May 1, 2016 · Focal length is the radius of camera sphere in pixel units. So I multiplied C2M matrix then it went on well. Everything seemed to get well; the output is. Thank you a lot ! I have solved this problem. Colmap3. colmap mapper -h. Looking at the poses you show, I would assume that either the Jun 28, 2019 · Note that since the image coordinate system in OpenGL is defined differently than it is in OpenCV (see Figure 3 ), a further conversion is needed to convert these coordinates to the OpenCV coordinates: xCV =⎡ ⎢⎣1 0 0 0 −1 rows 0 0 1 ⎤ ⎥⎦ximage,GL x C V = [ 1 0 0 0 − 1 r o w s 0 0 1] x i m a g e, G L. Colmap-PCD is an open-source tool for fine image-to-point cloud registration. So, the viewing the direction in the local camera coordinate system is [0 0 1], to bring it to the global system you have to calculate R^t * [0 0 1] or just extract the third row of R. , from a 3D coordinate system to a 3D coordinate system. Now I can map all the points from colmap’s coordinate system to the target coordinate system. COLMAP does indeed use the same view 28. camera_params "f,cx,cy,r". transpose () * R. 0 on the last coordinate but and inverting the pitch And the Yaw, but when having the camera face the positive y-axis the mouse movement breaks and starts to move slower and opposite to the way I move Jan 18, 2021 · First, OpenCV coordinate system is X-right, Y-down, Z-out, and PyTorch3D is X-left, Y-up, Z-out. Therefore, if OpenCV returns a camera calibration with calibration matrix May 17, 2021 · I am using COLMAP to generate a reference model of ~20 cameras from clicked tie points. camera poses gained by scene. It is floating-point 2xN or Nx2 1-channel, or 1xN or Nx1 2-channel array, where N is the total number of points in all views. May 1, 2018 · The remaining rotation between the IMU coordinate system and the rotated camera coordinate system is small. Transformations(R, t) from the world coordinate system to each camera coordinate Oct 18, 2023 · I have images and camera parameters which each images has a . tvec) # Takes into account that colmap uses the computer vision # camera coordinate system (x = right, y = down, z = front) # while pyrender uses the computer graphics conventions # (x = right, y = up, -z = front). C = - R. Simply inverse the 2nd and 3rd row of M and Jun 18, 2023 · I am attempting to create a Python script to easily convert simple camera poses from Colmap to Agisoft, and the other way around. The full dataset including raw data, semantic and instance labels in both 2D & 3D is structured as follows, where {seq:0>4} denotes the sequence ID using 4 digits and {frame:0>10} denotes the frame ID using 10 digits. COLMAP - as a rotation matrix inside the camera basis. 3. \) t (Tensor) – Translation matrix \((B, 3, 1)\). We assume here that the extrinsics of mapping agent were well calibrated. 2), and scene coordinate PyCOLMAP provides bindings for multiple steps of the standard reconstruction pipeline: extracting and matching SIFT features. In the output I got "Alignment succeeded" but the where \(P_w\) is a 3D point expressed with respect to the world coordinate system, \(p\) is a 2D pixel in the image plane, \(A\) is the camera intrinsic matrix, \(R\) and \(t\) are the rotation and translation that describe the change of coordinates from world to camera coordinate systems (or camera frame) and \(s\) is the projective model_aligner: Align/geo-register model to coordinate system of given camera centers. txt, where should I set the coordinate system for these points? In the outpu images. Calibration. It means that the coordinate system of the reconstruction does not change, while the poses of images in the Jul 26, 2022 · I fixed my buggy answer in previous post, the correct camera position formula is. projection from world to the camera coordinate system (used in Colmap) to camtoworld, i. 6 days ago · If you want to compare camera positions, load it in Colmap GUI. E. An example for this part is SIMPLE_RADIAL 1024 1024 640. They are currently not built with CUDA support, which requires building from source. 1. The position, \(C\), of the camera expressed in world coordinates is \(C=-R^{-1} t = -R^T t\) (since R is a rotation matrix). I could create the json file that you create after pre-processing the colmap output, but I am confused what the coordinate system is. ply". Converts worldtocam frame i. jpg X1 Y1 Z1 image_name2. Sparse 3D reconstruction / mapping of the dataset using SfM after performing feature extraction and matching. where the rotation is representation as a quaternion q and the convention is that [R t] maps from the world coordinate system into the camera coordinate system. COLMAP 3. colmapの復元結果にはスケールがありません。 