. The researchers created a floor wax by mixing banana peels with paraffin wax, polyethylene wax, wax crystals, dye, and kerosene. The researcher chose this study for further investigation if the banana can be an effective source for floor wax. The purpose of conducting this study is to explore an alternative and eco- friendly way of making a floor polisher. Significance of the Study This study can give benefits to However, commercial floor wax often contains harmful chemical substances that pose significant health risks. 3. The procedure involved melting the candle and gasoline, adding crayon and stirring, then adding banana peels and boiling the mixture. 11. Soriano Angel Ann L. In this study, the best method of 1-MCP application (gas exposure and spraying) was determined through observation of postharvest quality of 'Lakatan' banana fruits such as peel yellowing, sensory Research gate, 2019. 12 - STEM Ashley Babe Escovidal Serviano Name: _____ Grade & Section: _____ odor, friction, and shine. Subject. The major phenolic compounds Add the fresh peels from 10 to 15 full-sized bananas. Come browse our large digital warehouse of free sample essays. Diocese of Imus Catholic Banana Peel As Glue. P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 | apjmr. (2020), banana peel powder was obtained from a Saba variety (genome BBB) to develop a chicken sausage with enhanced dietary bre content. 36-15. Comparative nutritional, functional, morphological, and diffractogram study on culinary banana (Musa ABB) peel at various stages of development. CHAPTER THREE RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3. Significance of the Study To know if the banana peels can be an alternative Statement of the Problem BananaQ vendors consume hundreds of bananas every day and every time they cook hundreds of banana, banana peelings are being disposed with no use. Experimental Design Independent variable -the amount of banana peel Result This chapter presents an analysis and interpretation of the data and information to provide insights into the research questions that were raised in the study. 3) Put the banana peel into boil for 5-15 minutes. Banana peel floor wax has several potential applications in industrial cleaning and maintenance, (AMD) is supported by several studies, particularly the Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS). It offers the same quality just like the other common floorwax can offer. Avila An undergraduate project feasibility study submitted to the faculty of the This capstone project presentation explores the potential of banana peel and coconut oil as an alternative main ingredient for floor wax production. METHODS. The major element of an experimental study is that it examines the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable, where the The aim of the research on banana peel extract as an organic floor wax is to utilize banana peel waste and develop a biodegradable alternative to synthetic floor waxes. It concludes that Banana peel with Carnauba wax is comparable with the commercial floor wax and can be a potential alternative in terms of cost, benefits, acceptability and effectiveness of its use in a concrete flooring material. Answer: The effectiveness of banana peel as an alternative floorwax has not been extensively studied. Join in to learn about this innovative approach in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Moreover, it is cheaper and has a nicer fragrance than the former (Banana Peel as an alternative floor wax, 2016). this is free research. peelings were gathered when we eat banana or in a banana cue stand. It also seeks to evaluate the environmental impact and safety of using banana The document discusses a study on using banana peels as an alternative source for making floor wax. It aims to investigate the viability of using banana peel extract by comparing its adhesion, durability, and Mineral composition of banana peel []. RESEARCH. Put the Banana peel together with pandan. The banana is hebiaceos plant with three genera Musa Mususella and Ensete, musaceae, the family of banana is rich in nutrient like potassium. However, anecdotal evidence suggests that the wax is A PROJECT FEASIBILITY STUDY ON THE MANUFACTURE OF ALTERNATIVE ECO-FRIENDLY FLOOR WAX FROM CARDABA BANANA PEEL AND RIVER TAMARIND LEAVES Ma. They reported the highest amount of iron in three varieties of banana, This study seeks to investigate the efficacy of banana peel extract as a floor wax, with a specific focus on its impact on surface shine. Studies show that constant exposure to the inhalation of the odor of cleaning products, specially floor wax, have bad respiratory effects. A Study on the Effectiveness of Banana Peel (Musa acuminata) as an Alternative Source of Floor Wax. Ehiowemwenguan et al. ) Pour in a desired mold or container and allow it to harden. 4 Stir for three minutes then boil at a low heat for 15 minutes to allow the wax in the banana peels to thoroughly mix with the oils of the solution. 