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Exit code 3 kubernetes pod

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Exit code 3 kubernetes pod

Exit code 3 kubernetes pod. Due to this fact, Pod phase actually is the main indicator in terms of generic Pod lifecycle, telling initial Job about most recent Pod status. e. If the pod was killed due to an OOM error, you might see a message like this: fatal error: runtime: out of memory. Other Docker container exit codes are reserved for scenarios where containers don't shut down willingly. Pod is running and has two Containers. Jan 3, 2021 · I have been playing around with minikube and after a set of operations, the output of kubectl get pod -w is like this-nginx 1/1 Running 2 10m nginx 1/1 Running 3 10m nginx 0/1 Completed 2 10m nginx 0/1 CrashLoopBackOff 2 11m nginx 1/1 Running 3 11m nginx 1/1 Running 3 12m Aug 7, 2015 · Use this command inside you Dockerfile to keep the container running in your K8s cluster: command: ["/bin/sh", "-ec", "while :; do echo '. It allows us to gracefully terminate and remove Kubernetes resources from the cluster. 5 Controllers: <none> Containers: private-reg-container: Container ID: docker Jun 22, 2020 · OOM kill happens when Pod is out of memory and it gets killed because you've provided resource limits to it. Synopsis. kubectl scale rc kubia --replicas=3. One way to dig deeper is to look at container exit codes. A Node is a worker machine in Kubernetes and may be either a virtual or a physical machine, depending on the cluster. Learn about our open source products, services, and company. For kubectl cp try copying first to /tmp folder and then mv the file to the path required by shifting to root user. Thus, when you see code 139, log into the node that was hosting the failed container and check its /var/log/messages file or the equivalent. In Unix and Linux systems, when a process is terminated due to a signal, the exit code is determined by adding 128 to the signal number. 19 hours ago · I am trying to create a nginx pod which should server on port 8081 and not the default port 80. Pods. If a container in your Pod terminates (with whatever exit code) it will be restarted (the container, Pod will not get rescheduled) in most cases (unless we're discussing stuff like Jobs or Jan 14, 2020 · Exit Code 137 does not necessarily mean OOMKilled. As per example below: The first step to prevent Kubernetes OOMKilled (Exit Code 137) is to properly set memory requests and limits. Exit Code: 0. If a recent deployment causes issues, one of the fastest and easiest ways to remedy this is by using rollbacks. exit 2 - where a failure is not recoverable (passed wrong argument). Add a comment. Check if dependent resources have been in-place e. metadata: labels: pod-template-hash: 6ccd9955f5 When you copy a pod you typically have to delete creation-timestamp, uid, resourceVersion, ownerReference, and a few other automatically generated fields. If you have completely dead node you can add --grace-period=0 --force options for remove just information about this pod from kubernetes. Exit Codes. Nov 13, 2018 · 10. Another common cause is insufficient RAM. Apr 21, 2019 · In the Minikube , I created a pod with the configuration provided below . After restart node or docker service or restart pod we are able to exec into pods. --restart='Always': The restart policy for this Pod. Despite this, the termination reason is still “Error” Jun 21, 2017 · I was copying a running pod, killing it, and then trying to relaunch it so that I could make some minor changes. 尚、実施方法としてはポッド内にログインした上でプロセスをkillする方法を取る。. 99. The 143 exit code is related to a SIGTERM sended to the application container. And the OOMKilled code 137 means that a container or pod was terminated because they used more memory than the one allowed. Oct 20, 2019 · Exit Code 139: Indicates failure as container received SIGSEGV; Exit Code 143: Indicates failure as container received SIGTERM; Exit Code 0. If restartPolicy is: Always: Restart Container; Pod phase stays Running. kubectl get pods. The double dash symbol "--" is used to separate the command you want to run inside the container from the kubectl arguments. Hope this helps better. Unfortunately, container exit codes don’t always provide usable If the result of the command is not what you expected, you'd have to investigate the logs from the container that ran this command with kubectl logs your-pod -c app (where app is the name of the container you defined), and/or you would expect the php artisan migrate command to NOT issue a zero exit code. Container exit codes are numeric codes that give a nominal reason for why a container stopped running. State: Terminated Reason: OOMKilled Jul 9, 2018 · 187. Pods are amongst Kubernetes base objects. There's nothing that special about the number 2 that would point at a single definite