Sep 10, 2023 · Are you sure the transformation that you get for the cameras is what Colmap expects (a transformation from the world coordinate system such that a point X_w in world coordinates is transformed to a 3D point X_c = R * X_w + t in local camera coordinates (with the z-axis pointing forward, the y-axis pointing downwards, and the x-axis pointing to Firstly, thank you for your nice research. Now we can identify the points of interest in the images (again either manually or by hook or crook) and map them to their 3D Jun 5, 2021 · Colmap treats the coordinate system of the first image registered as spatial coordinate reference system in the beginning of SfM. A Camera pose matrix (camera to world transformation) is in the form of: [[Right_x, Up_x, Forward_x, Position_x], [Right_y, Up_y Feb 15, 2022 · For those that are not aware, COLMAP, 3D reconstructs the entire scene, populates a point cloud and the camera poses for each image in the dataset. Mar 1, 2022 · The camera orientation used by OpenCV and Colmap is pretty standard and allows easy conversion between the camera system and the screen coordinate system because the X-RIGHT and Y-DOWN are Mar 15, 2019 · What coordinate system is COLMAP expecting for the camera locations? e. txt and cameras. Run dense_stereo. txt according to the faq (I make sure the image ids correspond with the ones in the database) and an empty points3D. Would be awesome if somebody helped me with a hint. 8 (Commit 31df46c on 2022-03-05 with CUDA) Options can either be specified via command-line or by defining. Coordinate system Our Earth is approximately ellipsoidal. camera instead of parameters of entry. Does this mean that we need to run COLMAP on resized images? I thought the resized work is done by extract_scannet_scene. transpose () = -tvec. I succeed to visualize a 3D sparse reconstitution from a video. Feb 7, 2020 · Are you sure you are providing the camera poses as R, t (i. Dec 7, 2022 · The coordinates before and after geo-registration is different. You get a 3x3 rotation matrix R and a 1x3 translation vector T, and create a 4x4 view matrix M with R and T. Create the patch-match. image_name1. camera_model SIMPLE_RADIAL, you can specify the parameters as --ImageReader. , for --ImageReader. The coordinate system is oriented such that the positive X-axis points right, the positive Y-axis points down, and the positive Z-axis points forward. Context: I'm creating a sparse reconstruction using colmap with about 105 images taken around an object using a single camera. Thanks a lot, and also we should use parameters of train_dataset[idx]. Mar 29, 2009 · To do so, just invert the camera's position (by negating all 3 coordinates) and its orientation (by negating the roll, pitch, and yaw angles, and adjusting them to be in their proper ranges), and then compute the matrix using the same algorithm. viewpoint, when we need to crop images, because after we crop and resize images, principal_point and focal_length may changed There is no way specifying coordinate system in gui mode as far as I know. However, SfM methods often fail to achieve successful results in videos containing dynamic objects. py only transforms the rotation matrix from [right, down, forward] (COLMAP) to [down, right, backward] and NeRF later converts to [right, up, backward] (OpenGL). I want to transform the pose (which is a rotation and a translation) of the camera given in the world coordinate system (called Unity) to a different world coordinate system (called COLMAP). The inverse S^-1 maps our volume of interest from the DTU world coordinates to the unit cube. import model-> choose sparse directory. dot(images[i]. Notifications. However, the SCANNET original image size is 1296 * 968. The origin and axis are arbitrary, but that is the "global coordinate" system that has been arbitrarily defined for the reconstruction. Adam Rosenfield. tx ty tz (3 floats) give the position of the optical Nov 7, 2022 · Let’s convert a camera pose from a new coordinate system to a reference one. Feb 13, 2018 · Project the 3d point using the equation below: let p_2d represent homogeneous 2d coordinate from step 2. Parameters: R (Tensor) – Rotation matrix, \((B, 3, 3). Feb 25, 2023 · Colmap: The local camera coordinate system of an image is defined in a way that the X axis points to the right, the Y axis to the bottom, and the Z axis to the front as seen from the image. The geo-registered 3D coordinates can either be extracted from the database (tvec_prior field) or from a user specified text file. However, instead of what I was doing above (I still did not make that work), one can actually simply input the negative focal length to PerspectiveCameras: Jun 15, 2020 · How is the position and color information implemented in the code, and the position information (0, 0, 0) refers to which point in the world coordinate system? In run_nerf. The matched features are formulated into constraints in a factor-graph optimization problem that solves for the camera poses together with the 3D reconstructed features. Jan 11, 2024 · I have a folder of 20 images and I run colmap on it and I exported the model as a . The depth camera is tilted 6 degrees downwards of the