Last UpdatedMarch 5, 2024
Since the operation principle of an endfire-mode helical antenna is very close to that of a dielectric rod antenna, the so-called discontinuity-radiation concept of a surface- Review Summary For : G WHIP FLEXITEN mobile antenna. Here’s the rundown. 99. UHF Low Profile Helical Antenna (450-490 Mhz) Height: 3 1/4". There are variety of helical / whip antenna options from Motorola from frequency bands UHF and VHF to GPS. 5 m aluminum tubing (7½ mm OD). Following table compares advantages and May 18, 2018 · May 17, 2018. Apr 1, 2015 · To overcome this problem, the helical antenna with a unit ceramic radome is proposed and designed in this Letter for the first time. Recently, the phantom monopole configuration was successfully simulated using wire loop antennas. Chrome plated brass ferrules and stainless steel stud for strong mounting. The following formulas are used for calculating helical antenna gain, diameter, space between coils, wire length, half-power beamwidth, beamwidth first nulls, and appearance. That's theory. 5 m (5 ft) copper tubing (16 mm OD, 5/8"), and 2. It is a 25 ft. Being less than a third of the length of a comparable whip antenna, these antennas would be well-suited to small, portable devices except for the fact that they are considerably less efficient than whips. As the name suggests helical antenna is made of coil surrounding the insulating support. Figure 1. 1 wavelengths or shorter). A 70-meter Cassegrain radio antenna at GDSCC, California. BTW, Don doesn't use an HWV. A directional antenna or beam antenna is an antenna which radiates or receives greater radio wave power in specific directions. See All Details. 31. Nov 8, 2012 · Typical of helical antennas, it has a narrow bandwidth – approximately 10 percent of the center frequency. alpha : angle. This results in a highly directional radiation pattern with significant gain Jul 17, 2013 · If the antenna shapes or focuses the radiation pattern and makes it more directional, it has gain over an isotropic antenna. 2 mm (Figure 4). Wire Antenna 2. Jun 11, 2023 · Build an effective, shortened vertical antenna by adding a loading coil. This Kenwood KRA-23 antenna can be used as a replacement for the KRA-27 whip antenna. Don makes up for low efficiency with QRO and persistence. This document describes the design and simulation of a helical antenna for naval communication at 18. If you don’t know the frequency your 2-way radio uses, you won’t buy the right Motorola Radio Antenna. Jul 21, 2023 · Whether you’re only trying to increase the performance of your handheld radio (or maybe even SDR reception…) or looking for the most rugged option in tactical antennas, the BNC Gooseneck is the best option that I’ve found yet. Results indicate that the larger the length of the ground plane, the better is the reflection coefficient, and the vehicle His antenna is a very good mobile whip, but it is certainly down 10 dB from an efficient antenna. Product Data Sheets. 41076. A whip antenna is a type of monopole radio antenna that is widely used in devices such as mobile phones and hand-held radios. Now, a discone is a broad band antenna - but at very limited (unity or less than) gain. A dipole has a gain of 2. Feb 20, 2020 · In summary, a ceramic chip antenna is one-half of the overall design considerations, and the PCB ground plane is the other. #2. • Comparable gain is achieved with less size of patch antenna in comparison to helix antenna (of large volume). 6 minutes. Helical antenna for 435: +Relatively easy to build. Directional antenna. Another nice thing about the helical is that the number of turns determines how directional they are, so it is easy to see exactly what you have, know that they are polarized and all that. Antennas VHF-UHF Rover. A whip antenna is typically longer, straight, and is used in various applications, including vehicular setups. Dec 14, 2023 · 102" Whip Antennas. On the practical side, at one time I ran a service crew of about 15 guys, all of whom carried UHF GP300s. The stubby is designed to present a 50-ohm load to the transmitter just like the longer antenna, but the stubby's radiation pattern is inferior to the six-inch antenna. 8+10 x log (number of turns x space between coils)) / log10. A novel type of spiral antenna (a metamaterial-based spiral antenna) can provide a dual-band counter-circularly polarized wave. A directional 6 dB antenna (8-foot) or a long stick 9 dB antennas will have greater range, but directional antennas lose their advantage when the boat is heeled. If the circumference is close to the wavelenth you can send/receive polarized waves. The tunable 48 in. Ideally, the counterpoise should be one quarter wave length long. It consists of a springy wire in the shape of a narrow helix, sealed in a rubber or plastic jacket to protect the antenna. PWS’ standard 8089 UHF Helical (470 to 900 MHz) is 6 inches in Sep 26, 2023 · 1. 