cause. Sep 19, 2023 · kubectl get pod shell-demo. kubectl get pod termination-demo. 168. yml Jun 26, 2020 · From the docs here. for the pod how much recourses you assigned at request and limits section in your Yaml file. Examine the describe output, and look for the Exit Code. 1 Command terminated with exit code 7. The number 143 is a sum of two numbers: 128+x, # where x is the signal number sent to the process that caused it to terminate. Causes of Exit Code 137. This ensures that other containers on the same node are Aug 24, 2023 · Once you connected your Application with Service following steps like those outlined in Connecting Applications with Services, you have a continuously running, replicated application, that is exposed on a network. I hit this on a cluster with Clear Linux on bare metal. After few Jun 29, 2022 · Exit Code 139 is also known as a Segmentation Fault, commonly referenced by the shorthand SIGSEGV. Nov 13, 2023 · Check for “Back Off Restarting Failed Container”. Aug 10, 2022 · 2 Answers. Memory requests tell the Kubernetes scheduler how much memory to reserve for a pod, while memory limits define the maximum amount of memory a pod can use. However, in your example, pod was created, pod executed date and echo command and then exit with code 1. Step 1: Check the kernel logs. The memory limit is the ceiling of RAM usage that Aug 29, 2019 · 2 Answers. When attempting to open the editor, it will Learn about our open source products, services, and company. kind: Pod metadata: name: node-js-pod spec: containers: - name: node-js-pod image: bitnami/apache:latest ports: - containerPort: 8080 then i created a service of type cluster-ip with configuration provided below As long as a container responds to SIGTERM by shutting down, it will exit with code 143. There really isn't a way for you to have the exit code shown with kubectl get pods but you could output the pod status with -ojson and then pipe it into jq looking for the exit code. Recently set up kubernetes cluster with 1 master and 1 node. Mar 18, 2022 · Solve command terminated with exit code 137 in pod Kubernetes. status. You can also create a pod using the kubectl imperative command. '; sleep 6 ; done"] sharing the whole file with command would be more helpful to others instead of command. go:348: starting container process caused "exec: \"/bin/bash\": stat /bin/bash: no such file or directory": unknown command terminated with exit code 126" Tried with /bin/sh & /bin/bash Terminated the node on which this pod is running and bring up the new node, but the result is same. It indicates failure as container received SIGKILL (some interrupt or ‘oom-killer’ [OUT-OF-MEMORY])If pod got OOMKilled, you will see below line when you describe the pod. Your container or Kubernetes pod will be stopped to prevent the excessive memory consumption from affecting your host’s reliability. Feb 18, 2023 · Exit Code 137 errors happen when a container or pod was terminated due to high memory usage. Your code should listen for this event and start shutting down cleanly at this point. Feb 13, 2024 · kubectl get all. If you get a Liveness probe failed and Back-off restarting failed container messages from the kubelet, as shown below, this indicates the container is not responding and is in the process of restarting. Jun 18, 2020 · As job was removed, also pod will be removed. The installation fails to spin up the requested pods. By identifying the exit code, one can take Jan 30, 2024 · Workloads. If you’re on a new machine, you should only see the “service/kubernetes” service running. 7. In your shell, list the root directory: # Run this inside the container ls /. If you run kubectl run --image=busybox --attach=true --restart=Never sleep -- /bin/sh -c "sleep 10" and than after you run echo $?, will return 0 and it refers to the pod execution. A Node can have multiple pods, and the Kubernetes control plane automatically handles scheduling the pods across the Nodes in the cluster. Evicted pod would be available on the node for further troubleshooting. Copy command crash pod startup on Kubernetes. [~]$ kubectl describe pods private-reg Name: private-reg Namespace: default Node: minikube/192. Let’s detail every step of the pod’s life from its creation till its termination. A Pod (as in a pod of whales or pea pod) is a group of one or more containers, with shared storage and network resources, and a specification for how to run the containers. To execute multiple commands you may want: Jun 9, 2019 · I am new to kubernetes. The cluster will keep on working. It denotes that the process was terminated by an external signal. Pods are the rough equivalent of OpenShift Enterprise v2 gears, with containers the rough equivalent of v2 cartridge instances. When Node itself is out of memory or resource, it evicts the Pod from the node and it gets rescheduled on