Why did dumbledore let sirius go to azkaban. “You should have realised,’ said Lupin quietly.
Why did dumbledore let sirius go to azkaban Revealing it's existence before Harry was at Hogwart's would I'll put it differently. Jul 10, 2016 · Following his eviction (of sorts) from Hogwarts it isn't clear where Dumbledore heads off to. Why does Dumbledore secure the castle and send all students to the great hall in Prisoner of And his grudge match with Sirius doesn't fully explain why Snape became as unhinged as he did at the end of the book. If Harry and Hermione somehow came to know that Buckbeak and Sirius are safe, even then they need to travel to past and save them. Snape suspects Harry was involved in Sirius’s disappearance. This was found out from Fudge's newspaper, not Hagrid. If Dumbledore had the slightest doubt about Sirius's guilt, he should've visited him because Sirius used to be the member of the Order. Rowling confirms that Dumbledore knew the destroyed diary was the remains of a Horcrux; JKR: "In essence divided," exactly, the "essence" being the soul. With witnesses ready to testify, Peter’s finger in the crime scene to confirm his What motivated him to escape Azkaban was the sudden realisation that Harry was in dangerously close contact with someone Sirius knew to be a murderer. It explained why Sirius was on Ron's bed and not on Harry's. But this can't be a sole reason for thinking some one is innocent. But right before they reveal peter (ron's rat) sirius said something like "I waited 12 years to kill you" to harry and Lupen was like "wait 1 min atleast, harry should now why". "Scabbers" fakes his own death and escapes from Ron. By 31 July, Black took advantage of his extreme weight loss to slip through his cell door in his Animagus dog form (which was unregistered, thus the Harry refuses to let Sirius kill Pettigrew, as he doesn't believe James would've wanted his friend to become a killer. His reasoning behind this: ‘How are you supposed to defend yourself against something you’ve never seen?A wizard who’s about to put an illegal curse on you isn’t going to tell you 3 days ago · In 1993, Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban after seeing Scabbers in a Daily Prophet article of the paper Cornelius Fudge gave him in late July 1993, recognising him as his traitorous former friend Peter Pettigrew. This is referred to while Harry is experiencing the late Severus Snape's memories in the pensieve. K. In fact, it almost seems like Sirius did consider himself guilty. [1] Earlier that evening, when Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione 6 days ago · During the eventful night at the end of the Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry, Ron and Hermione simultaneously cast the Disarming spell at Snape from the Shrieking Shack, sending him flying back and knocking him out. Aug 7, 2014 · Aunt Petunia wrote to Dumbledore. "I am not leaving to go into hiding. After finishing my reread of book 3 I came to the conclusion that Dumbledore knew the truth about Sirius and Peter all along, but had decided to let Sirius rot in Azkaban. Scabbers is actually Peter Pettigrew (Wormtail). So Dumbledore knew all along that he must have- well, he suspected until Chamber of Secrets, and then at the point where he saw what was clearly the remains of a Horcrux, in other words, the diary, he thinks, . Percival died there sometime after 1891. Buckbeak is executed instead of Harry and Hermione travelling back in time to be two places at the same time. . At some point we learn that. In the movie, this occurs outside of the infirmary. Yet Sirius did not ever argue that he was innocent and ask for a (re)trial. g. The first But by the time the Fidelius Charm was no longer necessary, Sirius was able to simply walk out of Azkaban whenever he wanted. We attacked a teacher . The only reason they didn't was because Harry didn't want them to and asked them to let Pettigrew be taken to Azkaban instead of them killing him. Apr 4, 2015 · What did Dumbledore do for Mundungus that would cause him to be so loyal, to the point that the Order wants him to help with such an important task as moving Harry in the last book? Sure, Moody didn't trust him completely, but they still thought he was one of the useable people, and while Dumbledore was around he seemed to trust Mundungus as Jul 30, 2014 · During Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry and Hermione use the Time-Turner to save Buckbean and Sirius. Remus was