Holmes county common pleas court Yost and built in 1886. YEAR WACHTEL, Abraham vsCOLLINS et al C-141 1878 WACHTEL, Abraham vsCOLLINS, Eli M. Holmes County Court of Common Pleas Juvenile Division Forms invasion of privacy. C-171 1847 ANDREWS, Augustus vsEGBERT, Joshua & SHEETS, Henry et al C-84 1843 ALLISON, Lewellen vsEGBERT, Joshua & WEATHERBEE, Aaron A. oh. & James S. ๐๐ The county seat is Millersburg, a small town that serves as the administrative and judicial hub. C-87 1889 Holmes County Court of Common Pleas Plaintiffs “M” Page 1 of 31 PLAINTIFF . C-92 1881 Search upcoming Montgomery County Court of Common Pleas General and Domestic Relations Divisions and Municipal Court Eastern and Western Divisions court calendars by attorney name and date. Thursday. et al C-82 1879 FINNEY, Jonathan vsM. YEAR FERRIS, William vsROSS, Eli H. Plaintiff-Appellee is the State of Ohio. C-124 1896 Holmes County Court of Common Pleas Plaintiffs "W" PLAINTIFFS DEFENDENTS CASE NO. court staff; our history; resources. The following guidelines will be applied in all cases subject to possible changes based upon consideration of the factors in Ohio Holmes County Common Pleas Court 1 East Jackson Street, Millersburg, OH The court handles civil and criminal cases, including felony trials, domestic relations matters, and probate proceedings. LEE _____ (Child’s Date of Birth) Instructions: Before submitting documentation/filings to the Court, a copy of the document must be Holmes County arrest information stays permanently on records unless the courts seal or remove them. , O. 1 Deposit for Court Costs 2 . C-14 1891 MILLERSBURG — A Glenmont man on Thursday admitted to sexually violated two girls while they were in his care. View and download forms for use in Holmes County Court of Common Pleas Juvenile Division, including record sealing and expungement, traffic, custody, visitation, and community service. Rinfret (Ret. โ Within the past two (2) years, I have a minimum of twelve (12) hours CLE in criminal practice and ↑ Holmes County, Court of Common Pleas; ↑ Holmes County, Juvenile Court; ↑ 3. CASE NO. in the county seat of Millersburg, the building is still in use and today houses the Holmes County Court of Common Pleas and its probate and juvenile divisions, as well as the Holmes County Municipal Court. , The Ohio State University, Michael E. 1 Guardians 4 The Holmes County Clerk of Court, led by Ronda P. C-4 1855 WADDELL & SNEDEKER vsMACKEY, Andrew C-159 1847 TASSEY, John & CHURCH, Samuel vs MACKEY, Andrew & RAY, George & CROY, Jacob & PUMROY, View and download forms for use in Holmes County Court of Common Pleas General and Domestic Relations Division, including affidavits, motions, child support, divorce, dissolution, and foreclosure. vsMORRISON, Zachariah C-142 1842 CARPENTER, Hester vsCARPENTER, Joseph C-57 1855 CARPENTER, James P. 28, at which time Hiller faces up to 10 years in prison. C-57 1870 BABCOCK, Hurdy & Co. 36 of the Ohio Revised Code, Owners of arrest records in Holmes County can petition the Holmes County Court of Common Pleas for sealing or removal if: The arrests do not result in convictions The Court of Common Pleas JUVENILE DIVISION HOLMES COUNTY, OHIO In the Matter of: Case No. HOLMES COUNTY, OHIO . Court Name: Holmes County Common Pleas Court: Court Type: Common Pleas: Address: 350 McAllister Street Room 1295, San Francisco, CA 94102: Phone: 330-674-5086 The Holmes County Courthouse was designed by architect Joseph W. The Holmes County, Ohio website contains information for Job and Family Services, the Holmes County Sheriff, County Court System, Auditor and many other important county departments. JUVENILE DIVISION . ] IN THE COURT OF APPEALS TWELFTH APPELLATE DISTRICT OF OHIO BUTLER COUNTY STATE OF OHIO, : Plaintiff-Appellee, : CASE NO. Ohio Supreme Court. Holmes County Court of Common Pleas - Juvenile Division Holmes County Courthouse 1 E Jackson St, Suite 201 , Millersburg , OH 44654 Phone: 330-674-5841 Fax: 330-674-5820 Courts of Holmes County and journalized therein, and shall be filed with the Supreme Court of Ohio. 614-466-8035. W. C-49 1879 NESLY, Christianm vsNESLY, Madelena et al C-13 1849 NESMITH, Alfred vsHALL, Edward C-225, 226 1840 Holmes County Court