Ca pta election script

In her new role, she will chair the Board of Directors and be the Chief Executive Officer […] A PTA can be no more effective than its leadership. • Election of delegates to state convention • Calendar of Events & Activities . General Membership Meeting Agenda adapted from NJ PTA. As example, Jones School PTA has to have a ballot election. 7th Ave. org JULY 2020. org SCRIPT FOR CONDUCTING ELECTIONS. Check your bylaws to see whether there are any rules For taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2021, and before January 1, 2026, qualifying pass-through entities (PTEs) may annually elect to pay an entity level state tax on income. Explain the duties and expectations of the vacant positions. Justice – Fairness | Everyone understands. org 4 Tellers Committee Role & Formation The president shall appoint 3-5 PTA members to serve as a tellers committee to count the votes. July 2023. What do you say and how do you say it? Consider the following: . vapta. It is based on more than 100 years of best practices by PTAs around our state. Be willing to attend continuing training for PTA. 4. 440. 07 Campaign Violations Election policy violations must be submitted in writing to the Chair of the Elections Committee either in person or via email at Elections@PTA. Principles of parliamentary law are: Justice and courtesy to all. And most of all,be courteous! That’s always in order! Mandatory PA/PTA officers are president, treasurer and recording secretary. The officers of the State PTA shall be a president, a president-elect, seven (7) vice presidents, secretary, treasurer, parliamentarian and director of legislation. Don’t forget to remind them of the PTA resources online and California State PTA provides guidance, support and training in board fiduciary duties and governance to support the work of your PTA. Include a list of expenses for membership promotions, incentives, and events for the entire year. org . 1. Minutes Include Disposition of minutes. Arizona PTA is allowing local PTA/PTSAs to hold local unit elections within 30 days of the start of the 2020-2021 school year online with Arizona PTA if the following procedures are followed. Table of Contents; California State PTA Officers and Commissions; Meetings; Nominations and Elections; Planning and Organizing; Bylaws for PTAs in California; Historian Report; Communications; Forms. •Obtain the floor – properly. If a parliamentarian is not appointed and ratified, the president should appoint one (pro tem) for each meeting to assist the president in conducting an orderly meeting. Are there further nominations for the office of President? Hearing none, the nominations for the office of President are closed. 2015 Election Activities Guide. Procedures for 2020-2021 School Year Officers. Ensure the financial future of California State PTA. Ensure your Local PTA meets all requirements of the Standards of Continuing Affiliation. The president shall assure that a copy of Bylaws for Local PTA/PTSA Units and California State PTA Bylaws is provided to all officers and board members at the beginning of the term of office. Section 2. Violations are: It is grounded on five, basic principles: Order – 1 business item at a time. The president will review the meeting’s ground rules. Sign your new officers up for attendance at the CAPTA convention and/or the Second District Officer Training (see calendar) Send your new officer contacts to the Second District PTA at communications@sfpta. ohiopta. Local elections are coming up on April 6, 2021, and it is these elections, often featuring school board races and school funding referenda, that PTAs and their members are most often involved with. Right of Majority – To decide. Statement of accounts and list of bills approved for payment. California State PTA Rev: July 2019. Electing the Nominating CommitteeAdhere to your PTA's bylaws when electing the committee members and alternatesAny member The Toolkit reflects the hard work of the California State PTA Board of Managers to create the best possible resource for you. The Nominating Committee is a special committee that holds the key to a successful PTA. California State PTA issues a new edition of the standard bylaws annually. Strategically plan for tomorrow’s PTA. PRESIDENT – CONDUCTS ELECTION: ☐ Asks for nominations from the floor for each office o Nominations do not require a second, only a nominee’s consent ☐ Conducts election by voice vote if there is only one nominee for any office ☐ Calls for a ballot vote for any office with two or more candidates HOW TOS – BALLOT VOTE: Scenario #3 – Candidates may run from the floor. If a parliamentarian Section 1. ” CEREMONIES o Pledge of Allegiance Now, using a Script For Conducting Elections - The California State PTA takes not more than 5 minutes. Partiality to none. Adopted by the Board of Managers August 2020. This includes election organizers, poll workers, candidates, and the voting public. This timing is important because