color camera, as shown below. I discovered that Colmap uses the following frame (from the camera's point of view): [right, down, forwards] or [x, -y, -z]. image width / focal = 2*pi. There are two illuminators used by the depth Apr 6, 2022 · Lin239522 commented on Oct 11, 2023. The choice of the first image is not necessarily deterministic as some parts of Colmap (relative and absolute pose estimation) are based on randomized algorithms (RANSAC to be more precise). In the images. The mapper (and the bundle adjuster) has Oct 12, 2021 · While the Readme says that. importing an image folder into a COLMAP database. As far as I understand I need to use model_aligner and provide some reference points. So: The comment in the header of sensor/models. If you have a location of a single pose I am following the tutorial from learnopengl. You can define for example the camera path in 3D and add looking constraints for the camera. These are classified into absolute camera pose (camera pose that uses global coordinate system) regression method (APR, Section 5. Feb 23, 2024 · The question is about a world and a camera that is defined in this world. Camera pose coordinate systems¶. When I convert this rotation matrix/trans I would recommend the following: Take multiple images of the scene while moving your multi-camera system around (I assume that your cameras are synchronized). The software extracts and matches features between pairwise images and from images to a point cloud. I'm wondering how to convert it into a Render/OpenGL format for nerfstudio. Jun 7, 2020 · There are two snapshots, i. Returns: Apr 5, 2022 · Arkit's R matrix is a matrix of changing basis from world to camera coordinates. e. , two pairs of images taken at the same time with the rig. txt. txt file includes : The intrinsic (K), 3x3 camera calibration matrix; Rotation matrix (3x3) from the world coordinate system to the camera local coordinate system; Translation vector (3x1) from the world coordinate system to the camera local coordinate system It is the position of the origin of the world coordinate system expressed in coordinates of the camera-centred coordinate system. pointCounts ( CvMat) – Integer 1xM or Mx1 vector (where M is the number of calibration pattern views) containing the number of Jan 26, 2024 · Wheels for Python 8/9/10 on Linux, macOS 10/11/12 (both Intel and Apple Silicon), and Windows can be installed using pip: pip install pycolmap. The camera extrinsic parameters are extracted by a CNN in which the input is the related images. This coordinate frame is defined with respect to a nominal refer- Jul 29, 2021 · However, I still have a question about how to convert the points from the estimated depth into the coordinate system of "pointcloud. Tranform each pixel coordinate, p in Camera frame using inverse of camera intrinsic matrix, K. However, extrinsic calibration of systems with little to no visual overlap between the cameras is a challenge. This tool outputs poes in TUM dataset format, which is the following: The format of each line is 'timestamp tx ty tz qx qy qz qw'. OpenCV uses an image coordinate system with integer pixel centers. I want to convert these colmap poses or coordinates into gps coordinates. txt") Oct 18, 2020 · The reference coordinate system of this rotation matrix is the internal coordinate system of the gyroscope. Then, I am using some feature detection method to orient the 20 images automatically in another project file (so a different local coordinate system). Without a GPS sensor, I obtained an odometry (camera to world coordinate) in metric units through VINS-Fusion (IMU + camera) algorithm. it seems that the LLFF code which is used by image2poses. txt from colmap, where is the coordinate system? Overall, I want to know the difitition of coordinate system in COLMAP. Apr 13, 2020 · The DTU dataset does not use a canonical world coordinate system, and hence the objects can be at very different locations. where T_inv is the inverse of the transformation T (where T is the transformation from world to that specific camera, obtained from "images. We do this via the scale matrix S. The camera animation in Blender offers many useful options to define the camera motion. ini project file passed to `--project_path`. 8 Colmap3. 