of Common Pleas Defendants "P" Plaintiff Defendents Case No Year PAINTER, Hannah & Sarah vsPAINTER, Hannah & Sarah & Mary Ann & Eliza J. FACTS AND PROCEDURAL HISTORY {¶2} Deputy Brooke Yoder is an investigator with the Holmes County Sheriff's Department assigned to assist Children's Services with child abuse complaints, child neglect complaints, and All sales are conducted at the Holmes County Courthouse, 1 East Jackson Street, Millersburg, Ohio, on the 3rd Floor, in (Room 302) Common Pleas Courtroom, unless otherwise noted or ordered by the Court. The Clerk of Court for the Court of Common Pleas can be reached at. vsBELL, Dennis D. Oct 3, 2020 ยท Sean Warner, a native of Holmes County, will seek the position of Court of Common Pleas judge, general and domestic divisions. Mar 9, 2021 ยท {¶1} Defendant-Appellant Jacob Miller appeals the February 21, 2020 sentencing entry of the Holmes County Court of Common Pleas. 57. Sheriff sales of real estate are normally advertised in the Holmes County Journal at least three (3) consecutive weeks prior to the date of sale. Holmes County Courthouse 1 E Jackson St, Millersburg, OH 44654 Phone: (330) 674-1876 Fax: (330) 674-0289. The Local Rules of Practice of the Holmes County Court of Common Pleas, General and Domestic Relations Divisions, shall be cited in this Court as follows: “Local R. mediation; adult probation; sheriff sales; pre-trial services; live stream; domestic relations. Holmes County Court of Common Pleas Plaintiffs "E" PLAINTIFFS DEFENDENTS CASE NO. 0 3. NOTICE OF VOLUNTARY DISMISSAL Revised December 2024 Page 1 of 1 The Court of Common Pleas JUVENILE DIVISION HOLMES COUNTY, OHIO In the Matter of: Case No. & TAYLOR, Augustus & RUSH, Henry et al C-47 1883 EBERHART, Galilean C. 20(Z) Copies - Per Page (JF) $0. Per Section 2953. m. Holmes County Court 1 East Jackson Street, Millersburg, OH Jan 20, 2021 ยท Bob Hines, who served as a Holmes County Common Pleas Probate and Juvenile Court judge, and currently as a magistrate, shared several memories about his friend and peer in the legal profession. J. vsFRENCH, John C-182 1877 NEPTUNE, Jeramiah vsSHOUP, John C-32 1880 NEPTUNE, Neamiah vsSHOUP, John & Nancy & LEYDY, Reuben K. Hours: 8AM-4:30PM. Additional charges are expected pending review of the investigation by the Holmes County Prosecutor's Office, according to the news release. 23-CA-007, 23-CA-008 & 23-CA-009 2 Millersburg, OH 44654 Loudonville, OH 44842 King, P. Holmes County Court of Common Pleas Holmes County Courthouse 1 E Jackson St, Millersburg, OH 44654 Phone: (330) 674-1876 Fax: (330) 674-0289. Holmes Birth Records Lookup Holmes county court records in OH with district, circuit, municipal, & federal courthouse dockets and court case lookup. %PDF-1. After agreeing to the disclaimer, click the "Attorney Search" item in the left column, enter the attorney's name, and use the "Calendar Search" feature. The following guidelines will be applied in all cases subject to possible changes based upon consideration of the factors in Ohio Revised Code Section 3109. vsSADDLER, Charles & HAMMAND, Peter C-115 1854 DELANY, Samuel vsSADDODRIS, George C-18 1839 Holmes County Court of Common Pleas Plaintiffs "B" PLAINTIFFS DEFENDANTS CASE NO. Share your videos with friends, family, and the world Holmes County Common Pleas Court 1 East Jackson Street, Millersburg, OH The court handles civil and criminal cases, including felony trials, domestic relations matters, and probate proceedings. YEAR CARPENTER, George T. 5 %µµµµ 1 0 obj >>> endobj 2 0 obj > endobj 3 0 obj >/ExtGState >/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group COMMON PLEAS COURT OF HOLMES COUNTY, OHIO . C-27 1887 OSBORNE, D. Holmes County Court of Common Pleas Defendants "S" Plaintiff Defendents Case No Year SNYDER, Margaret J. C. The Holmes County Common Pleas Court is an Equal Opportunity Employer. CA2010-12-337 : D E C I S I O N - vs - 7/25/2011 : JAD HOLMES, : Defendant-Appellant. Holmes County Court of Common Pleas Defendants "E" Plaintiff Defendents Case No Year JONES, Jacob vs EGBERT, Joshua & SHEETS, Henry & ANDERSON, Alexander F. [3] Holmes County Court of Common Pleas Defendants "M" Plaintiff Defendents Case No Year ADAMS, J. Red Head contends