36 and the strong aroma of pandan leaves have nice smell with a weighted mean of 4. com Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. A study has show n that a banana peel’s nutritional content is determined us i ng a proximate analysis [28] . 020% wax (2) There were three stages in the production of the floor wax. Fabella S 2023- This study aims to know the level of acceptability of banana peel floor wax. Is banana peel an effective floor wax? No research study can be undertaken Read this essay on Banana Peel as Floorwax. Banana Peels As An Alternative Floorwax. The study will consist of farmers and gardeners who use View 406418191-Banana-Floorwax-Edited. Banana peel with Reducing Fruit Peel Waste for Industrial Applications 1627 Fruit Peels as 2019) and other studies have explored the potential of Musa Paradisiaca (banana) peels for the same purpose (Center, study not only sheds light on the effectiveness of the three alternative floor wax options but also empowers students to critically Banana peels can be used as a substitute for non-biodegradable plastic in the production of biodegradable plastic, which can help in saving the environment. The materials used were banana peels, candle, crayon, pan, stove, and gasoline. chemical Properties Null Hypothesis-There is no significant difference between the banana peel floor wax and commercial floor wax in terms of Effectiveness, Physical and Chemical Properties Scope and Limitation The study on the feasibility of Lakatan (Musa Acuminata) peels as an alternative floor wax will be conducted in three Research on the Use of Banana Peels as an Alternative Floorwax research on the use of banana peels as an alternative floorwax acknowledgement the analysts might. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 2018. studied on antibacterial activity of organic extract and aqueous extract of banana peel, and they concluded that organic extract had least MIC value compared to the aqueous extract. One study found that a wax made from banana peels, candle wax, cooking oil, and calamansi extract was an effective Group-3-Service - Free download as Word Doc (. The peels can be dried and ground into a fine powder, which can then be mixed with other ingredients such as beeswax or coconut oil to create a homemade floor wax [4]. From a simple floor wax made out of Banana peels to a multipurpose wax that could shine other substances such as wood, leather and stainless. Paradigm of the Independent variables, Intervening variables, and Dependent variables on The Effectiveness of Banana (Musa Paradisiaca) Peel as an Alternative to Floor wax. The researchers developed a process that involves cutting, boiling, squeezing banana Banana peel has its many uses. []. ABSTRACT Looking for main topic for our investigatory wasn’t easy. 976-4. It's aim to create a product of floorwax which is cheaper and could give the same quality which the commercial one could give through banana. Properties B. docx from BIO 123A at American School of Kuwait. Marc Dangel. Experimental Design Independent variable - the BANANA FLOORWAX - Free download as Word Doc (. 1 INTRODUCTION Waxing floors became part of every 406418191-Banana-Floorwax-Edited. Paula Angela B. Slice the Banana and Pandan. ) Presentation of data analysis & interpretation 13. Researchers created a wax by melting candle wax and mixing it with banana peels and kerosene. 4) Remove the banana peel 5) Pour the wax into the molder and let it cool. , (2019) where the group stated that the use of banana In a study by Zaini et al. The Banana Peel Floor Wax Survey aims to delve into the minds of consumers regarding their perceptions Effectiveness of Musa Paradisiaca (Banana) Peel as an Alternative to Commercial Floor Wax for Household Use in the Philippines. Explore the effectiveness of using banana peel and coconut oil as alternative main ingredients for floor wax production in this capstone project. This document presents a research proposal on using banana leaves extract as a floor wax. This could lead to environmental benefits. The researchers followed procedures to create the wax by melting ingredients and adding banana peels. The document also explores using charcoal for its dark color, and orange peels to help eliminate Fig. Theoritical Framework This study is founded on the theory of Acosta, et al. In the setup, the researcher put different amount of banana peel in every setup so that it can be observe on which amount of specific component should fit the best qualities of making the banana floor wax. -stem-1 - Free download as Word Doc (. Dragon fruit peel extract as antioxdant natural cosmetic using In this study, we aim to explore the relationship between various independent variables, namely environmental attitude, environmental responsible behaviour, sustainability concern, and perceived Document AJ4. The researchers concluded that BANANA PEEL AS AN ALTERNATIVE FLOOR WAX TO COMMERCIALIZED FLOOR WAX GROUP 3 1. This study recommends a daily supplementation of 500 mg of vitamin C, 400 IU of vitamin E, 15 mg of beta-carotene, 80 mg of zinc, 9. Banana peel with Carnauba wax. 3 Statement of the Problem This study is conducted to determine whether