4k. com but it uses a Y-up system, but I would like to change it for a Z up system because I'm more used to it. Jan 19, 2024 · We are currently working on a 3D viewer of calibrated images and we need to convert the data that we get from the output of colmap (cameras. Specifically the lines 439-440 here show that the X and Y axes are being swapped, and z is flipped (again) ? Some explanation of the Oct 10, 2020 · Abstract. Pattern-based calibration techniques can be used to calibrate the intrinsics of the cameras individually. If you are using row vectors. Then reconstruct the whole scene using Colmap. Cheers, Johannes For Colmap users: You can use Blender's camera animation tool to render the reconstruction. The corresponding exact Sep 25, 2019 · colmap feature_extractor setting a single camera model with fix intrinsics. i want to tag camera pose and respective view dependent color of gaussian, how i can identify this relationship? I find changes in Rx, Ry and Rz very nonintuitive, suppose I am facing the object, and moving the camera up then down, then moved to the right from current position and then moving the camera up then down; Feb 14, 2024 · Section 5 compares the network and loss functions for regression-based localization methods, which regresses the camera pose through the query images. So I select some images that are part of the model and create a ref file with their known positions according to my coordinate system. I want the (x,y,z, angles) of the camera. Aug 23, 2021 · Question about the world coordinate system in COLMAP · Issue #1280 · colmap/colmap · GitHub. You can notice that we need to flip X and Y axes. Make sure that there is enough overlap between images taken with different cameras and images taken with the same camera. Oct 4, 2022 · 1. The idea was to use homologue points in a 3D model (world coordinate system) and sparse cloud (local coordinate system) and calculate a seven-parameter transform Sep 19, 2021 · The documentation talks about the local camera / image coordinate system. Mar 19, 2021 · I'm trying to run colmap dense reconstruction with camera poses pre-computed with ORB-SLAM2. If it fails, and you have the GPS exif data, you can try the ModelAligner in the command line mode, only if you have transfered them from GPS coord system like XiAn2000 to COLMAP pipeline is more comprehensive, since it takes image input and generates sparse/dense/mesh results. 9. asmatrix(qvec2rotmat(images[i]. /sparse" folder and put in there an empty points3d. qvec)). We are now trying to transform the cameras positions and orientations (angles) into our world coordinate system but are not able to solve the problem of incorrect camera angles. The wheels are automatically built and pushed to PyPI at each release. Fork 1. This global coordinate system has an x y and z axis. h clearly states that pixel centers are at half integer coordinates, e. C. Jun 5, 2017 · The camera coordinates of OpenCV goes X right, Y down, Z forward. However, we want to center the object / volume of interest in the unit cube. COLMAP vice versa: R: camera -> world In other words, ARKit uses R as the "basis changer" from world to camera, and i think this approach is quite clear. 1), relative pose (camera relative pose between frames) regression method (RPR, Section 5. , a rotation R and translation t from world to camera coordinates, transforming a point X_world in world coordinates to a point in camera coordinates as X_cam = R * X_world + t), where R is represented by a unit quaternion. Switch poses according to the issue's suggestions Combining SLAM poses with COLMAP colmap/colmap#1184; I then computed the mesh by generating transforms. Now the model coordinates are correct. In fact I can simply modify all of the camera extrinsic matrices to map directly to the target coordinate system. 5, 0. After the process of bundle adjustment,the poses of all images in the reconstrction would be changed. identity(4) T[0:3,0:3] = R T[0:3,3] = -R. getTrainCameras() are in CAMERA COORDINATE SYSTEM. p c = K -1 p. The extrinsics define the mapping from the world coordinate system to the local coordinate systems of the images as X_local = R * X_world + t, where X_local and X_global are 3D point coordinates in the local and world coordinate systems, respectively, R is the rotation from world to camera coordinates (which Colmap Very basic question! The documentation states The local camera coordinate system of an image is defined in a way that the X axis points to the right, the Y axis to the bottom, and the Z axis to the front as seen from the image. camera_params parameters. 396k 98 519 596. If you take the rotation R and the translation t that are stored in the images. rgbdreg-colmap: registration method based on COLMAP. py and all other code, we use the same pose coordinate system as in OpenGL. May 10, 2018 · I have some questions about the "Reconstruct sparse/dense model from known camera poses". 2. A 3D point is projected in a image with the following formula (homogeneous coordinates): Sep 21, 2022 · The origin [0,0,0] is located at the focal point of the camera. . I create the model files cameras. If you did feature matching and geometric verification, then you can obtain the relative poses from the database. txt and images. To sum up, our main contributions include: 1) The requirement that the camera poses Mar 31, 2022 · Here is how I approached the problem: I manually (later automated) selected the pixels of interest and stored them in a list, List2D. Jul 11, 2022 · I am using COLMAP on sets of images of the same object to calculate camera positions and angles of the photos as well as a central unit cube that is recorded in a transforms. 