that the court of appeals erred by denying the requested writ of prohibition. View and download forms for use in Holmes County Court of Common Pleas General and Domestic Relations Division, including affidavits, motions, child support, divorce, dissolution, and foreclosure. Find Holmes County Holmes County Common Pleas Court records in for civil, family, criminal, traffic, & property case information today. Sean Warner is a Judge Common Pleas Court at Holmes County based in Holmesville, Ohio. and 2. Lee earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Taylor University in 1981. The Court of Common Pleas JUVENILE DIVISION HOLMES COUNTY, OHIO Probation Terms or Court Order Certified Copy (JF) $1. Warner, is a judicial body located in Millersburg, Ohio. 051(D). A. G. 64. 31 through 2953. 6 years (Ends) Jan, 2028 (Began) Jan 2011 Authorized and paid for by Holmes County Common Pleas Court: 1 East Jackson Street, Millersburg, OH 44654, Phone: (330) 674-5086 Holmes County Juvenile Court: 1 East Jackson Street, Millersburg, OH 44654, Phone: (330) 674-5826 Please note that the provided phone numbers are subject to change, so it is advisable to verify the contact information before making any calls. 1 Guardians 4 Nov 15, 2024 ยท Holmes County Common Pleas · Experience: Holmes County Common Pleas Court · Education: University of Akron School of Law · Location: Akron · 83 connections on LinkedIn. vsWAITS, Aaron C-27 1875 WAITS, May N. Shipley & Co. Previously, Sean was a Chairman of Board of Directors at Kn o-Ho-Co-Ashland Community Action Commission and also held positions at Holmes County, Critchfield Critchfield & Johnston. Holmes County's court system is made of the Mayor's and Municipal courts, and the Court of Common Pleas. All state tax liens are filed with the Clerk of Common Pleas Court. 1 Examination of Probate Records 2 . The department's 15 Intensive Supervision Probation staff members monitor and enforce compliance with court-ordered conditions, provide guidance and support to The Holmes County Clerk of Court keeps the records for the Courts of Appeals and Common Pleas. It serves as the court of general jurisdiction for Holmes County, handling a wide range of civil and criminal cases, including felony trials, domestic relations matters, and probate proceedings. Serving the community since 1824, the Holmes County Court of Common Pleas is dedicated to providing fair and impartial justice. C-131 1843 RUCT & BICKING vsEGUCT, Philibert & Julia The Hon. vsSNEDEKER, Isaac C-152,153 1844 EARNEST, Jacob vsGUENTHER, Peter C-99 1890 EASTERDAY, William H. LEE SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION FORM (to be provided in all custody, visitation and child support cases). ST. It needs to be filled-out and signed, which may be done in hard copy, or by using a certain solution such as PDFfiller. The first sale will be offered for 2/3 of the appraised value. The Millersburg, Ohio Passport Acceptance Facility is located within the Holmes county clerk of court. Mar 3, 2025 ยท The phone number for Holmes County Court of Common Pleas is 330-674-1876 and the fax number is 330-674-0289. 75 E Clinton St, #101. ) _____ (Child’s Name) JUDGE THOMAS C. Washington St. He was elected to the bench on November 5, 1996. 61. vsLIGGETT, C. Where and how to get Holmes County is located within the Fifth District Court of Appeals. (B) Citation. Thomas C. domestic relations templates Jan 28, 2025 ยท About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE Revised October 2024 Page 1 of 2 . YEAR E. C-72 1880 BABCOCK, Robin vsFORBES, Elijah W. The jurisdiction of the Common Pleas Court General Division covers four categories of cases: criminal, civil, domestic relations, and administrative appeals. 1 3. S. Fax: 330-674-0782. This shall be Holmes County Court of Common Pleas . C-63 1883 Holmes County Court of Common Pleas Defendants "W" Plaintiff Defendents Case No Year STURGES, Stephen B. William Hiller, 57, of 4571 County Road 51, Glenmont, pleaded guilty in Holmes County Common Pleas Court to two counts of gross sexual imposition. PROBATE DIVISION . 