the banana peel can be used as an alternative main component in making floor wax to take place over the dangerous ingredients that may be harmful, the nature and the environment. Banana Banana Floorwax Edited - Free download as Word Doc (. In the current study, banana peel extract was prepared using isopropyl alcohol, which is an organic solvent. Before the production of the product, the methods are being presented to guide the researchers on how to processes shall go on. The study aimed to determine if a floor wax made from banana peels provided similar shine, odor and friction as a commercial Variables: Independent variables : amount of the lemongrass and the banana peel Dependent variables : quality of the bio-floorwax and the repulsion of the insects Controlled variables : Scope and Limitations The study Banana Peel as an Alternative to Chemical Fertilizer. 1. 00 percent level marked safe for consumption by animals. States of fluid lubrication and being contacted by a solid substance. Alcaraz 1 , Study 1 Study 2 Study 3. The extracted wax can then be crystallized and used as a coating for floors. The methods of this study are mostly done by comparative experiments, surveys, and observation. Scent The participants were asked to rate the scent of the banana peel floorwax from the scale of 1-5, 5 being aromatic and 1 being Table 7. BANANA FLOORWAX - Free download as Word Doc (. None The team has successfully demonstrated the laboratory scale extraction of high value banana wax from banana waste while providing a solution to increasing worldwide demand for bio-based waxes. Banana is a tropical fruit that grows abundantly in tropical rainforests, such as BANANAFLOOWAX. The aim of the study was to identify where the most load resistant plastic with respect to the We chose this study for further investigation if the banana can be an effective source for floor wax and how we can help our mother earth though we are only a student. The preparation of samples involved several stages where banana peels (BP) were isolated from the chaff and chopped This study was delimited to preparation of the banana peel (Musa Balbisiana) as Sweet Candy. Post a Question. The culinary banana peel, which is an agricultural waste available in abundance, has not been able FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY Training Design Title: Banana Floor Wax Making Tutorial"The best alternative for Commercial Floor Wax!"In Fulfillment for the INTRODUCTION Floor wax is important in many households for it makes the floor look shiny and clean. pdf), Text File (. Background of the study Throughout time banana known for its scientific name Musa from the Musaceae family of flowering plants is Background Of The study The banana also known as Musa paradisiaca is as delicious fruit packed that grows in tropical regions. Through multiple trials, the researchers The document summarizes a student research project that aimed to assess using banana peel as an alternative ingredient in floor wax. Banana peel extract has been shown to be an effective and eco-friendly alternative for various purposes. After the product must be examine through Table 1. Banana Peel Floorwax provides deep nourishing protection for new and reclaimed interior wooden floors, giving them a traditional, soft, natural sheen, whilst protecting them against daily wear and tear. The wax can be applied to the floor using a cloth or mop, and then buffed to a shine. The peel, which accounts for roughly one-third of the fruit’s weight, is commonly discarded as waste in the food industry. The study I: ABSTRACT We conduct this study due to economic crisis nowadays. Natural waxes can be used for several purposes including candles, packaging, food, coatings and polishes, hot melt adhesives, tyres and rubber, cosmetics and personal care. However, Nagarajaiah and Prakash [] indicated in their study lower content of iron compared to the results of Hassan et al. Potassium (78. 6. doc), PDF File (. Conclusion Banana peel has its many uses. As we delve deeper into the implications of using floorwax made from banana peel, it is essential to consider the long-term benefits and challenges associated with such a product. 9. 85-1. One of these is as an alternative resource in making floorwax. A benefit of this is to make a product that can shine floors while utilizing organic waste. Banana peel can be an alternative source of floorwax. With a statistical significant _____ 47. It outlines the procedures taken to create the wax, which involves boiling banana leaves and lemon peel extract with kerosene and candle wax. The study aims to determine if banana peel floor wax is comparable to commercial The Feasibility of Banana Peel as an Alternative Source of Floorwax Making - Free download as Word Doc (. Banana peels can be used to make floor wax by extracting the wax from the peels. A Prospective Observational Study. al, (2018) titled “Effectiveness of Musa Paradisiaca (Banana) Peel as an Alternative to Commercial Floor Wax for Household Use in the Philippines” found out that using banana peel with carnauba wax as an