another node. If you don't see a command prompt, try pressing enter. Even if pod is Crashing it wrote information. Segmentation violation events are typically recorded in the /var/log/messages file of the operating system that initiates the events. Note: The double dash ( --) separates the arguments you want to pass to the command from the kubectl arguments. Trying to get shell into the container, it is not able to find bash. To get information from the Events history of your pod, run the following command: $ kubectl describe pod YOUR_POD_NAME. I have an Angular Universal application with the following Dockerfile: And I can deploy it to a Kubernetes cluster just fine but it keeps getting restarted every 10 minutes or so: Last State: Terminated. The a non-zero exit code on k8s jobs will fall into the Failed pod status. Roll back a faulty deployment. Legal values. Feb 17, 2022 · 1. Let’s look at some common causes of the exit code 127. Aug 25, 2022 · Check the pod description. . This page describes the lifecycle of a Pod. Feb 17, 2016 · Any way you can manual remove crashed pod: kubectl delete pod <pod_name>. More than a Kubernetes/Container runtime issue this is more memory management in your application and this will vary depending on what language runtime or if something like the JVM is running your application. In this example, Kubernetes related Pod failure is created for a normal pod. The edit command allows you to directly edit any API resource you can retrieve via the command-line tools. CRDs or configmaps or any other resource that may be required. qosClass}' Jun 27, 2020 · In that case Kubernetes will just kill your pod and keeps node stable but if it was cpu limit then Kubernetes could limit the resource allocation and wouldn't kill the pod. Check the events section of the describe pod text file: The container was terminated with Exit Code 137 because it ran out of memory. They are as follows: Jan 6, 2023 · The new pod is created successfully and everything ends whith no problems. Exit code 0 indicates that the specific container does not have a foreground process attached. You can get the exit code for containers in a Pod by running: kubectl get pod termination-demo. Nov 10, 2023 · 2. Pod Lifecycle. In these cases if I look at the docker-compose ps output, while Dec 7, 2022 · This is incredibly dependent on the code running inside the pod. To see the QoS class of a pod, run the following command: Kubectl get pod -o jsonpath='{. Which we will see in a later topic. kubectl get events| grep abcxxx 3. You can also describe the pod using the kubectl describe pod command. 9. g. Mar 14, 2023 · One way to dig deeper is to look at container exit codes. What did the trick for me was: kubectl delete pods <pod> --grace-period=0 --force. This tutorial helps you look at the termination flow for Pods and to explore ways to implement graceful connection draining. I want kubernetes to restart the pod when exit code is 1 but not when exit code is 2 as there will be no chance to recovery. check Pod description output i. try to increase the pod recourse. When a pod is gracefully terminated, usually by a Kubernetes control plane component, or when a user deletes a pod or scales down a deployment, the pod may receive a SIGTERM A 137 exit code in Kubernetes indicates that a process was forcibly terminated. From Message. Make a note of any containers that have a State of Waiting in the description and a description of CrashLoopBackOff. Manifest file used: apiVersion: v1. 4$ command terminated with exit code 137「command terminated with exit code 137」と Jan 3, 2021 · "OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: container_linux. OpenShift Enterprise leverages the Kubernetes concept of a pod, which is one or more containers deployed together on one host, and the smallest compute unit that can be defined, deployed, and managed. This signal lets the containers know that they are going to be shut down soon. Now, go over the events of the pod Sep 22, 2020 · Figure-3: Exit Code Of The Container Is 127. For example, you'll see code 139 if your container was forcibly shut down because it tried to request memory that wasn't assigned to it. Something like the following from this post might work. Get training, subscriptions, certifications, and more for partners to build, sell, and support customer solutions. So the correct way is: kubectl exec -it --namespace=tools mongo-pod -- bash -c "mongo". 15. We're sort of new to the whole Kubernetes world, but by now have a number of services running in GKE. With set -e enabled, that will cause the whole script to terminate. Pod Creation. Notice that the command isn’t to create a pod. May 16, 2022 · 13. Check if End-points have been created for the Pod i. Apr 23, 2020 at 18:58. Pods are the smallest deployable units of computing that you can create and manage in Kubernetes. 