038 ft. Counterpoise. It’s employed in extraterrestrial communications, when satellite relays and other technologies In this paper, methodical parametric analysis and design of vehicle-mounted whip antennas are presented for HF and VHF communication. For all UHF Kenwood Protalk radios, except the TK-3230. Antennas for transmitters that are used in remote keyless entry (RKE), tire pressure monitors (TPMs), garage door openers, home security sensors, and TV remote controls need to fit in very small packages. On the other hand, helical antennas need to be rotated according to the output phases of the feed system to obtain an in-phase radiation [1-3]. OF the two - I'd go for the vertical. Loading stock status. 48m AM/FM Whip Antenna for Rigid Inflatable Boats Designed specifically for R. We cover all major technologies and protocols: dPMR, DMR, NXDN, ATEX - Kenwood communications Antennas, Stubby, GPS, Whip, Helical Antenna, Low Profile Helical Antenna for two-way Business Radio & Amateur Radio transceivers. Jul 21, 2023 · Whether you're only trying to increase the performance of your handheld radio (or maybe even SDR reception) or looking for the most rugged option in tactical antennas, the BNC Gooseneck is the best option that I've found yet. In this paper, we shall consider only conductors with a circular cross section, whose radius is r. That’s why it’s crucial to check your model number and identify the frequency it uses. This is a calculator yields capacitance, tuning inductance, wavelength, length and radiation resistance. S: distance beteen turns. 1. L b. One antenna is replaced in the case of Whip Antennas instead of 2 antennae working simultaneously. 7dBi), but it has a narrower coverage angle, typically about 60 degrees compared with 120 degrees for the log periodic. The helix conductor can be a wire, tube, or a ribbon. , are involved. +Circular polarization. Helical / Whip Antenna for two way radios DP4000e. the difference is one has 3 blades the other has 4. Shop Bushcomm, CHAMELEON, LARSEN, Diamond, Comet and other leading-brand mobile whip antennas at DX Engineering. For VHF whip antennas, the impacts of variation of the ground plane, antenna height and position, and ground material are investigated. Monopole above a PEC (a), and the equivalent source in free space (b). May 8, 2020 · The helical antenna, also known as the helix antenna, is a type of antenna in which the conducting wire is twisted in a helical pattern and connected to the ground plate by a feeder line. Kenwood KRA-23 UHF Low Profile Helical Antenna. Whip Antenna, Mobile, 60 M, 250 Watts SSB, 5. At higher frequencies, the sidelobes are highly pronounced and their level is as high as 6 dB below the main lobe. [1] In transmission, a radio transmitter supplies an electric current to the antenna's terminals helix antennas, origami and kirigami structures, and many other topologies5–14. PVC sections bolted together, and 1/2 wavelength of antenna wire helically wound around the PVC sections. s (Rigid Inflatable Boats), this antenna has a short helical design to avoid snagging and excessive whip action. The key parameters of helix antennas are : r: radius of the helix. Simply screws into any 3/8 x 24 female mount for quick May 9, 2018 · Whip (long) vs. 360° Coverage. Diameter of the wire is about 1/3 of wavelength and spacing between turns is about 1/4 of wavelength. Given the title of this article, "Choosing the Best CB Antenna", perhaps we should have put this one at the top. 2a 2r. I. Stubby (short) antennaHere are some links to the top 4 digital/analog radios that we recommend:CP200D:VHF: https://surplusradios. It has a somewhat higher gain than the traditional log periodic or "paddle" antenna (12dBi vs. Aug 8, 2013 · Xagtho said: RFI make very good ones, but even these ones from supercheap work quite well. A multi-element, log-periodic dipole array. www. 3m base radial diameter) (Cross)Yagi for 145 or 435 MHz. This open helical coil antenna gives wide bandwidth from 26 MHz to 30 MHz and efficient cooling. It consists of flexible wire. The Motorola Solutions Helical VHF whip antenna (NAR6593) is a 136-174 MHz designed for APX portable radios. 