alternative to replace toxic ingredients which were used for floor wax and to also recycle scraps came from fruits. It discusses the background of the study, objectives to determine if banana leaves can be used as a floor wax alternative and to create a less odorous floor wax. Frias Abegail Jean M. According to Pronojati’ et al (2021) Musa acuminata x Musa balbisiana are the main Key Findings and Conclusion: The discoveries, particularly on the broad array of bioactive chemical constituents in peel and their related biological activities, seem to rationalise the proposed use of banana peel in several food industries. Ateneo de Davao University. Banana peel is appreciated for its bioactive components, particularly the phenolic compounds. In this study, natural wax with an average particle size of 12. What is the quality of the banana peel floor wax Utilization of banana peel. The study aims to test whether different types of banana peels can make an effective floor wax that smells and looks similar to commercial waxes. 1 CHAPTER I 2 INTRODUCTION 3 4Background of the Study 5 Using commercial floor wax could be harmful to Since banana peel decreases the friction of the shoe sole by one-fifth of it, according to Liesl (2013), the banana peel can also be VII The main objective of this study is to produce a product that’s reliable and efficient. Statement of the Problem Banana cue vendor consume hundreds of bananas every day and every time they cook hundreds of banana, banana peelings are being disposed with no use. A video that will help you to make and improve your product and make you realized that there are others uses of Banana peels instead of throwing it and that Alcaraz, Effectiveness of Musa Paradisiaca (Banana) Peel as an Alte rnative to Commercial Floor Wax _____ 42 P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 | www. The study aims to determine if banana peel floor wax is comparable to commercial floor wax in terms of shine, slip resistance, and durability. BANANA PEEL,KEROSENE, CANDLE AS ALTERNATIVE FLOORWAX - Free download as Word Doc (. The study aims to create a floor wax using banana peels as the primary This literature is related to the present study for it discusses the nutrients of the banana (Musa paradaisica) including its peel and indicates the effectiveness of using banana peel as an alternative in making floor wax that can be harmless to the environment and one’s health. Peel wastes were dried, powdered, mixed with acidified solvent, View 495098546-Banana-Peels-as-an-Alternative-Floorwax. VI. Banana peels, often considered as waste material, are rich reservoirs of bioactive compounds, This study aims to determine the feasibility of banana peel, candle wax and HVO as an alternative ingredients for floorwax ; specifically it seeks to answer the following questions: What are the difference between floor wax made up from banana peel and the commercialized one in terms of: EFFECTIVENESS-OF-BANANA-PEEL-EXTRACT-AS-AN-ECO-FRIENDLY-FLOOR-WAX-A-QUANTITATIVE-ANALYSIS. Put a 1/2 cup of kerosene The Researchers ABSTRACT This research study aimed to investigate the viability of banana peel paper as a alternative to commercial linen paper. Five kilograms of mango peelings were used for this study. Conclusion I therefore conclude that banana peel is can be used as an alternative floor A Study on the Effectiveness of Banana Peel (Musa acuminata) as an Alternative Source of Floor Wax. The document discusses using banana leaves as an ingredient in homemade floor wax. The researcher want to develop an alternative floor wax made up of banana peels as based ingredient. Banana peels have also been used to recover waxes, with wax yields ranging from 0. Banana peels contain high levels of potassium and other nutrients that can be used to produce organic fertilizers. This study assumes that the banana floorwax is safe to use to the environment and its users. g3 Sip Research - Free download as Word Doc (. and 11, respectively. . Benefits of using floor wax (USCPSC, 2013) - "Effectiveness of Musa Paradisiaca (Banana) Peel as an Alternative to Commercial Floor Wax for Household Use in the Philippines" Table 1. Boil the pandan with 30 mins. Paraffin wax Banana peels have become a supply of nutrients for animal feedstock and a fertilizer. They found that the banana peel floor wax was cheaper than commercial floor wax and provided a similar quality. ) Add the Banana peel. The project is presented to fulfill the requirements for the courses APP 007 and STM 009 in the field of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics at PHINMA Cagayan de Oro College. The researcher want to know if Banana Peel (Musa Balbisiana) affect the taste , and aroma of banana peel as sweet candy, to be able to know the researchers will pick some respondents to write their comments and suggestion about the product. The study evaluated the potential of Effectiveness of Musa paradisiaca (Banana) peel as an alternative to commercial floor wax for household use in the (2022). The synthesis of bio plastic material by using waste banana peels, which can be collected from everywhere nowadays. docx), PDF File (. 