1) Exit Code 0 Nov 29, 2023 · What exit code 137 means for Kubernetes. the best solution is using a log collector (fluentd, logstash) to save the log in Elastic Search or a S3 file, or using a managed service like AWS Jan 6, 2023 · The new pod is created successfully and everything ends whith no problems. You forgot a space between "--" and "bash". There are three main causes why containers or pods use more memory than what they are expected to utilize and go beyond the configured memory limit. The pods fails with Exit Code 139. Jun 22, 2018 · user1188867's answer is definitely correct. 100 Start Time: Thu, 22 Jun 2017 17:13:24 +0300 Labels: <none> Annotations: <none> Status: Running IP: 172. There is some solutions to do that: you can mount a volume to your application, and configure log4j to write the log to a file in the volume, so the log will be persistent. Reason: Completed. . You can use kubectl debug to create a copy of this Pod with the command changed to an interactive shell: kubectl debug myapp -it --copy-to=myapp-debug --container=myapp -- sh. Let’s say we have a Kubernetes cluster with a pod named my-pod. Get a shell to the running container: kubectl exec --stdin --tty shell-demo -- /bin/bash. Check the pod logs. A Pod's contents are always co-located and co-scheduled, and run in a Sep 15, 2022 · 3. You can check if resource limit is lower than your app requirement by running this command: oc get deployment deployment_name -o yaml Dec 13, 2018 · exit code 137 can mean the health check failed, as the pod will be automatically terminated if unhealthy. This includes time before being scheduled as well as time spent downloading images over the network, which could take a while. Ensure that the necessary binaries or commands are available. [Always, OnFailure, Never]. controlplane ~ k run curler --image=curlimages/curl – sleep 4800 pod/curler created Aug 31, 2019 · 3 Answers. 1 結果 主要プロセス(プロセス番号1)をkillすると kubectl exec -it hoge /bin/sh sh-4. Check the pod description – kubectl describe pod. Here is an example Pod YAML that creates an Nginx web server pod. You can use the kubectl logs command to view the logs of a terminated pod. Container exit codes are numeric codes that give a nominal reason for why a The container stopped working. go:300] [imageGCManager]: Disk usage on image filesystem is at 95% which is over the high threshold (85%). Aug 28, 2017 · Sorted by: 1. How will your service behave is a separate story. 環境情報 kubectl v1. Aug 16, 2022 · The reason shows “OOMKilled” while the exit code writes “137” if the pod used more memory than what was allocated for it and was stopped. Exit code 139 is a non-zero exit code that is returned by Kubernetes when a pod fails to start. To troubleshoot the pod status in Amazon EKS, complete the following steps: To get the status of your pod, run the following command: $ kubectl get pod. Apr 3, 2023 · hey @jaep for OMM out of memory. You generally want to set an upper limit on the memory usage in the application, for example, a maximum heap space in your JVM, then Sep 22, 2022 · Hi Team, We have kuebernetes cluster of 4 nodes in production. Setting these values appropriately is a balancing act. Sorted by: 1. 0 Helm failed test job keeps restarting. Exit Code 143. But Kubernetes Node 14 pod restarts and terminated with exit code 0. Dec 15, 2021 · The pod my-pod has two containers. 2. In my case, a pod with an initContainer failed to initialize. 15. Read developer tutorials and download Red Hat software for cloud application development. Check the events. Today we saw some strange behaviour though, where one of the processes running inside one of our pods was killed, even though the Pod itself had plenty of resources available, and wasn't anywhere near its limits. The message back-off restarting failed container appears when you are facing a temporary resource overload, as a result of an activity spike. 1. Mar 25, 2020 · The Pod has been accepted by the Kubernetes system, but one or more of the Container images has not been created. There are a number of things you can do to try to fix Kubernetes exit code 137, including checking the Kubernetes cluster configuration, checking the network, checking the pods, and checking the Kubernetes API server. It also sets up a Deployment in this case, to manage the pod. Exit Codes 1: Application error, indicates that a container shut down, either because of an logic failure or because the image pointed to an invalid file. In Kubernetes, the exit code 137 indicates that the process was terminated forcibly. The following are the rules for the main container specifically: an exit code of 0 means that the container succeeded; an exit code of 42 means that the entire Job failed Nov 13, 2023 · The OOMKilled status in Kubernetes, flagged by exit code 137, signifies that the Linux Kernel has halted a container because it