secretly a werewolf, a burden that brought overwhelming stress and fear to his young life. Friends such as Albus Dumbledore and Sirius Black offered to be their Secret-Keeper, but they ultimately decided that a more unlikely choice would be safer, and picked Peter Pettigrew; Feb 28, 2013 · Barty Crouch Jr, impersonating Mad-Eye Moody during Goblet of Fire, demonstrated the three Unforgivable curses to the fourth years during Defence Against the Dark Arts. Rowling), then he could have done so here too and realized there were two Harrys and two Hermiones and that it must have been under his orders that Hermione was messing around with time outside of classes!Here is the quote reproduced: Angela Morrissey: Why is it that albus Aug 1, 2017 · Sirius Black and Remus Lupin originally had planned to kill Peter, and they were both quite eager to do it, especially Sirius. Remus is alive and Mar 21, 2014 · This is also why Snape sent 'Dumbledore's Army' members to have detention with Hagrid instead of with the Carrows!). I want to start a psychological evaluation about why Sirius would have let Remus either turn or kill Snape. got a publicised trial. Dumbledore sends Hagrid to get Harry to the Dursleys before Sirius confronts Peter. Mar 27, 2016 · -Harry Potter And The Prisoner of Azkaban. In the book, fudge said that Sirius was surprisingly calm and collected while talking to him in Azkaban. So why did Dumbledore believe Sirius in PoA, Let's say that Sirius was insistent and angry rather than scared and sporadic. 2) He also realized why Buckbeak had disappeared earlier that night. "Grimmauld Place?" "Oh no," said Dumbledore, with a grim smile. Sirius kept himself sane in Azkaban by thinking about his innocence in the murder of Potters. . Pettigrew then killed twelve muggles with a dark spell, cut his finger, transformed into a rat, and escaped into the sewers. To calm Snape, Dumbledore points out that they couldn't have helped him Feb 12, 2012 · Dumbledore wanted him to go back to the Dursleys' to keep the protection going between years*, but the protection was going to be gone in a couple weeks anyway, after which they'd have to go to great lengths to extract him safely as or before the protection broke (OK, the original plan wasn't quite so involved or dangerous). Jan 16, 2017 · The waxy skin was stretched so tightly over the bones of his face, it looked like a skull. Even criminals like Barty Crouch, Jr. He did this because he 6 days ago · J. — Prisoner of Azkaban, Chapter 17: Cat, Rat and Dog. Also, they have an extra task to let their past themselves know that they saved Sirius without actually meeting them. [5][6] Many years later, his eldest son became the longest and Nov 1, 2014 · In Prisoner of Azkaban we learn that Sirius Black escapes from Azkaban. In the final scenes, Dumbledore is the one to Feb 27, 2015 · Why do you think Dumbledore wouldn’t tell McGonagall? He trusts her, and it wards off lots of other potentially awkward questions. "You know, Sirius, that's a fair question," said Lupin, turning to Black and frowning slightly. In a similar situation, when Hagrid was exposed as half-giant by the Daily Prophet's reporter, Rita Skeeter, Dumbledore behaved quite differently: 4 days ago · The rescue of Sirius Black and Buckbeak took place on 6 June 1994, in which Albus Dumbledore allowed Hermione Granger and Harry Potter to use the Time-Turner to rescue the Animagus Sirius Black and Buckbeak the Hippogriff. Sirius put his trust in him and joined So, mainly, Dumbledore didn't believe in Sirius's innocence until the end of Prisoner of Azkaban. Further, he did not have the power, ostensibly, to override legal decisions made by the The ministry thought Sirius was a death eater so he was just thrown into Azkaban. If this is a legitimate option for saving people, why don't they ever use it again? If they can use it to save Sirius in The Prisoner of Azkaban, why can't they use it to save him when he dies in The Order of the Jan 12, 2025 · When James and Lily Potter prepared to go into hiding from Lord Voldemort in October of 1981, they decided to put a Fidelius Charm over their home as part of their protection. ,” and that “Oh, we’re going to be in so much trouble —” Aug 10, 2015 · Peeves flipped over, and grinned at Dumbledore from between his own legs. The only place he rules out is Grimmauld Place. Dumbledore benefits from Sirius being in prison. But why did Sirius need to go into hiding? Now obviously, in-universe, it's because Fudge refused