200" x 48" Tapered Stainless Steel Whip Great SWR Match and Tuning Outside of Normal CB Bands Anodized Aluminum Construction Light-Weight Corrosion Resistant Chrome Plated Brass Ferrules and Stainless Steel Stud for Strong Mounting 20,000 Watts A20-05080 Dec 16, 2022 · Stubby vs Whip vs Helical. net/motorola You can also get a Power Plus High Watt antenna (20,000 watts) with open helical coil. C-34, Roshan Vihar, Phase-1, New Delhi 110043 India +91 9810205738 +91 9910035738 +91 9958006636; info@antennaexperts. Find a tube with a circumference equal to one wavelength, and wrap wire in a helix spaced a quarter wavelength. Open Helical Coil Gives Wide Bandwidth (26 to 30MHz) and Efficient Cooling Tunable 0. These MFJ monobanders are available for 6 Meters and each HF band. It integrates with GPS and has an optimum length designed for higher gain to maximize range. Buy MOTOROLA GP338 GP328 GP300 helical antena MOTOGP338 GP328 GP300 Whip Vehicle Antenna for Rs. The advanced antennas available today use The benefits of a helical antenna (CP Beam) vs. Works with Kenwood UHF two way radios: NX-240V/340U NX-3220/3320 TK-D240V/340U TK-2170/3170 TK-2312/3312 TK-2402V/3402U TK-2400/3400 TK-2360/3360 NX ¼ Whip antenna Low cost solution, good efficiency, good radio performance, modular approval possible, simple to integrate Large at lower frequency (whip length and ground plane), may need manuall shape fastening. Black stainless steel Solderless connector system Integral black bracket with mounting holes 8m RG-58 cable PL-259 plug One section Blister packed Available in EU only Nov 20, 2005 · A 102" whip, a 1/4 wave length antenna, has one pattern. 16 dBi over an isotropic source. Get a Quote. OK, so the coil will not be exactly at the half-way point of the 4 mtr "short" antenna. 2-inch VHF stubby antennas. Apr 9, 2009 · The whip is better than the stubby antenna, period. Whip antennas are about 7-8 inches long and skinny in size. they also offer the stainless tips if you want one. Receive 10% Reward. tapered stainless steel whip with anodized aluminum construction is lightweight and corrosion resistant. B&H # SEA1031U MFR # A 1031-U. Furthermore, like a monopole antenna, a ceramic chip antenna’ s tuning, as well as radiation pattern, is dependent on the ground plane’s shape and size. The area A = 3. a whip antenna: Provides constant signal regardless of IEM receiver position; Not buried in a rack – better signal with line of sight to IEMs ; Focused beam signal – for better reception compared to omnidirectional ; To use, disconnect straps and extend CP Beam. The advantage of these antennas is that they can be hidden into the housing of the mobile when compared to different types of antennas like a whip, rod, or helical antennas, etc. 6 MHz. What's the main difference between a rubber duck and a whip style antenna? A rubber duck antenna is compact, often helical in design, and is suitable for handheld devices. 5 Reviews. Key Features. Colour coded. Helical Good efficiency, small, good overall compromise (size vs. Sep 13, 2023 · 13 Sep 2023. Ultimately, the higher the frequency, the shorter the wavelength and the smaller the antenna. A whip antenna is a form of monopole antenna. This everything RF calculator calculates the various parameters related to the design of a Whip Antenna. Fig. Jun 8, 2020 · 8-June-2020. Our Mobile Antennas product offering includes Shark Fin antennas, Dual-frequency antennas, GlassFix antennas, ¼λ antenna, Shock Spring antennas, Helical antennas, and Unity Gain antennas. A Collinear antenna is an array of dipoles made from copper wires in a straight line (some collinear antennas are made from coaxial cables). K40 also has Tunable CB Whip Antennas available in 2′ (500 watts), 3′ (1000 watts), and 4′ (1,500 watts). This online calculator tells you the amount of inductance your loading coil we need to have. The benefits of this helix antenna is it has a wide bandwidth, is easily constructed, has a real input impedance, and The bulkiness of the helical is probably the main drawback. The whip antenna is a single element antenna which can be used along with unbalanced feed line. The HA. About 7 feet tall fully extended and collapses to 4 feet for easy storage. Benelec UHF Antenna - 3dB & 6. , the dimensions are 0. The other advantage is that they can reduce the backward radiation towards the top of the antenna by absorbing power, which enhances the efficiency. It is used in extra-terrestrial communications in which satellite relays etc. antennas. Only Genuine Products. Intrinsic Safety Standard: UL/TIA 4950. It is easy to imagine the current into the antenna, but where is the other Contact Us. The Monopole Antenna. Because of this, almost all antennas used in these applications are electrically short (i. The bottom part is connected with radio receiver or the radio transmitter. 66pacific. It is the most basic antenna for circularly polarized waves. It can be used for wideband applications. Performing well in the VHF range of most handheld radios (136-174mHz) and UHF (400-470mHz), its become my go-to There are different types of monopole antennas like a whip, helical, rubber ducky random wire, umbrella, mast radiator, inverted-L, T-antenna, ground plane, folded unipole & inverted-F which are discussed below. 