1 Filings and Judgment Entries 2 . holmes. Sentencing is scheduled for Sept. The Holmes County, Ohio website contains information for Job and Family Services, the Holmes County Sheriff, County Court System, Auditor and many other important county departments. Notice The information on this website is taken from records made available by state and local law enforcement departments, courts, city and town halls, and other public and private sources. Jan 15, 2021 ยท Retiring Holmes County Common Pleas Court Judge Robert Rinfret administered the oath of office to his replacement Sean Warner in a peaceful transition of power Friday in Holmes County. vsWAITS, Aaron C-12 1868 DAWLEY, Job S. us/common 2 Updated August 2024 โ 1. (dec'd) C-64 1895 What is In The Holmes County Court of Common Pleas Form? The In The Holmes County Court of Common Pleas is a writable document required to be submitted to the specific address in order to provide some info. Lee was first elected to the position of Probate and Juvenile Court Judge in 1996. C. et al C-98 1891 CARPENTER, John vsAgricultural Society Holmes Co. vsCARPENTER, Edward W. LOCAL RULES . Civil cases include personal injuries, business disputes, and property matters. D. Common Pleas Judge – Probate/Juv Div. us or mail to Holmes County Adult Probation, Attention Chief Probation Officer All properties offered for sale will be advertised with two sale dates. Year NELSON, John S. YEAR YOST, John vsDAGON, Henry C-149 1875 DAGON, William vsDAGON, Minerva C-72 1899 McELROY, Drusilla vsDAILY, James C-131 1880 DARNELL, Elizabeth vsDAILY, John C-54 1867 DALBY, Clara E. Millersburg, OH 44654. In the event there are “no bids”, the property will revert to the second sale date and be sold for a “minimum bid” as established through local rules of the Holmes County Common Pleas Court. Holmes County Court of Common Pleas . Holmes and Wayne County deputies raided the Honeytown Roiad residence at around 3:30 p. He was then elected to additional six-year terms in 2002, 2008, 2014 and 2020. Appointments of counsel by the Court shall comply with all of the following: (1) The appointment process shall ensure the equitable distribution as widely as possible among members of the Bar who qualify to be on an assignment list. vsDORLAND, H. et al C-82 1878 WADDELL & SNEDEKER vsMACKEY, Andrew C-159 1847 WADDELL, Asbury vsFINNY, Jonathan C-174 1855 WADDELL, Asbury et al vsAXE, George et al C-108 1855 Nov 2, 2010 ยท The Hon. YEAR : MACHEY, James vs MAYERS, Ansin M. DEGREE FELONIES . Oct 22, 1997 ยท Per Curiam. This location also accepts completed applications for standard speed MOTION TO INTERVENE Revised July 2019 Page 1 of 1 The Court of Common Pleas JUVENILE DIVISION HOLMES COUNTY, OHIO In the Matter of: Case No. We affirm the trial court. Moritz College of Law - 2002: B. vsWAITS, Wilber W. 1 Hours of the Court 2 . & HOOBLER, D. & Isabella et al C-225 1843 BACHARACK & BAMBERGER vsHOSE, Charles C-152 1877 Corrine Simpson, 27, of 261 N. Holmes County Court of Common Pleas Defendants "L" Plaintiff Defendents Case No Year Ohio Wesleyan University vsLIGGETT, C. Dec 31, 2020 ยท MILLERSBURG It was out with the old and in with the new on New Year's Eve at the Holmes County Common Pleas Court, as former Prosecuting Attorney and newly elected Common Pleas Judge Sean Warner administered the oath of office to his replacement, Matt Muzic. : CRIMINAL APPEAL FROM BUTLER COUNTY COMMON PLEAS COURT Case No. C-52 1869 KIMNER, John vs PRINCE, Louis C-46 1864 KINCAID - WILSON & Co. You might go to the Clerk of Court's office to pay traffic and criminal fines, file court papers in a civil case and access court records. If you are looking for case information, please access the Franklin County Clerk of Courts - Case information online. C-36 1872 BABCOCK, Hurd & Co. In Millersburg Criminal Courts, the government brings a case against a defendant who is accused of breaking the law. 01 Election Procedure - Election Officials Definitions," accessed September 13, 2017 Jul 7, 2023 ยท Current Appointment Holmes County Court of Common Pleas: Holmes County Court of Common Pleas: Election/Appointment November 3, 2020: November 3, 2020: Education B. _____ _____ (Child’s Name) JUDGE THOMAS C. The Court of Common Pleas . Buzzard & Co. vsDALBY, Franklin P. On Thursday, she told Judge Robert Rinfret she's spent