has surpassed its allocated memory limit. A pod is deleted. Kubernetes is a popular container orchestration system that allows developers to deploy and manage containerized applications. I think I can trick kubernetes by setting exit code for non-recoverable failure to 0 (normal termination) and exit code for recoverable failure to 1 Jan 7, 2024 · It holds one or more related containers and associated resources and represents a single instance of an application. Feb 12, 2024 · Understanding these exit codes is essential for troubleshooting and resolving issues in Kubernetes clusters, nodes, containers, or pods. Using the kubectl delete Command. Run kubectl describe pod [name]. Sep 4, 2023 · Pod is a native Kubernetes Object and if you want to create a pod, you need to declare the pod requirements in YAML format. Termination process for Pods and their endpoints There Mar 7, 2022 · I am installing Squidex via Kubernetes Helm chart on Open Telekom Cloud hosting service. We are not able to exec into pod by kubectl exec command getting error: “OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: unable to start container process: open /dev/pts/0: operation not permitted: unknown command terminated with exit code 126”. Jan 26, 2023 · then the pod has repeatedly failed to start up successfully. Edit a resource from the default editor. OOM stands for “Out Of Memory”. 17. This exit code is the exception to all the other exit codes to follow. Dec 26, 2023 · Kubernetes: Command Terminated with Exit Code 137. Exit codes will not have any effect on kubernetes cluster. But the container shutdown gracefully (even the logs are clean). The kubectl describe pod command provides detailed information of a specific Pod and its containers: $ kubectl describe pod the-pod-name Name: the-pod-name Namespace: default Priority: 0 Feb 14, 2024 · Here are the primary ways to monitor your Kubernetes pod status and conditions. Dec 8, 2023 · The first step in diagnosing an exit code 137 is to check the logs. You should identify the processes that ended with exit code 137 and should investigate in detail. Specifically the Squidex pod (not the mongo DB pods which I got working by changing storageClass to csi-disk, as Open Telekom supports). Command or binary not installed. So at the end kubernetes could not figure out which pv the pvc should be bound to. Here is an example of how to check the status of a Kubernetes pod using the kubectl command-line tool. BestEffort pods are the first to be killed as they have the highest value of 1000. If set to 'Always' a deployment is created, if set to 'OnFailure' a job is created, if set to 'Never', a regular Nov 15, 2018 · A fairly common setup I see for docker is to have a container spin up perform a task and then exit. I am able to start a docker container by running sudo docker run <docker-image> in my node machine. Pods follow a defined lifecycle, starting in the Pending phase, moving through Running if at least one of its primary containers starts OK, and then through either the Succeeded or Failed phases depending on whether any container in the Pod terminated in failure. Can you edit the question to include a minimal reproducible example ? Jan 19, 2022 · Check for Exit Code 137. Apr 14, 2021 · But the command terminates with exit code 126 and copy doesn't take place. Check the deployment. controlplane ~ k run nginx --image=nginx --port=8081 pod/nginx created. For the second issue exec into the pod and fix the permissions by running the Mar 9, 2019 · When you call kubectl wait --for=condition=failed --timeout=0 job/name and the status of the pod is not failed, then that command exits with a nonzero exit code. A pod is evicted from its node. I used below command but thats not working, can someone please help. In this case, the signal number is 9, which means “SIGKILL”, so by adding 9 to 128, you get the 137 exit code. kubectl get ep 4. Commands Ran: kubectl run kubia --image=kubia --port=8080 --generator=run/v1. The output looks similar to this: kubectl rollout history deployment myDeployment. I want to add a piece of information for further reference for those not using Ubuntu. Each Node is managed by the control plane. Log failure event. You can get the exit code for containers in a Pod by running. kubectl describe pod abcxxx 2. Dec 24, 2023 · In the example above, the first rule of the Pod failure policy specifies that the Job should be marked failed if the main container fails with the 42 exit code. Using the kubectl delete command, we can delete various Kubernetes resources, including pods. Exit code 137 is a signal that occurs when a container's memory exceeds the memory limit provided in the pod specification. Aug 24, 2023 · Exit Code: 1. Mar 5, 2020 · When I try to do curl from one of the node I am getting " curl: (7) Failed to connect - failed to connect" when I try to curl inside the pod I am getting "command terminated with exit code 7". Dec 3, 2023 · An out-of-memory (OOM) condition brought on by inadequate memory allocation may result in an exit with code 143. Jan 12, 2017 · 1. It will open the editor defined by your KUBE_EDITOR, or EDITOR environment variables, or fall back to 'vi' for Linux or 'notepad' for Windows. In Kubernetes, each container within a pod can define two key memory-related parameters: a memory limit and a memory request. 