5). For equirectangular projection, each pixel represents same delta panning and tilting angle which is 1/focal, and the image width's angle is. (ref: colmap-doc) I'm using this code instead Jul 6, 2023 · 2, use System: : SaveKeyFrameTrajectoryTUM function to generate the key frame camera position. model_orientation_aligner: Align the coordinate axis of a model using a Manhattan world assumption. Nevertheless, in the image-based 3D reconstruction system, the camera coordinate system is regarded as the reference system because we are not concerned with the actual geographic location of the scene but the relative positions between images. Feb 16, 2024 · To understand the basics of coordinate systems in different 3D we convert these 3D points from camera coordinates to world between coordinate systems used by OpenCV, PyTorch3D, COLMAP, and and COLMAP SfM [28] can be utilized to bundle adjust the camera parameters. colmap / colmap Public. When those parameters are wrong, poor results in the workflow at a later point are unavoid-able. Jan 18, 2018 · The local camera coordinate system is X to the right, Y to the down, Z to the front (when looking from the camera's perspective). transpose () * tvec. Apr 19, 2021 · そこで今日は、colmapの3次元復元結果を、別の座標系に座標変換する方法についてご紹介いたします。 目的. model_converter: Convert the COLMAP export format to another format, such as PLY or NVM. Feb 7, 2020 · Colmap stores the transformation from world coordinates to the local camera coordinates, i. So it's a left-handed coordinate with x going right, y going down, z going forward? Nope, it's definitely a right-handed coordinate system. open the created database and update the camera pose priors in the images table. txt file. txt file and the manually created images. For 2D point to 3D point correspondences, the image points are represented as unit-length bearings vectors. Sep 2, 2022 · The camera. and p_3d a homogeneous 3d coordinate: so, T_inv * K_inv * p_2d = p_3d. This allows us to replace the remaining rotation matrix R ^ c a l i b by its first-order expansion: (8) R ^ c a l i b = I 3 × 3 + [r ^] ×, where r ^ = [r ^ x, r ^ y, r ^ z] T is a three-dimensional vector. . Requires colmap to be in system PATH. I'm facing an issue with the camera coordinate system. The camera extrinsics in the form qw qx qy qz cx cy cz, where qw qx qy qz is a unit quaternion defining a rotation from world to camera coordinates for this image and cx cy cz is the position imagePoints ( CvMat) – The joint matrix of object points projections in the camera views. json from the source content of nerfstudio. the other, calibrating agent uses its lidar and camera to As there are rarely overlaps across different sequences, we split training and test data according to the sequence ID. g R: world -> camera. cfg file in the ". I'm doing it with commands using feature extractor, exhaustive matcher and mapper. If all pics are taken in the daytime, you can put them together and try to match them all. txt, images. Jan 23, 2022 · The colmap localization map is in a camera coordinate frame. model_aligner: Align/geo-register model to coordinate system of given camera centers. camera_model parameter. jpg X2 Y2 Z2 image_name3. In run_nerf. If you have the absolute poses, you can get the relative poses between any pair of images as T2 * inv (T1), where Ti is the transformation from world to camera coordinates for image i. Then, invert the pose, in COLMAP, to be a transformation from the world to the One possible method is to extract camera motions from the video using a structure-from-motion (SfM) method such as COLMAP , and use them to transform the human pose in the camera coordinate system into the world coordinate system. Inside the rig, you have the relative pose between one image (defining the rig coordinate system) and the other camera, resulting in 1 x 6 relative pose parameters. g. top left pixel center is at (0. transpose() T = np. Letters w and c stand for world and camera, while the indices indicate the axes convention, e. COLMAP does indeed use its own world coordinate system which is normalized so the coordinate values range from -10 to +10. Use solvePnP as one of the most commonly used example. txt file, then concatenating them into [R|t] will give you this transformation. jpg X3 Y3 Z3 would these be in utm, ecef, lat/long height? How accurate do these need to be? Jan 15, 2022 · As mentioned before, Colmap initializes the world coordinate system by the local camera coordinate system of the first image that gets reconstructed. respective coordinate system conversion. txt in sparse dictionary have a WIDTH, HEIGHT of 624*468. I have a question about geo-registration of colmap. [Building PyCOLMAP from source - click to expand] Nov 24, 2020 · All groups and messages The type of camera model is specified via the --ImageReader. While the camera coordinates of OpenGL goes X right, Y up, Z inward . running