225 GHz. Kenwood is a leading manufacturers of walkie talkies, NEXEDGE, PMR446 and Ham Radios. Longer antennas have a better range than smaller ones. Handles 250 Watts PEP. There are also several focused forums on this board, so please take the time to ensure that your questions doesn't fall into one of those categories before posting here! 15cm Length. RcModelReviews has some great instructions on building your own helical antenna. Let’s consider an example: a quarter wave whip antenna on a VHF or UHF handheld radio. Axial Mode Helical Antenna: In axial mode, the dimensions of the helix are comparable to or larger than the wavelength of the operating frequency. MOTOROLA GP338 GP328 GP300 helical antena MOTOGP338 GP328 GP300 Whip Vehicle Antenna at best prices with FREE shipping & cash on delivery. Helical Antenna Design Calculator. r_reflector: radius of the reflector. Feb 16, 2023 · Stubby vs Whip vs Helical. In some cases Sep 21, 2019 · Center is better than base loading and top loading is superior to center loading. $17900. Diameter (D) = wavelength/3. The most conventional mobile phone antennas are whip or helical or planar inverted F antenna. This antenna is powered by a 50Ω impedance transmission line. 6MHz and S11 of -9. Feb 23, 2021 · 3. The diameter of the imagined cylinder over which the axis of the helical conductor is wrapped is D = 2 a , where a is the corresponding radius. The antennas have a standard gain coverage as low as Nov 26, 2023 · Stubby vs Whip The General forum is where users can discuss any topic regarding Motorola communications equipment - hardware, software, etc. vertical antenna, made from three 10 ft. Oct 26, 2023 · The gain of a normal mode helical antenna is generally low, and its radiation pattern resembles that of a dipole antenna. Loop Antenna:They are cheap and not easily de-tuned by hand movements. 900 online. Sep 16, 2016 · The method of moments, the finite-difference time-domain method, the beam-propagation method, and the finite element method are employed to clarify the operation principles of spiral, helical, and rod antennas. Made of copper alloy, it is mechanically sturdy and designed to be soldered directly to the circuit board Figure 2: Gain versus frequency for antenna in Figure 1. ATV-16XL. Being externally mounted, they are commonly used in commercial applications, but rarely any longer in portable designs. Radiation Patterns of Helical Antenna Formulas. Nov 26, 2012 · Helical antenna. While the deployable aspect of these antennas con-stitutes a major component of this work, the reconfiguration of Apr 19, 2022 · Two very different examples of 915 MHz antennas from Taoglas Limited illustrate the wide span of options. Jun 11, 2023 · Arduino LoRa Range Test using Different types of Antennas, Flexible PCB, Whip, suction cup antennaits specifically about testing the communication range usin The helical antenna is a unidirectional antenna that combines high gain with a wide frequency range. Reviews: 1. If the circumference of the helix is a lot less than the wavelenght you want to tune to, it acts just like a monopole (sort of). Length, Each. A is a simple-looking helical whip antenna measuring 10. Whip Antenna Calculator. Then you can go here to calculate the size and number of turns for the required inductance. The benefits of a helical antenna (CP Beam) vs. This is a common application of an end-fed antenna (although they are often a helical wound “Rubber Ducky” instead of a straight quarter wave, but the same principles apply). 7 millimeters (mm) long with a diameter of 10. Whip. Great SWR match and tuning outside of normal CB bands. . C: circumference. Jan 11, 2022 · Another high-gain directional antenna is the helical antenna. Antenna size and type influence range. This is a section of wire extending into the free space on the PCB, its length is λ/4, and it is placed on the ground plane. $9. Benelec 477MHz Hi Gain Stainless Steel UHF Antenna - Supercheap Auto Australia. Master's Theses (2009 -). Antennas come in all sorts of sizes. Units fit all 3/8" x 24 threaded mounts and can be used as single or co-phased antenna. ITEM #: $41. The frequency range usable by most antennas is limited. The sidelobes are low only in the narrow band near 1. Patch antenna gain pattern. The stainless steel whip is adjustable for lowest SWR. 4G Antenna Design. Imagine taking a piece of conducting wire that goes straight up, and winding it around a bobbin to reduce its overall height. Whip antennas for portable radios are often made of a series of interlocking telescoping metal tubes, so they can be retracted when not in use. Kenwood KRA-26 VHF Whip Antenna (148-162MHz) - KRA-26M - Antennas - VHF Helical Antenna. Clover leaf and Skew planar antennas are basically the same they are both circular polarized meaning they radiate out in a circular pattern and form a huge doughnut. Jan 21, 2019 · Published: January 21, 2019 Updated: May 26, 2020. Includes Allen wrench and complete tuning and matching instructions. You do not need an ATU as the antenna is resonant. An antenna with single straight rod is the whip antenna. Product Details. Longer antennas (to a point) tend to have larger patterns, or patterns that cover more area. Feb 7, 2015 · Calculating the Wire Length: The length of your monopole antenna should be a quarter of the signal’s wavelength. This antenna is designed for stations having a difficult time putting a decent signal on 160M from small or CC&R'd lots. It is the simplest antenna, which provides circularly polarized waves. This type of antenna does not break easily while in the motion and hence Sep 25, 2021 · With material left over from my base-loaded designs, I have decided to make a center-loaded vertical for 80 mtrs. The preferable VHF antenna for a sailboat is a 36-inch whip antenna with a gain of 3dB. You can make the whip short with the LeMieux, Matison, "Investigating a Horizontal Helical Antenna for use in the Phantom Monopole Configuration" (2012). There are also several focused forums on this board, so please take the time to ensure that your questions doesn't fall into one of those categories before posting here! Raider 0. Simulation results show a resonance frequency of 18. 04. +Moderate size for 435 Mhz. Helical Antenna Gain (G) = (10. If you move the loading, don't expect the taps to be in the right place. Whip Antenna. The conductor width isn't of great importance in the design. The antenna is designed to be flexible so that it does not break easily, and the name is derived from the whip-like motion that it exhibits when disturbed. where c is the speed of light (approximately 3×1083×108 meters/second). Dec 16, 2022 · Stubby vs Whip vs Helical. 0 MHz, 55 KHz Bandwidth, 2-Piece, Wire-Wound Fiberglass, 3/8-24 Mounting Stud, 8. Even better, I'd built narrower band antennas designed for bands of interest. Generally, the wire antenna provides the best performance and radiation range. It will probably help to add a ground plane under the whip over the top of the electronics with a hole through the ground plane for the antenna but isolated from it. May 5, 2024 · The helical antenna is equivalent to a whip but while what you show is common it lacks a proper ground plane and will be much the worst for the lack of it. Top loading is usually accomplished by adding capacitance to the top, rather than inductance. On-talent transmitters with fixed ¼ whip antennas can often end up in unpredictable orientations, or polarity, relative to receiving antennas. For a 5. One might have seen long straight rod on the car, it is known as whip antenna. com. A capacitance hat is on top, and the antenna is fed with a 50 The most popular helical antenna (helix) is a travelling wave antenna in the shape of a corkscrew that produces radiation along the axis of the helix antenna. The length of the whip antenna determines the potential wavelength. You can calculate this using the formula: Length (m) = c / frequency / 4. You'll need some other way of tuning the antenna at the base, and not the tapped coil. [1] The rubber ducky antenna is a form of normal-mode helical antenna . 14 The rubber ducky antenna (or rubber duck aerial) is an electrically short monopole antenna that functions somewhat like a base-loaded whip antenna. Estimated delivery costs. Antennas are always fascinating, with lots and lots of options from homebrew to buy it off the shelf. Figure 3 shows the radiation pattern of the antenna at several frequencies. Helical antennas invented by John Kraus give a circular polarized wave. Quantity. A whip antenna is a type of monopole antenna and it is very flexible so that it does not crack simply. Nov 8, 2012 · Whip antennas are generally wideband, not easily detuned, and easily integrated into a wireless design. e. B. 14 R 2 Gain G = 6 (D/λ) 2 D is the diameter of dish antenna and λ is the wavelength Helical Antenna. It's not like an HWV is the only antenna you can put up on your city lot. h: total height. If the clamp is attached to a well earth object then a counterpoise may not be needed. These helix antennas are referred to as axial-mode helical antennas. Paper 174. I don’t quite know exactly what that means, but I do know that satelittes transmit polarized Moonraker Ltd Monoband Mobile Whip Antennas 12-057. 