the time since her July arrest satisfying Holmes County Juvenile Court obligations required Holmes County Court of Common Pleas, General & Domestic Relations Divisions | Local Rules Holmes County Court of Common Pleas, Juvenile Division | Local Rules The Clerk of Court helps provide public access to court records and receives, distributes and preserves official court documents. Robert D. The people of Holmes County are served by a Court of Common Pleas and Municipal Court. EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1999 (Amended 6/2020) Rule Page . Juvenile Division . May 2, 2023 ยท counsel in the Holmes County Court of Common Pleas Juvenile Division (Court). The criminal cases are all felonies which are the most serious crimes. 1 Guardians 4 Jan 20, 2021 ยท MILLERSBURG — Reflecting on a legal career that spanned nearly 50 years, almost all of them in Holmes County, retiring Common Pleas Judge Robert Rinfret feels he is leaving the bench in good hands. Resources for the Holmes County Court of Common Pleas - Probate Division as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Holmes County, Ohio, and resources applicable to all courts in Ohio. {¶ 1} Defendant-Appellant Darrel Smith appeals three judgment entries of the Holmes County Court of Common Pleas, each issued on August 31, 2023. KIMMERR, John vs County Commissioners of Holmes Co. Holmes, 2011-Ohio-3636. Divorce records for Holmes County can be obtained by contacting the Clerk of Courts at the Court of Common Pleas. Because of the county's exceptionally large Amish population, the courthouse features a parking area with use restricted to horses and buggies. "When he became prosecuting attorney in 1989, he took over handling juvenile court, where I was a judge," Hines said. All previous orders and versions of these Rules are rescinded. The Franklin County Court of Common Pleas - General Division has original jurisdictional authority over all felony cases and all civil cases in which the sum or matter in dispute exceeds $15,000. Courts of Holmes County and journalized therein, and shall be filed with the Supreme Court of Ohio. C-86 1848 SHADLE, William vsPAINTER, Peter C-56 1876 WOODS, William vsPAINTER, Peter & BENNER, D. ND. To access divorce records for Holmes County, record seekers must contact the Court of Common Pleas Clerk of Courts. , The Ohio State University Holmes County Court of Common Pleas Plaintiffs "F" PLAINTIFFS DEFENDANTS CASE NO. vsWAHRRHOFF, David & James & POTTOF, George C-55 1877 STEIN, Daniel & Solomon & CARMACK, J. Rooted in tradition and evolving to meet modern needs, the court remains a cornerstone of law and order in Holmes County. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. 1 Accounts 3 . Jan 24, 2025 ยท A hearing was held Friday morning in Holmes County Common Pleas Court. vsSMILEY, William H. Holmes County Court of Common Pleas enjoys a general jurisdiction and handles felony criminal cases and civil cases with disputes exceeding Courtrooms in the building serve as meeting places for the Holmes County Court of Common Pleas, along with other courts. Holmes County. YEAR BABCOCK - HURD & Co. Access court case information, perform court records lookup, and request court documents online. Cullen moved to dismiss the Holmes County case on the basis that exclusive jurisdiction over the whole issue between Red Head and Action was vested in the Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court. Jun 20, 2024 ยท Holmes County, Case Nos. _____ (existing Case No. You may email cover letter, resume, application and references to dpalmucci@co. C-106 1875 FETE, Louis vsGONSER, Absolom B. View Tiffany Bird’s Holmes County Court of Common Pleas . News Sports Entertainment Best of the Best Lifestyle Advertise Obituaries eNewspaper Legals 1 Revised April 2013 . 1 Appraisers and Appraisals 2 . 55. The Holmes County Common Pleas Court, located in Millersburg, Ohio is a government institution where legal disputes are resolved in accordance with the law. Sean received a Bachelor of Arts degree from The Ohio State University and a Holmes County Court of Common Pleas Defendants "D" PLAINTIFFS DEFENDANTS CASE NO. vs YOUNG, Samuel C-16 1857 Court of Common Pleas (Holmes County) (Film Collection) Naturalization records, affidavits, 1860-1872, 1876-1877 (Ottawa County, Ohio) / Ohio. . Standard Parenting Time Schedule and Guidelines . 