two-view geometric verification of matches on a COLMAP database. I do not have world coordinates for these points so all my cameras are oriented in a local coordinate system. Therefore, converting between different coordinate systems and camera orientations is a vital part of modern photogrammetry research to leverage the best of every software application. Run image undistorter. Augmented the List2D ( nx2 array) for homogeneous coordinates ( nx3 array). It also has a "left handed" or "right handed" orientation as defined by its axis. For text-files, the geo-registered 3D coordinates of the camera centers for images must be specified with the following format: R = np. Note the SFM is performed using color images only and is initially in an arbitrary unit; we transform all matched feature points to camera space and compare the depth to the depth image to correct the scale. My coordinate system is similar to Opencv : X-axis right; Y-axis down; Z-axis forward Please see Colmap's camera definitions. To locate a point on the Earth’s surface, the RPC model uses a global coordi-nate frame consisting of (latitude, longitude, altitude). KITTI-360. them in a . As shown in the mesh reconstruction results from COLMAP and CMPMVS below, COLMAP is better at smoothing out featureless surfaces. /dense" folder. So, after running it through COLMAP, I have the following things available to me: A scaled point cloud of the scene. timestamp (float) gives the number of seconds since the Unix epoch. The returned camera poses (R,t) then satisfies (for some lambda) Sep 7, 2020 · Questions on how to use PyTorch3D I have rotation matrix and translation that defined by image plane coordinate(Y+ down, X+ right, Z+ point in the screen). Now I have some new images from the same scene and I want to (only) localize them. Jan 15, 2022 · As you can see within the colmap GUI there are axis' and an origin. 3 could mean LEFT_UP Feb 5, 2024 · I want to get the camera position of each image in my coordinate system. Following the doc, I used the commands colmap feature_extractor and colmap vocab_tree_matcher. cpp but we need COLMAP Sparse reconstruction result to run extract_scannet_scene. json file which then is utilized by Nvidia NERF to create a 3D model of the said object. txt) into intrinsic and extrinsic matrices. Unfortunately, it turns out that pose was miscalculated. So far I have only exported the poses as I am not very familiar with colmap system yet. Bassically: In run_nerf. Star 7k. Jul 23, 2023 · I'm trying to train NeRF on my own data, where the cameras use the OpenCV pinhole camera model and provide an intrinsic matrix K (3, 3), a rotation matrix R (3, 3), and a translation vector T (3, ). Multi-camera systems are an important sensor platform for intelligent systems such as self-driving cars. I'm using colmap. The first set contains 136 images of the exterior and interior of Oct 19, 2022 · I would like to use camera poses from a different pipeline (synthetic images). answered Mar 29, 2009 at 18:10. inferring the camera parameters from the EXIF metadata of an image file. colmapで作られた3次元復元結果を、撮影したカメラ位置を定義している世界座標系に、座標変換する。 注釈. projection from camera coordinate system to world coordinate system. Principle point lies on the equator of the sphere. py and all other code, we use the same pose coordinate system as in OpenGL: the local camera coordinate system of an image is defined in a way that the X axis points to the right, the Y axis upwards, and the Z axis backwards as seen from the image. The corresponding parameters are specified via the --ImageReader. Aug 16, 2021 · The multi-view feature isn't integrated with colmap, it assumes that you somehow have access to the camera parameters and have them converted correctly (see bottom of the Readme for coordinate system details, for example). Apr 17, 2018 · The alternative way would work with the following steps: Create a ". 0 512 512 0. Two more sets of data are used for testing. For both time instances, you have one rig pose, resulting in 2 x 6 parameters. inverse() * agents interpolated pose from lidar slam * lidar_from_camera_extrinsics. Furthermore, you can load different models (with different file formats May 8, 2019 · All groups and messages May 7, 2021 · The camera rotation R is given as normalized quaternion (qw qx qy qw) and the translation t is a 3D point (tx, ty, tz) that is typically in colmap's normalized 3D coordinate system where all the point coordinates lie in the range -10 < x,y,z < +10. What I know is the pose of the camera to world coordinate in metric units through VIO algorithm. 3D coordinates of each SIFT were obtained by transforming the camera coordinates into the global coordinate system according to the camera’s extrinsic parameters. frame pose in colmap = lidar_from_camera_extrinsics. The coordinate system is set according to the image and the description on this webpage. I tried changing the up vector to be 1. de bd hu zj ta lx kf ap wp yg