1. You can see the Exit Code as 137 for OOM. – Chris Halcrow Jul 27, 2018 · Jul 19, 2022 at 6:19. The Pod has been bound to a node, and all of the Containers have been created. TL;DR If you are experiencing Java applications running in Kubernetes being restarted due OOMKilled/Exit Code Jul 17, 2021 · 2. 3) Check the exit code. kubelet: I0114 03:37:08. kubectl cp /tmp/a default/resolver-proxy-69dc786fcf-5rplg:/tmp/. Checking Pod Status and Conditions with kubectl. 0. And my-container1 has alipne image with bash installed. In the example, x equals 15, which is the number of the SIGTERM signal, meaning the process was killed forcibly. Since the signal number for “SIGKILL” is 9, adding 128 to 9 results in exit code 137. But i failed to start docker container as a pod using kubernetes yml file. Container 1 exits with failure. Get product support and knowledge from the open source experts. 639450 4721 image_gc_manager. Nov 30, 2023 · A Pod always runs on a Node. Find the status of your pod. As last command was exit 1 so it will be Crashing till it reach limit. Share. These are the containers you will need to fix. The executable specified in the command field of a Kubernetes container is not installed in the container’s filesystem. Jun 19, 2023 · Because pods with the Qos value of Guaranteed have a lower value of -997, they are the last to be killed on a node that is running out of memory. To see the deployment history: kubectl rollout history deployment myDeployment. Understanding the Pod Lifecycle. To deploy our pod via the YAML file, we’ll issue the following command: kubectl apply -f myfirstpod. 3. We can follow the below steps in order to fix the issue: 1. When a container consumes too much memory, Kubernetes kills it to protect it from consuming too many resources on the node. then exec into the pod and change to root and copy to the path required. Despite this, the termination reason is still “Error” Oct 2, 2019 · According to the official Kubernetes documentation, Job treats a Pod failed once any of entire containers quit with a non-zero exit code or for some resources overlimits detected. In Unix and Linux systems, when a process is terminated due to a signal, the exit code is determined by adding the signal number to 128. by running sudo kubectl create -f deployment. before that check your node recourses. The YAML for the Pod is as in Figure-4. In my case, the solution proposed by the accepted answer did not work, it kept stuck in "Terminating" status. yaml. It’s responsible for the Kubernetes engine functions. Pods terminated with an exit code: Exit Codes 0: Purposely stopped, This is generally an indicator that the container was automatically stopped because of a known issue. check the events generated related to the Pod i. This can happen for a variety of reasons, such as: A container fails to start. kubectl run defaults to setting the "restart policy" to "Always". The new pod is created successfully and everything ends whith no problems. Or all pods with CrashLoopBackOff state: kubectl delete pod `kubectl get pods | awk '$3 == "CrashLoopBackOff" {print $1}'`. Typically, this fault occurs when a Kubernetes container attempts to access a memory repository May 18, 2018 · 3 - SIGTERM signal is sent to the pod At this point, Kubernetes will send a SIGTERM signal to the containers in the pod. Oct 24, 2023 · ⚠️ Exit Code 137 may also occur if the pod exceeds its allocated storage limits. May 16, 2022 · Hi all! I have a Pod with a Java application running, but sometimes (not always) when I run a ‘kubectl apply’ changing the deployment, the pod terminates with “Reason: Error” and “Exit code: 143” on the application container. When a pod fails to start, Kubernetes will attempt to restart it. Aug 23, 2022 · Container exit codes. This is something I do quite often with docker-compose where I have a node container that performs a build process and doesn't need to stay up once the static files have been built. Jan 14, 2020 · Many jobs are throwing up exit code 137 errors and I found that it means that the container is being terminated abruptly. 4$ kill 1 sh-4. The problem here is pvc is not bound to the pv primarily because there is no storage class to link the pv with pvc and the capacity in pv (12Gi) and requests in pvc (10Gi) is not matching. zu lb jm dw be bu kq xi do dt

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