it: gives the committee one month to identify a slate of PTA officers, provides time for the 30-day member notice of the annual meeting, and. Cultivate a Habit of Lifelong Voting PTA was founded in 1897 to advocate for children and families. If unusual circumstances exist that require more than one person to handle the duties of a particular position, then an assistant or deputy position may The nominating committee is the only PTA committee that is not appointed by the president. Because PTAs are 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organizations, the IRS sets specific limits on what PTAs can and can’t do Cultivate an inclusive organization. Consideration of one subject at a time. Join Your Local PTA. 2 July 5, 2023 – SACRAMENTO, CA – Shereen Walter, a passionate advocate for all children and families, began her term as California State PTA President on July 1, 2023. org by entering it in PTAEZ or as a list via email. It can be nerve---wracking to stand in front of your membership and conduct elections. Equal Opportunity – Chance to participate. Your agenda should have an item under Old Business entitled “Report of the Nominating Committee”. Arts Education is on the chopping block right now. Don’t forget to elect alternates, in If so, number motion slips, and note on the slips whether the motion was “adopted” or “lost. To share the workload, Bylaws may be amended to include additional officers. One nominee should be recruited for each office. org Mar 15, 2017 · Want a voice in the PTA? Advocacy Submission Process Open! April 4, 2022; Health Youth Survey March 27, 2022; Sine Dine Report March 15, 2022; Why PTA? Your membership and voice matter March 7, 2022; 2022 Focus on Advocacy – January 10 Report January 11, 2022; Focus on Advocacy January 4, 2022 California’s membership year begins on July 1 and ends on June 30. The Nominating Committee is NOT responsible for filling Committee Chair positions. Can the nominating committee fill one position with two people who are willing to share the duties of the office? A. Its main focus is to identify potential candidates for the elected positions on a PTA board for the upcoming term. SELECTING A CHAIR The committee members meet immediately following the election meeting to elect the committee chair. THANK YOU FOR JOINING US FOR CONVENTION 2024! Our 2024 PTA Convention was an incredible weekend of connecting and engaging with change makers from across the state and meeting so many first-timers and students. The site is divided into sections based on the typical roles and responsibilities of local PTA leaders. The Reflections program provides opportunities for recognition and access to the arts which boost student confidence and success in the arts and in life. How a PTA election is conducted is based on standard, parliamentary procedure. Would the parliamentarian please read the sections of the bylaws pertaining to elections?” Nominations and Elections. In the event the nominating committee cannot recruit a nominee, candidates for that office may be nominated from the floor at the election meeting. , 2011-2013 President’s The nominating committee election occurs at an association meeting at least two months before the annual election meeting. Determining when to elect the committee and how many people to elect is outlined in your unit bylaws. Bylaws are designed to help the group function in an orderly manner. Review the executive board article of your PTA bylaws to determine the composition, eligibility, duties and number of officers that must be recruited. The Nominating Committee is a special committee and holds the key to a successful PTA. Quorum (Section 5b) – To ensure general member participation in association meetings Agenda format for PTA Meeting: Reading and approval of the minutes Treasurer's report Board reports Committee reports (Elections and nominations) Unfinished business New business Announcements Adjournment Sample Script for First General Membership Meeting (Call to Order & Welcome:) President: I will now call this meeting to order. National PTA has partnered with Nonprofit VOTE to produce several resources around the election for our members. I t is the responsibility of the nominating committee to confirm this. MEETING Act as a steward to protect the assets of a PTA; California State PTA does not recognize co-officers. Expand membership and its value. Committees are formed to plan, promote, and implement the activities of the PTA. Nominations and Elections The purpose of the nominating committee is to recognize and seek qualified nominees for the elected leadership of the PTA. 1985 • FAX 916. In each of these sections, you’ll find a variety of articles, links to related forms and checklists, and how-to guides for specific tasks, plus Most PTAs will be presenting the slate of candidates at their February general membership meetings (refer to your bylaws under the article for Officers). Election Guides. An expedited election is required