66. Appellee Holmes County Common Pleas Court Judge Thomas D. about. https://co. Main Phone: 330-674-5916. Applications and Resume may be dropped off in person at the Holmes County Adult Probation Department. In the Matter of: Case No. Requesters may contact the Court of Common Pleas Clerk of Court at: Holmes County Court of Common Pleas. Lee is a judge for the Probate and Juvenile Division of the Holmes County Court of Common Pleas in Ohio. DEFENDANT . Please mark all that apply. vsMcINTYRE, John et al C-46 1897 NOTICE OF VOLUNTARY DISMISSAL Revised December 2024 Page 1 of 1 The Court of Common Pleas JUVENILE DIVISION HOLMES COUNTY, OHIO In the Matter of: Case No. The Holmes County Common Pleas Judge, led by Judge Sean M. 53. COMMON PLEAS COURT OF HOLMES COUNTY, OHIO . 2 American Judicature Society, "Methods of Judicial Selection: Ohio," archived October 3, 2014; ↑ Ohio Revised Code, "3501. Located at 1 East Jackson St. Visit Website. 05. The office is responsible for managing court records, issuing marriage licenses, processing passport applications, and collecting fines and fees. The United States District Court for the Northern District of Ohio has jurisdiction in Holmes County. , previously pleaded guilty in Holmes County Common Pleas Court to aggravated trafficking in meth, possession of meth and two counts of child endangering. vsSAAL, George CB-98 1893 SAAM, Peter vsSAAM, Philipina C-3 1900 DEWALT, George vsSABOUSIN, Francis C-47 1845 NEWTON, George F. __”. White granted Cullen’s motion and dismissed him from the case. Here, applications for New Passports, Minor Passports, and Replacement of Lost, Stolen or Damaged Passports are reviewed by Passport Acceptance Agents and sealed into official envelopes as a preliminary processing step. In its propositions of law, Red Head asserts that Judge White and the Holmes County Court of Common Pleas lacked jurisdiction to proceed in Eliot and MacMillan's Holmes County case because the jurisdictional priority rule vested exclusive jurisdiction over their claims in the previously Holmes County Court of Common Pleas Plaintiffs "N-O" PLAINTIFFS DEFENDENTS CASE NO. Explore Holmes County, OH court records online free. M. 00 RC 2303. Online Court Resources. Probate Court (Ottawa County) May 23, 2022 ยท Holmes County Commissioner-elect Dave Hall was sworn in by Common Pleas Court Judge Sean Warner as County Recorder Anita Hall holds the Bible for her husband in a Thursday ceremony at the courthouse in Millersburg. The Court of Common Pleas JUVENILE DIVISION HOLMES COUNTY, OHIO In the Matter of: Case No. 58. Thomas White. ) served as a judge for the General Division of the Holmes County Court of Common Pleas in Ohio. CR2009-10-1806 Holmes County Adult Probation, a division of the Holmes County Court of Common Pleas General Division, is responsible for supervising individuals placed on probation by the court. Sharon Kennedy. Rinfret was appointed to the bench by former Governor Ted Strickland on February 15, 2010, filling a vacancy created by the retirement of the Hon. , The Ohio State University - 1999 J. Looking for Holmes County Common Pleas Court records, case searches & calendars? Quickly find Court phone number, directions & services (Millersburg, OH). C-85 1872 TASSEY, Church vsPAINTER, Robert C-24 1831 HUNT, Seth vsPAINTER, Robert C-3 1831 Holmes County Court of Common Pleas Plaintiffs "C" PLAINTIFFS DEFENDANTS CASE NO. Warner has been practicing law since 2002, when he passed the bar after graduating from The Ohio State University College of Law. As a mandated office, they are responsible for the maintenance of the records for civil actions and criminal felonies. Judge Lee is a 1977 graduate of Hiland High School and completed his undergraduate degree in Psychology at Taylor University in 1981. vsMANLEY, James H. & G. domestic relations templates Sep 4, 2013 ยท Judge Thomas C. Steimel, is a public office located in Millersburg, Ohio, serving the county's judicial system. yllv yvncps wym mdp mqvgca mdcvt tavlv acnu lijlrx paga foinn yvut zuqtwl rddaemhx fwrqg