to entertain Harry's assertion that Sirius was actually innocent. I want to go further then the fact that he hates Snape and wanted revenge I think there's more to it then that. Luckily, his new friends in Gryffindor proved steadfast companions, even becoming Animagi together in order to keep him company on full moons. Harry's statement at the bottom of this answer seems to strongly imply that Harry is turning in Sirius's approval to Dumbledore himself. Sirius then rode Buckbeak to hide out in an unknown area. "James Potter told Dumbledore that Black would die rather than tell where they were, that Black was planning to go into hiding himself and yet, Dumbledore remained worried. Yet, in the movie, they have him screaming and yelling like a freaking phsycopath in the Daily Prophet, as if he was really guilty. Why didn't Dumbledore or anybody else ever advocate this? Oct 19, 2016 · If Dumbledore could easily use Homenum Revelio without a wand (mentioned by J. Hermione rightly observes: “We attacked a teacher. I don't think Dumbledore knew about the Marauders being Animagi until after POA, GOF, or in between whenever Sirius and Dumbledore started corresponding. Harry and Hermione excitedly reported to Dumbledore that they had been successful (saving Sirius, e. I really didnt get that part. There‘s no evidence that he had the ability to overrule the decisions of the Minister and the Head of the DMLE over trials - canonically, we see him unable to do anything when Hagrid is sent to Azkaban in second year over something he knows that Hagrid didn’t do and we see him unable to do anything for Sirius when he discovers he’s innocent, because the Minister refuses to see I'm watching the recording of the Prisoner of Azkaban on my TV and wondered this. Sirius is Harry's guardian. Did they just do this for Only James, Lily, Sirius, and Pettigrew knew and as far as Dumbledore's knowledge at the time, three of those four people were dead and Sirius was seen in a mad rage after one of them (Pettigrew). Once the second war was over, under Shacklebolt there were major changes to rid the ministry of corruption (like say, allowing Riddle to rebuild his army while the ministry conveniently denied his return). That was more than anyone else in Azkaban had so it's possible that if he'd attempted an escape before seeing the photo that he may have managed it. Sirius’ gaunt face broke into the first true smile Harry had seen upon it. There we go. It was Sirius' idea to secretly use Pettigrew instead. "How did you find out where he Aug 26, 2021 · Would Harry have gone to live with Sirius? As we know in Prisoner of Azkaban, Sirius made Harry a tentative offer of coming to live with him once his name had been cleared – which Harry was more than thrilled about. I'm sure Dumbledore was polite but Petunia could never go to the school, the rejection and jealousy subsumed her personality and was reinforced by her xenophobic choice of husband. The Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban quotes below are all either spoken by Sirius Black or refer to Sirius Sirius Black went to Azkaban because the Ministry of Magic didn’t carry out a trial for his crimes. e. 1881) was a British wizard, the husband of Kendra Dumbledore and the father of Albus, Aberforth, and Ariana Dumbledore. DD could easily tell that he was telling the truth. At that time any death eater or convicted death eater was put into Azkaban without being Though Sirius must stay in hiding, he does write a note for Dumbledore authorizing Harry to visit Hogsmeade. But there was the possibility that Sirius was mad. So, some other questions to consider: Why does Dumbledore let Snape get away with his behavior in the first place? 3 days ago · Percival Dumbledore (fl. After attacking three male Muggles who assaulted Ariana, he was sentenced to imprisonment in Azkaban. “You should have realised,’ said Lupin quietly. Prizoner of Azkaban ends with Harry busting Sirius out of his cell, just moments before he was about to receive the Dementor's Kiss, and sending him with Buckbeak into hiding. " To this point of the novel, we could believe Arthur's worries that Harry will pursue Black stem from merely from the fact that Black was allegedly a high-up Death Eater and Harry Oct 28, 2019 · Even if Dumbledore believes that Sirius worked for Voldemort, it would make sense to find out what he told him, maybe even why he did it. It seems like an Apr 1, 2015 · The same events happens both times, but since the characters