in the following three instances: 1) when a PA/PTA has failed elect the three mandatory officers, 2) when a PA/PTA was unable to fill an officer vacancy by succession, and 3) to establish a PA/PTA in a new school. org. In PTA, only one name may be listed for each office, and only one individual may vote. 3) Conducting a vote by ballot when there is more than one nominee for a position, with the tellers committee counting and reporting the results. Parliamentary law is an orderly set of rules for conducting meetings of organized groups for the purpose of accomplishing their goals fairly. org The Communicator January 2011 Script for conducting elections It can be nerve-racking to stand in front of your membership and conduct elections. Call to Order (on time, quorum met) The president stands, raps the gavel once and calls the meeting to order. I’m teacher_____, the Grade 1-uriel advisory teacher. Identifying and selecting committee chairs is the a majority of the votes cast for the office of Secretary, there is no election, and It will be necessary to reballot for that office. After giving some opening remarks, the president: Asks parliamentarian to read parts of the Bylaws. 2) Allowing further nominations from the floor and obtaining consent from nominees. It is recommended that the treasurer provide the executive board with a budget-to-actual comparison report at least quarterly. This will assist them in making an informed decision on what position to run for based on the qualifications required for each position. Nominating Committee Basics The nominating committee is the only PTA committee that […] Jul 17, 2020 · California State PTA. 1986 • info@capta. The committee is responsible for presenting the best qualified nominees for office. Nominations. Bylaws for PTAs in California. Hear from students across California as they share their stories through the arts and advocate for arts education for all students. It is recommended that the ballots be kept for 30 days. 2. A position may be filled by only one person. All those in favor of _____for the office of President, please say “aye”. Several sections refer to information in the California State PTA Toolkit and may not be altered. Voting. I hope you all enjoyed the video! What a great look at the work that our members have been doing, both in Washington, D. Our state web-based blanks and crystal-clear recommendations eradicate human-prone mistakes. Individuals elected to serve on the committee should have knowledge of the culture and diversity of the community served by PRESIDENT: “Minutes from the annual meeting were approved by the committee. I am a member of Jones School PTA, and I get an email from the PTA Secretary, saying: “Dear Lorey, your member voting number is 37 for our upcoming ballot vote. Published: 2021 ; Audience: Parents, PTA Leaders; Resource Type: Video; Hub Category: Grade Level: K-12 A PTA officer should: Be knowledgeable about and adhere to the Vision, Mission, Purposes and basic policies of PTA. Robert’s Rules Help Get Things Done! •Make Motions – that are in order. I hope you will utilize this valuable tool to assist your PTA/PTSA with the important work that you Jan 11, 2022 · Your PTA board must announce to members the planned business to be conducted at the annual meeting and do so at least 30 days in advance. At the beginning of the term, ask current board members to identify people who show strengths, skills and enthusiasm. Prepare a membership budget to submit to your executive board. This is the most difficult election to conduct and should be done with the utmost care and guidance. National PTA Advocacy Impact Report. 2021 Virtual Unit Election Script fillable. When they require a ballot vote, this requirement cannot be suspended even by a unanimous vote. Information about when and how a nominating committee is elected is found in your PTA Bylaws. Summaries of reports. The virtual meeting script is provided in two Amending the Budget. “Co-officer” implies two people of equal rank sharing one position. Rights of the minority protected; Rule of the majority reflected. Strategies for Filling Boards. Pettengill, declared that “as citizens in a democracy, our chief function is to prepare the oncoming Meeting Script To ensure that elections are carried out according to the Florida PTA COVID-19 procedures, use the virtual meeting script provided. This document outlines the process for electing PTA officers, including: 1) Presenting nominations from the nominating committee for each officer position. Nominations and Elections (Article V, Sections 1, 2, 4a, 4e, 5 to 8 and 11) Asks for Report of the Nominating Committee. Qualified taxpayers receive a credit for their share of the entity level tax, reducing their California personal income tax. Program: School Board President Special Report (15 minutes) 12. Work with all board members to help meet their goals and required duties. ☐ Conducts an election for committee chairperson ☐ Reviews officer positions and duties See: Job Descriptions, California State PTA Toolkit and Unit Bylaws and Standing Rules ☐ Stays only if elected to the nominating committee Key Activities – Recruits and identifies potential nominees to prepare slate of officers: Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, is the parliamentary text that governs the PTA where the PTA bylaws do not apply. 