30 Day Replacement Guarantee. The helical on the other hand is a beam antenna that focuses out to greater distance but in a cone shape that Helical antenna or helix antenna is the antenna in which the conducting wire is wound in helical shape and connected to the ground plate with a feeder line. This leads to various rotation relations among helical antennas. MSRP: Description: Made in Britain this antenna is probably the best mobile antenna design on the market, it's unique helical centre loaded design offers maximum radiation due to the helical distribution of RF. Feb 10, 2012 · The now-familiar “top-hat” profile of the original PWS Helical Antenna — made of rugged, clear polycarbonate (Lexan) — combines a 14-inch round back-plane with a 14-inch tube extending from the disk’s center with a spiral band of copper wound around four times inside. Helical antennas are essentially very small monopole antennas that are wound in a helix form. Antennas that are shorter than the 1/4 wave but use a loading coil to make it 'seem' like a 1/4 wave, have a slightly lesser area of coverage than the 'full sized' antenna. GPS enabled. They are one of the easiest to design. These high-performance antennas are made from copper (actual antenna) and fiberglass (protective enclosure). It's actually easier to just use an aluminum vertical with a conventional coil. These whip antennas need to be well grounded. 1. Whip Antenna:It delivers good performance with size less than dipole antenna. in Dec 21, 2015 · The lower band will require a bigger antenna for sufficient gain and the SNR you will be really low. Frequency (fre) This calculator on the whip antenna mentions formula or equations used for calculations. Performing well in the VHF range of most handheld radios (136-174mHz) and UHF (400-470mHz), its become my go-to piece The benefits of a helical antenna (CP Beam) vs. 2. The 102" whip antenna will, without a doubt, provide you with the best performance of ANY of the antennas on this page! Unlike the other antennas mentioned, there is no coil location for this antenna. Browse Motorola's selection of portable radio antennas and find VHF and UHF whip, helical and stubby antennas for your two-way radios. A whip, helical or other wise will typically have more effective exposure to the wave front, more aperture and better gain. Our Mobile Antennas have a frequency band coverage up to 6000 MHz and a maximum input between 5-250 W. in careers@antennaexperts. 8Ghz FPV system, the calculation would be: A helix antenna is an antenna consisting of a wire wound in the form of an helix on top of a finite ground plane. I have a section of 1. Spiral Antenna:The size is less than whip antenna. If this is not possible, then a counterpoise needs to be used. Selecting an antenna that matches your radio's frequency is the first and most important step. N: number of turs. Directional antennas can radiate radio waves in beams, when greater Nov 25, 2016 · Helical antennas have 2 modes. Key details include the antenna dimensions such as monopole height of 595mm, helix pitch length of 20mm, and 25 turns. 430 - 960MHz Frequency Range. A monopole antenna is one half of a dipole antenna, almost always mounted above some sort of ground plane. -Not feasible for 145 MHz (would require about 1. • Helix antenna demonstrates low sensitivity compare to patch antenna of the same size. 5dB Dual, Elevated Feed, All Terrain - Supercheap Auto Australia. performance) Higher costs as Whip. Helix antenna is used either internal to the device or used as external free space antenna. p. Helical, circularly polarised antennas operate with the same efficiency regardless of antenna polarization, resulting in fewer dropouts. More counterpoises are better, a good ground connection can be Antenna (radio) In radio engineering, an antenna ( American English) or aerial ( British English) is the interface between radio waves propagating through space and electric currents moving in metal conductors, used with a transmitter or receiver. The case of a monopole antenna of length L mounted above an infinite ground plane is shown in Figure 1 (a). Then there’s six meters, the Magic Band, where the antennas are small enough to fit in your backyard or even your attic. VHF Helical Whip Antenna, 126–174 MHz. Feb 10, 2010 · VHF vs UHF Antennas The General forum is where users can discuss any topic regarding Motorola communications equipment - hardware, software, etc. Helical Antenna: It is very directive antenna and provides good amount of gain. Note: Moreover, their accompanying datasheets provide radiation Sennheiser A 1031-U Omnidirectional UHF Antenna for Evolution Series. 5dB. Microstrip line consists of a metal strip on a dielectric substrate covered by a ground plane on the other side. I’ve tried a few along the way. The radiating dipoles sum up all radiation intensities for providing higher performance and gain. md so dh gt yi fx jk yv vp oe