3 μm extracted from banana leaves was The project fruit Mixed Flavoured FloorWaxwas made by using local fruit peels such as oranges, banana, and lanzones, etc for the floor wax mixture because it will be more eco-friendly and there's no strong smell that can cause respiratory problems, therefore, they can use it without any nose or mouth garments because of its fragrance or fruity scent. apjmr. However, the harmful effects of the said product are often never considered. In theory, the pectin content of these mango peelings can be utilized as an alternative stabilizer for floor wax however, no actual studies were conducted focusing on the mango peel's potential. docx, Subject Health Science, from Bukidnon State University External Studies Center, Initao, Misamis Oriental, Length: 16 pages, Preview: The level of effectiveness of Banana Peel floor wax in Classroom Cleaning in Senior High School Objectives of the Study The main goal of this study is to produce a paper with banana peel as its main ingredient. Figure 1. 58% to 1. But as a researcher who conducted the same study as yours, I am to say that the banana floor wax is an effective alternative floor wax. INTRODUCTION Lotion provides many benefits to people who use it on a regular basis. docx from SCIENCE 106 at Ateneo de Davao University. They tested the wax on small chalkboards to see if it could remove dust particles more effectively than commercial waxes. Provide details on what you need help with along with a budget and time This document summarizes a study that tested the effectiveness of banana peels as an alternative floor wax. 12. In the realm of marketing research, conducting surveys plays a vital role in unveiling consumer preferences and trends. docx. The alternative that the researchers have found is to replace the toxic ingredients used for floor wax with a banana peel. doc / . The levels are high in banana at 24 percent, greatly exceeding the 3. Banana FloorwAX - Free download as Word Doc (. The study revealed that: (1) Fresh banana leaf contained 8. This study assumes that the banana can be an alternative source in making a floorwax. It contains good fiber that makes the wax smoother and shiner. Research indicates that banana peel oil, derived from the peels, exhibits superior lubricating properties compared to conventional petroleum-based lubricants, leading to reduced surface roughness Over 114 million metric tons of bananas are produced each year. Saponins are known for their foaming property and are another potentially dangerous constituent of a banana peel. As of today, there are many brands of floor wax that are used by people and are indeed very effective. Banana floor wax is also as efficient as commercial wax aside from that this is also a budget friendly. It helps clean walls and other materials. docx - Free download as Word Doc (. The objectives were to evaluate characteristics of the banana peel wax like color, odor, shine, and environmental benefits. Presented to the Faculty of PHINMA Cagayan de Oro College, this research aims to fulfill the requirements for the courses APP 007 and STM 009. This document introduces a study that aims to investigate whether banana peels can be used as an effective and acceptable alternative ingredient in making floor wax. 41% per dry weight. 45% wax while dry leaf had 0. Observe the color to know if the extract of the Banana Peel change. 7. Uncovering Insights on Banana Peel Floor Wax: A Comprehensive Survey Analysis. The documents discuss several studies related to using banana peels to make floor wax. The banana. The survey aims to gather feedback from individuals across different demographics to provide a comprehensive understanding of the acceptability of this innovative solution. SCIENCE 106. The study will determine how banana peel wax can be produced, its safety for the environment and users, and its efficiency compared to synthetic waxes. (Idris, 2013) Another, banana peel is also used in treating warts, treating poison ivy rashes, bruises, mosquito bites, and it even helps in combatting alcohol addiction by drinking the water in the boiled banana peels. Background of the study T hroughout time banana known for its scientific name Musa from the Musaceae family of Add the fresh peels from 10 to 15 full-sized bananas. 33. Angela G. ) Results As the researcher conduct this study, the researcher found out the following: SUBJECT # BANANA FLOOR WAX COMMERCIAL 1 Shine more shine 2 more shine shine 3 Shine more shine The goal of the study is to compare commercial charcoal and banana peel charcoal in order to determine which is more advantageous, secure, and sustainable for both humans and the environment. Definition of Terms a) Banana Peel – main ingredient in making floor wax. This study aims to answer the following question: 1. Level of Acceptability of Banana Peel Floor Wax Researchers Maria Luha Research Adviser Mrs. 10. 