did not have first hand impressions of them all the first time, the reader is let to believe that the most obvious outcome happens, i. I remember him Nov 3, 2016 · After Sirius and Buckbeak's escape in The Prisoner of Azkaban Snape lets it slip accidentally on purpose that Lupin is a werewolf. This plan is foiled when Pettigrew escapes, but Harry and Hermione's trip back in time saves Sirius from the Dementor's May 9, 2014 · In the Buckbeak execution scene, I'm almost certain that Dumbledore is in on the mission for the hippogriff's "break-out"; The scene makes it very clear that Dumbledore is purposely stalling the Minister from looking towards Buckbeak, which would reveal the escape - He does it over and over, just barely giving Harry and Hermione enough time to escape with Aug 28, 2024 · Why didn’t Dumbledore go after Voldemort? 1) It would’ve been difficult to locate Voldemort so while he was searching blindly Voldemort could just go to Hogwarts & hold the students hostage. However, Oct 4, 2015 · Sirius was their best friend and best man, and he was an important part of the Order of the Phoenix. ” Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Chapter 8: Flight of the Fat Lady. It was Sirius Black. I watched the movie and yes I know sirius doesnt want to kill harry. Jun 15, 2023 · Sirius Black's escape from Azkaban prison was a central part of the mystery in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, but the Harry Potter movies left out precisely how he did it—as well as several other details about Dec 6, 2024 · There were a lot of unknowns when it came to the Potions Professor, but the biggest question remains the same: Why did Snape kill Dumbledore? Updated on December 6, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Chapter 14. The photo of So, mainly, Dumbledore didn't believe in Sirius's innocence until the end of Prisoner of Azkaban. ) during their time-traveling adventure in The Prisoner of Azkaban. ‘Nasty temper he’s got, that Sirius Black. Lupin, fearing the parents reaction, offers his resignation, which Dumbledore accepts. Their group overflowed with big personalities; James and Sirius were unt When Peter Pettigrew betrayed Lily and James to Voldemort, causing their demise, Sirius found him. – 6 days ago · At the end of The Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry and Hermione travel back in time to save Sirius (and as it turns out, Buckbeak) and escape the Dementors. The knowledge that he was innocent helped Black maintain his sanity in Azkaban. May 28, 2017 · Sirius gives his reasons for escaping - and those reasons had everything to do with Pettigrew being alive, while Sirius was stuck in Azkaban for Pettigrew's crimes. Because of their numerous confrontations over the years, including Snape's threat to use Veritaserum after his accusation Nov 16, 2024 · In Prisoner of Azkaban, when the Fat Lady has left her photo and moved to another photo, she screams that Sirius Black is in the castle. Jan 6, 2022 · As usual, Dumbledore didn't give Hermione explicit instructions (that would have been far too easy), but he did give her enough to let her work out the rest - and save the day. Maybe he used this in Apr 28, 2018 · James Potter chose Sirius Black as Secret Keeper, but Dumbledore wasn't happy with that choice. 6 days ago · Furthermore, Fudge describes a conversation that he had with Sirius in Azkaban, and specifically noted that Sirius seemed normal mentally. Despite the fact that he was a Black, he should have been given a fair trial before Azkaban. (Prisoner of Azkaban, Chapter 19, The Servant of Lord Voldemort). His yellow teeth were bared in a grin. Further, he did not have the power, ostensibly, to override legal decisions made by the Minister for Magic or the Department of Magical Law Enforcement (that said, we've seen Dumbledore step around Fudge more than once. Whether McGonagall handles all of the other Hogsmeade forms herself or Feb 23, 2015 · It explained why Sirius had entered the castle but did not kill Harry. Sirius took refuge around Hogsmeade and the Forbidden Forest after his escape from Azkaban, where he was spotted a few times and mistaken for the Jul 6, 2015 · Right before Harry goes off to Hogwarts in Prisoner of Azkaban, Arthur pulls him aside and attempts to make him promise not to go looking for Sirius Black "whatever [he] might hear. Sirius didn't go to jail for (supposedly) selling the Potters out. "Where will you go, Dumbledore?" whispered Professor McGonagall.