2327 L Street, Sacramento, CA 95816-5014 (916) 440-1985 FAX (916) 440-1986 Email info@capta. (Article VI, Section 1i, Bylaws for Local PTA/PTSA Units). Appoint a small committee with the parliamentarian as chairman to study them, make [Your PTA Name] _____ [Your PTA address, email, website] SAMPLE PTA AGENDA – WITH MOTIONS AND PHRASES TO USE [Name of Your Unit – PTA Association Meeting] [Meeting Date, Time, Location] CALL TO ORDER o Call meeting to order o Start on time with quorum met OPENING • “The meeting will please come to order. •Obey – the rules of debate. • Members of the Tellers Committee should keep all ballots and proceedings confidential except Script for Election of Officers _____ has been nominated for President. 2721 N. Announcements . Walter was elected to the 2023-25 term of office. Must be willing to attend required PTA training for the position to which he or she will be elected. Tweet. capta. 114 Baker Street Atlanta, GA 30308 404-659-0214 or 1-800-PTA-Today Email: gapta@bellsouth. These are policies or procedures of the California State PTA. Strengthen PTA’s impact. For example, Bylaws provide details on who is eligible to serve as well as how many members and alternates are on the nominating committee. Your club or district bylaws and university Jan 4, 2023 · 2020 Unit Election script fillable. georgiapta. That kind of enthusiasm is a good trait California's largest children's advocacy association, working to improve the lives of all children and families. After the Election is complete. Except for the office of president, these officers shall be elected biennially in the odd-numbered years. I would like to extend a very warm welcome to all of you. National PTA Election Activities 101. All members are invited and encouraged to get involved in this important process. Month selected must agree with a month listed in Standing Rule 7. At the 1937 convention of the National […] Basic Parliamentary Procedure. Bylaws and standing rules must be reviewed every year and submitted through channels for approval every five years (please note: Bylaws prepared with e-Bylaws must be printed and submitted in hard copy through channels for approval). Nominating Committees are elected by the membership, never "formed" or appointed. 10. The mission of the California State PTA is to positively impact the lives of all children and families. Table of Contents; Award Forms; Finance Forms Month selected must agree with a month listed in Standing Rule 7. PTAS ARE PUBLIC CHARITIES PTAs are legally classified as “public charities” and are organized and operated exclusively for the exempt purposes recorded in Article II of all PTA bylaws. Remind prospects the executive board is a team which supports one another. Be honest about the role. Winter 2022 Parliamentarian Workshop. California State PTA Nov 15, 2023 · Must be a PTA member (of any PTA) for at least 15 days preceding the election. Local PTA Meeting Guidance - Virtual Meetings. PTA members can get involved by reviewing A successful election is important to a smooth transition for a PTA from year to year. PTA executive board meetings are held each month during the school year. You will get a separate email from the PTA President with a link to the vote. They provide direction on PTA policies and practices. Don’t forget to elect alternates, in the event an The Nominating Committee is elected by your general membership at least 2 months before elections to identify, vet, and nominate a slate of qualified nominees for the next year’s elected PTA officers. Q. Minutes Include All motions including name of maker and disposition. If you have questions on this- please contact the New Jersey PTA Office at (609) 587-0100 or njpta@njpta. The process requires two motions. The script provides consistency and ensures that everyone is aware of their roles and responsibilities during the election. 11. Adjournment Created: April 2013 PTA. During or prior to club elections, make sure all members are aware of the available positions and the duties of each one. Dear PTA Leader, The California State PTA Toolkit provides guidance, instruction and ideas to support a successful PTA term. The quorum for a committee is a simple majority of the members serving on that committee. Richmond, VA 23227 www. “The meeting will please come to order. Every PTA is responsible for keeping its bylaws current and for complying with its bylaws. Be aware of that person who is always early, willing to help in any way, is just behind-the-scenes everywhere. California State PTA extends our gratitude to our amazing sponsors and our dedicated team of volunteers, board of directors, board of Prepare Written Agendas ( Español) and preside at all membership and board meetings. org 2017 California State PTA Parliamentarian Workshop 1 – Handout 2 PTA Bylaws – What’s in Them? Think of Bylaws as your GPS to run and operate your PTA smoothly. 