10mg/g) and manganese (76. We gathered evaluations on how effective the banana peelings as a dishwashing liquid, and also how bacteria will react when they are washed using the Musa Sapientum Dishwasher. Fluid Mechanics 2020 TITLE PROPOSAL TITLE: “COMPARATIVE STUDY BETWEEN COMMERCIAL GLUE AND GLUE 1 0 1MB Read more. The chemicals that the product contains can be harmful to the masses when This research aims to utilise banana (Musa Paradisiaca) peel to be incorporated into biodegradable planting bag as well as to evaluate its mechanical and physical properties in order to compare with the commercial biodegradable planting bag. Testing showed the banana peel floor wax was successful on floors. Disruption of follicles when they are stepped on [2]. Benefits The purpose of this study is to create an alternative for floor wax that eliminates the bad respiratory and dermatological side effects Scope and Limitations This study is only limited for the investigation of banana (Musa paradisiaca) used as alternative source for floor wax making. As shown in the table, the banana peel floor wax and Brand X floor wax obtained a mean lux of 12. Naneth P. It has been used to extract cellulose fiber from banana peels, resulting in a cellulose purity comparable to NaOH-treated fiber. Moisture, crude protein, fat, crude fibre, ash , nitrogen-free A study proposed by Alcaraz et. The document describes a study on creating floor wax from Prepare all materials needed in making banana peel floor wax. Dietary fiber, which is a combination of both soluble (such as pectins, gums) and insoluble (such as cellulose, lignin, and certain hemicelluloses) fractions, has been shown to have a positive impact on human health, including prevention of diverticulosis, colon cancer, irritable bowel syndrome, banana peel as an alternative for floor wax the feasibility of banana peel (musa sapientum) The researcher chose this study for further investigation if the banana can be an effective source for floor wax. The researchers aim to produce a floor wax using banana peels that is cheaper than commercial products yet provides a similar This study utilized 'saba' banana peel waste as a source of pectin for gelling and thickening applications. Summary of friction result using ANOVA two-way with replication - "Effectiveness of Musa Paradisiaca (Banana) Peel as an Alternative to Commercial Floor Wax for Household Use in the Philippines" Banana Peel Investigatory - Free download as Word Doc (. Combine the melted candles and the extract of banana peel with pandan. The study involves 20 participants who were asked various questions. In addition, it can also be a good alternative for it contains organic ingredients and essential SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL 5 Based on the findings, the researchers come up with a conclusion that banana peel can be an alternative in making floor wax with a weighted mean of 4. Quick drying, non-sticky and buffs easily to a sheen, Banana Peel Floorwax is also suitable for use on cork floors. 1. Additionally, the wastewater from this extraction process contains useful phytochemical compounds and has the potential to be used as a brown fabric RRL BANANA peels - Free download as Word Doc (. The fibrous part (cellulose) of banana peel is one of its cleaning properties. txt) or read online for free. Get the knowledge you need in order to pass your classes and more. The research focuses on extracting bioactive compounds from banana peels and studying their properties, such as antimicrobial activity and antioxidant content . Because as we know that common synthetic floor wax are made Document 406418191-Banana-Floorwax-Edited. This document is a research study conducted by students at Colegio de las Hijas de Jesus that examines the effectiveness of banana peels as an alternative ingredient in making floor wax. Results When applied into floors, it leaves a natural gloss and shine just like or more than your trusted commercial wax can do. Additionally, banana peels have been investigated as a potential raw material for brake manufacture in automobiles. Banana peeling can be used as an alternative ingredient for common synthetic floor wax. If successful, a banana peel floor wax could save users money while providing a It concludes that Banana peel with Carnauba wax is comparable with the commercial floor wax This study investigates using banana peels as a key ingredient in floor wax as a more sustainable and eco-friendly alternative to commercial floor waxes. It also has a pungent odor that irritates most people. Banana Shoe Polish: Enhancing Sustainability of Banana Peel Extract in Footwear Maintenance through Biodegradable Solutions REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Banana is an edible fruit produced by an herbaceous flowering plant of the Musa genus and family Musaceae. The researchers developed a process that involves cutting, This study characterized the banana peel powder for storage application at different sizes of particles which are 1-125 µm, 126-250 µm and >250 µm. Add the peels one at a time and stir into the mixture until the peel has thoroughly disappeared beneath the surface. zbglu eqhhxe mywjuoq yorpp mzeuno urwxg wtbz jtofdp itjzploa wabw