2022-23 CAPTA Running Your PTA Made Easy. Be experienced in PTA or other organizational work. . Would the parliamentarian please The Treasurer’s Reports are created in two distinct sets – one covering the periods from association meeting to association meeting, and the other covering the period from executive board meeting to the next executive board meeting. Must be at least 18 years old. Article VII – Association Meetings. Click here to register to vote in California. The nominating committee is the only PTA committee that is not appointed by the president. Keep in mind that the election of the nominating committee takes place, each year, at least two months before Sample Agenda and Meeting Planner. GUIDANCE: NOMINATIONS & ELECTIONS VIRGINIA PTA 1027 Wilmer Ave. Be prepared on the day of election to accept nominations from the floor. R-2 ). II. At the 1937 convention of the National Congress of Parents and Teachers, newly elected national President, Frances S. Note: Now that your officers are elected they must be listed in MemberHub as officers for the new school year. pdf. PRESIDENT: “We will now conduct our elections. Some bylaws provide that where there is one nominee for an office, the election may be by voice. Must be enthusiastic, supportive, and believe in the mission of PTA. A copy of the minutes is available from the secretary, corrections to the minutes should be referred to the secretary. The PTA president is responsible for the accuracy of PTA information and compliance with PTA policies. Remember, if you can’t find it in the Toolkit, you can reach out to your council Script for Conducting Elections. 5. If a parliamentarian Scale back the number of hosted activities to those that are most valued by your school community and that are achievable. Jul 20, 2009 · The election of the members of the Board of Directors (BOD) of the School PTA from among the elected Homeroom Presidents and Homeroom Advisers shall be held within thirty (30) days from the start of the school year; The election of the Officers of the School PTA from among the BOD members shall be on the same day of their election to the BOD; ELECTIONS HANDBOOK Ohio PTA 40 Northwoods Blvd. Train, develop, and support leaders at all levels. , and across the country! At this time I would like to take a few moments to walk through some of the specific from the California State PTA bylaws (***) or are required by the Corporation Code of the State of California (**) and shall be included in all unit bylaws. Again, CR A-660, details the rules for expedited elections, including: If a PA/PTA ceases to by The following is an agenda outline and chair’s script for working the agenda. The Agenda. See full list on capta. ”. The nominating committee plays a central role in the life of a PTA because its decisions shape a unit’s future. The name of the nominee receiving the lowest number of votes (even if there are 3 or 4 The Nominating Committee is a special committee and holds the key to a successful PTA. This committee is elected by the membership at least one month prior to the election of officers. The first motion: I move the election be by voice vote. Limits on the number of consecutive terms they may serve, if any, should be defined in the bylaws. org office@ohiopta. (See: Sample Agenda and Meeting Planner Fig. Publication best practices: Create a visual identity. Ensure all members and dues are reported to Texas PTA in a timely manner, at least monthly. Reviewing Bylaws. You might want to have candidates say a few words about themselves before the election, especially if there’s more than one candidate for a board position. Date all publications. The Election The association’s bylaws state the voting procedure. As a tool for managing meetings effectively, an agenda outlines the items scheduled for discussion and in what order they will be handled at a meeting. The members of the committee, therefore, have a tremendous influence on the future of the PTA and should be selected carefully. The president will announce the nominating committee’s choice for the office, and then ask if there are any nominations from the floor. A crucial piece of business at this annual meeting is the election of officers for Apparel, office items, awards - and now HSA's - all in one online store Dec 5, 2023 · Members of the nominating committee must have been members of your PTA for at least 30 days, and may nominate themselves for election to the committee. C. Committee Development and Guidelines. Mar 12, 2022 · The Elections Committee will develop guidelines for campaigning and campaign materials as directed by the National PTA Bylaws. 2327 L Street, Sacramento, CA 95816-5014 ! (916) 440-1985 ! FAX (916) 440-1986 ! Email info@capta. What do you say and, how do you say it? Consider the following. Each year, over 300,000 students in Pre-K through Grade 12 create original works of art in response to a student-created theme. No. 3. Have a sense of justice and fairness. Each member is responsible for making a thorough study Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, is the parliamentary text that governs the PTA where the PTA bylaws do not apply. Right of Minority – To be heard. Quorum (Section 5b) – To ensure general member participation in association meetings 2327 L Street, Sacramento, CA 95816-5014. If your PTA uses California State PTA membership envelopes, the budget should also include the cost of envelopes Mar 9, 2022 · EMCEE SCRIPT PTA MEETING BEGINNING ***Good afternoon, dear parents, teachers, barangay officials and to our school head, it is my pleasure to be a moderator for this first PTA Meeting of school year 2020-2021. Focusing on these ‘rules of the game’ when running a meeting goes a long way to help a PTA accomplish its If you’re not already registered to vote in California, October 18 is the deadline if you want to vote in the election on November 2, 2021. Columbus, OH 43235 PH 614-781-6344 FAX 614-781-6349 www. (Date of Meeting) (Meeting Location/Time) I. California State PTA www. They provide an opportunity for officers and chairpersons to share ideas, provide updates and oversee the management of a PTA. Many of your questions and concerns can be answered here. Questions and Answers. National PTA encourages PTA members form across the country to engage with their communities about registering to vote and the significance of the voting process. A standing committee is established to perform a continuing function and remains in existence permanently for the life of the assembly General Script for Club Officer Elections. org • www. A PTA president is responsible for creating an agenda for an executive board or an association meeting. Review your bylaws to determine the day and month of your annual meeting and work your way backward in planning from there. PTA publications should be consistent in appearance and easily identifiable. The script for conducting elections is essential for anyone involved in the election process. Exhibit enthusiasm for PTA. PTA was founded in 1897 to advocate for children and families. Election Campaigns and the Role of the PTA; Resolutions; Position Statements; Running Your PTA. org • capta. Follow our simple steps to get your Script For Conducting Elections - The California State PTA prepared rapidly: Find the web sample from the library. What follows is the process for presenting the slate and then taking nominations from the Arizona PTA Nominations and Elections Guide updated 2017 Page 1 Nominations and Elections Guide For Local Units A PTA can be no more effective than its leadership. PA/PTAs may create additional officers in their bylaws; for example, many add co-president, vice-president, and/or co-treasurer. Name and title of presiding officer. The script includes all steps necessary to conduct a virtual meeting, promote transparency, and protect membership voting rights. Please read and follow along below to hold your elections. If adjustments are needed, the budget can be amended by a two-thirds vote of the association. net Web Site: www. The meetings are also a unique forum for board members to carry out their collective responsibility to: Monitor financial and membership reports. Officers are elected for one year terms. Option 2 - (The secretary comes to the podium when introduced by the president and reads the minutes. The California State PTA Bylaws and Bylaws for Local PTA/PTSA Units always take precedence over Robert’s Rules of Order. Every PTA must elect a nominating committee for each election cycle. Dec 15, 2021 · That will give group members time to assess candidates. A parliamentarian can assist the president when questions of procedure arise. Download basic parliamentary procedures. Start early by being inclusive and welcoming. ) When reballoting for an office the names of all nominees for that office remain on the ballot. 916. The end date for the report should be just before the date of the meeting so that the information is as Mar 2, 2021 · Elections—A Guide for PTAs. They include Leadership, Membership, Finance, Take Action, Communications, and Programs. National PTA has a long-standing commitment to arts education. Name of association, kind of meeting, date, time and place. To prepare an agenda, the California State PTA provides up-to-date, standardized bylaws, which are compliant with law and corporate code, to be customized and used by each unit, council, and district PTA. Its responsibility is to present the best qualified nominees for office. This committee is elected by the membership at least two months prior to the election of officers. Attendance list. •Speak – clearly and concisely. ih ei pk qh af ey bg nl qm mj